The dyspeptic symptoms in particular show the alliance of Lith. carb. with the other alkalis, especially Nat. carb. There is gnawing and uneasiness in the stomach, with a feeling of fullness in the temples, and headache. The headache, as with the Natrum salt, improves after eating. The fullness of the stomach makes this region sensitive to even the slightest pressure. The acidity of the stomach is prominent.



In a study of group two comprising the earthy alkalis we note that Mag. carb. is relaxed and sensitive to cold, as are all the alkalis and earthy alkali carbonates. And in Nat. carb. the relaxation is associated with great sensitivity to contact, cold air and cold water. In general there is a tendency to chilliness and emaciation (later in contrast with the Calcareas and offensive greasy night sweats. As with Kali carb. the relaxation involves a great part of the musculature. There is sudden weakness in the extremities. The neuralgias of Mag. carb are darting, tearing and boring, while the pains of Mag. phos are usually spasmodic.

The pains are worse during rest, so that he is compelled to move about. Cold and contact aggravate while warmth and firm pressure relieve the pains. The severe pains in the nerve trunks of Mag.carb are worse at night, as with all Magnesium salts, and are relieved by moving about. These neuralgias appear chiefly in the head and face, particularly at night. The toothache occurs at every change in the weather, and is worse before the menses and during pregnancy. As in the Calcium salt, Mag. carb. has much acid in the gastrointestinal canal with sour taste, sour eructations, sour vomiting, sour belching.

In the diarrhoea of children, the entire child smells sour, and the stools are sour. As with Calc., milk passes through undigested; the stool is watery and contains tallow-like clumps, probably due to the saponification of fats by the earthy alkalis. The green appearance of the stool like a scum in a frog pond is characteristic of Mag. carb. Diarrhoea prevails, but also hard, crumbly, dry stools, difficult to evacuate are noted. Constipation is more characteristic of Mag. mur. The menstrual blood of all the Magnesium salts is dark and tar-like. Characteristic of the carbonate is that the blood flows markedly at night, and ceases when walking. Many complaints exist before and during menstruation.


Mag. mur. has the same modalities as Mag. carb., but has also features which show its relationship to Nat. mur. The headache is relieved by firm pressure and warm covering, corresponding to the usual Magnesium modalities. The stools resembling sheep dung are so dry they crumble in emerging from the body. This syndrome is merely incidental in Mag. carb while with Mag. mur. as in the Natrum salt it is a strong indication.

Mag. mur acts powerfully on the liver. There is jaundice with a grey-white stool, with enlarged indurated liver, and a pressing pain in this region made worse by lying on the right side. There is always evidence of biliary stasis.

The menstrual blood is characteristically black. During these episodes fainting is common. The urine can be voided only by pressure on the abdomen, indicating an atonic state. Cardiac palpitation appearing on sitting and disappearing on motion is a characteristic of Mag mur.


Mag. phos. is a nervous, easily exhausted, thin, dark individual who is sensitive to cold in every form. It affects chiefly the right side. The neuralgias come and go suddenly, in severe attacks. The attacks of pain are often periodic. coming chiefly at night. The spasmodic character predominates, especially in the gastro intestinal tract and uterus, but the characteristic neuralgias are sharp, cutting, sticking, piercing, the site changing often and rapidly. The abdominal colic is relieved by bending double, by pressure and external warmth. On becoming cold, the attacks of pain are renewed. These modalities held in general also for the dysmenorrhoeas. The cutting, drawing, pressing, cramp-like intermittent pains are relieved when bleeding occurs; the improvement from warmth differentiates Mag. Phos. from Pulsatilla.

The spastic character of Mag. phos. applies to smooth muscle as well as voluntary muscle. Spasms in children during dentition and after prolonged diarrhoea shows the relation to Calcium. Its use in chorea, epilepsy, tetanus, twitchings of the lids, spasmodic twitching of the face, spasmodic yawning, spasms of the urethra, enuresis, vaginismus, writers cramps, etc., show the affinity of this substance for the neuromuscular system.

