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The remedy held for five months when a severe attack of la grippe plainly called for Merc. c., which, 2c., gave prompt recovery from this, but the next menstruation failed to appear and a profuse discharge with rapid growth of the tumor and severe pain with reappearance of the toothache, pain in hands and back and general weakness.

Bad. Mrs. F., 38. Family history cancerous, scrofulous. Always intense pain with menses. Two years ago, stinging burning pain began in right breast and soon a lump there with suspension of menses for five months. Two weeks ago following a blow on the breast, the tumor rapidly increased in size and now as large as an orange, nodular and freely movable. No infection of the axillary glands. Breast hot, shiny, dark, angry looking and purplish with intense itching and a continued strained painful sensation extending through to the back. Teeth decaying rapidly and a profuse offensive foot sweat.

Sil. 2c. given with only some local relief. Then for unendurable toothache, very offensive breath and heavily coated brownish tongue Merc. c. 2c. was given, which removed the toothache and an ache of the hands, but “feels sick all over” and very depressed and tearful, showed me we were off the track. Puls. 2c. did little and left the breast hard, dark purple, very painful, intense itching with intolerable toothache, and tumor very much larger.

Phyt. 2c., one dose, gave steady improvement in all respects, and re-established menses which had been suspended for seven months.

The remedy held for five months when a severe attack of la grippe plainly called for Merc. c., which, 2c., gave prompt recovery from this, but the next menstruation failed to appear and a profuse discharge with rapid growth of the tumor and severe pain with reappearance of the toothache, pain in hands and back and general weakness.

Here surgery intervened. Comments by H.C. Allen:.

In my experience, an attack of grippe is frequently a curative process in those cases where a tumor or other malignant disease is disappearing. After a patient begins to recover under the indicated remedy and a severe attack of grippe, a bad cold or something of that kind follows, it is simply the acute symptoms thrown to the surface under action of the remedy. LET IT ALONE. An acute cold, grippe, discharge or other manifestation at this period should not be interfered with until the acute condition has passed away.

GOOD. Mrs. B., 60, had a cancer removed from her left breast two years ago, axillary glands and all. It had now again grown to the size of an orange, stony hard and almost black in the lower portion. Here she had pricked it with a needle a number of times, yielding a very offensive inky fluid. Shooting pains to axilla. The symptoms pointed to Iodine, which was given with no benefit. This was followed by Lach. with no better result.

On carefully taking the case again, I elicited the history of ague suppressed by quinine, ever since which she has been troubled with deafness and head noises with a full feeling in the head. Quinine potentized was prescribed to remove the artificial drug disease and as a result a skin eruption appeared accompanied by an acrid vaginal discharge, but the breast symptoms increased.

The discharge led me to give Med. which reduced the growth one half, when it came to a standstill. The symptoms again now pointed to Iod., which completed the cure.

Homoeopathic literature is replete with case histories of most serious disease cured, accompanied by a return to health, but only when technique of the Law of Cure is scrupulously followed.


Thomas K. Moore
Thomas K. Moore, MD, Akron, OH