The modalities are similar to the other Magnesium preparations as observed in the aggravation from cold, at night, and from contact, and the relief from pressure, warmth and bending double.


Mag. sulph. stands close to Nat. sulph. Both have powerful diuretic action, hence their use in diabetes. Both have soft stool, and diarrhoea characterized by the massiveness of the stool. The menses as with the other Magnesium salts are thick and black.


The Calc. constitution is outstanding. In affecting the processes of assimilation Calc. resembles the three disorders of nutrition, scrofula, tuberculosis and rickets. Lymphatism, plumpness and torpidity characterize the type. The hypofunction of the parathyroids, the thyroid, and the germinal glands places an increased demand upon the lymphatic apparatus embracing the lymph glands and the thymus. Tissue laxity especially of the skin and muscles, sour smelling sweats on the head, complaints during the teething of children, spasms of a paroxysmal nature, acid smelling diarrhoea, lateness in learning to walk, acid persistence, open fontanelles, the pasty appearance, suffusion and pallor, the large abdomen, and a great sensitivity to cold and dampness, portray the character of the substance. Sweating is easily provoked.

There are cold feet sweats, persistent moist, scabby eruptions, glandular swellings, polyp formations, aversion to milk and a craving for eggs. The calcium-rich milk cannot be digested, for the acid curds of milk are vomited, or the milk is passed from the intestine in white coagulated clumps. The desire for eggs indicates perhaps a Phosphorus hunger. The obesity and plumpness produce a feminine habitus, with diminished sexual vigor due to hypofunction of the germinal apparatus. The early, painful and long lasting menses are preceded by a milky leucorrhoea.

The mental state is one of depression, and the intellect is impaired. Terrifying Fantasies, anxious dreams, fear of losing the mind, and aversion to work are Calc. symptoms.

Disturbances of motility and secretion are portrayed by acid taste, acid eructations, gastric pains aggravated after eating, intolerance of tight clothing, constipation with hard white stool. A peculiarity of Calc. carb. is that he feels better as long as he is constipated.


Calc. phos. acts too on the vegetative system, causing defective nutrition and destruction of tissue, especially of the bones and glands. The influence of Phosphorus is displayed in the greater bodily growth, tendency to asthenic gigantism with neuromuscular and psychic weakness. The weak vertebral column can hardly support the head. Instead of the Calc. carb. picture of fairness, fatness and flabbiness, the Calc. phos. individual is thin, almost emaciated, with skin of a darker color.

The abdomen is large and relaxed. There is mental retardation, and profound mental exhaustion. Chilliness, sensitivity to coldness and dampness, to change in weather and to drafts and the easy sweating are present as in Calc. carb. Glandular swellings are prominent. The substance finds many indications in bone and joint tuberculosis. There is a great tendency toward diarrhoea with green, hot stools, undigested matter, and much flatus. The craving is for salt and smoked meats. Both anterior and posterior fontanelles remain open.


The intermediary position of Stront. between Calc. and Barium is noted in the osseous system and to Bar. in the vascular system. In the bony system there are enlargements, exostoses, osteoporosis and caries involving the femur especially in Stront. carb. Diarrhoea is a frequent concomitant in these conditions. The congestions in the head and chest cause severe pulsations. Walking aggravates all complaints, especially the pain in the region of the sternum, hence its use in coronary disease. Walking causes dyspnoea with heat and redness of the face. Cramps in the calves and soles of the feet indicate impaired peripheral circulation.

In general arteriosclerosis, the iodine compound, Stront. iodide, is more often indicated. The congestive states, especially the headaches, are relieved from the heat of the sun and warm coverings, being here similar to Mag. mur. The aggravation comes on in the evening and from lowering the head and a slow increase and decrease of pains is characteristic as in Stann. The pains are located in the tendons, ligaments and bones. The constitution of Bar. carb. is similar to that of Calcarea. The child is retarded mentally and physically, remaining dwarfed, learns to speak and walk late, is very forgetful, fearful, timid and depressed.

Joseph L. Kaplowe