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A homoeopathic baby should and usually does have a fairly normal birth requiring a minimum of artificial aids such as the current amnesics and analgesics, episiotomies, forceps, etc. And having arrived in this world as a separated entity he is able to breathe and nurse and function normally. And in due course there should be a plentiful supply of mothers milk for him which will agree with him and he with it.

This title institutes two lines of thought. One, what are homoeopathic babies, and two, how do they differ from other babies?.

As to what they are, I would say that they are those babies who have had homoeopathic treatment since birth, but further and more especially have had homoeopathic treatment through their respective mothers during the nine months of gestation. Of course, if the mother and also the father have had homoeopathic care previous to the period of gestation that is useful and beneficial to prepare the soil, so to speak.

It is during the pregnancy period that the most can be done for the baby and also for the mother. The mother supplied all the elements for the babys body and the manner in which these elements are laid down and the foetus build up is affected greatly by the state of the mothers health. Anything curative done at this time for the mother is reflected in the baby.

It seems to me that women during pregnancy are most amenable to treatment for eradication of constitutional ills and taints. The various hidden troubles and inherited miasms show themselves at this time and if recognized and treated homoeopathically may be eradicated. It has been my experience that nothing is a beneficial for the ailing woman, who is not an invalid, as a pregnancy which is supervised and treated homoeopathically.

This should bring us back to the babies, who are the reason for and the result of pregnancy. It is axiomatic that the better the mother the better the baby. The exception to this is possibly the mother with a tubercular taint or family history who may feel and seem healthier during pregnancy than at any other time and yet may produce a puny baby and herself lose ground after delivery.

A homoeopathic baby should and usually does have a fairly normal birth requiring a minimum of artificial aids such as the current amnesics and analgesics, episiotomies, forceps, etc. And having arrived in this world as a separated entity he is able to breathe and nurse and function normally. And in due course there should be a plentiful supply of mothers milk for him which will agree with him and he with it.

As the baby develops he sleeps and eats and cries only enough for exercise. No walking the floor for hours a night; no three months colic periods to be endured because the baby “just has to outgrow it.” No serious spells of vomiting or indigestion or diarrhoea. Any such upsets which may appear are quickly and easily relieved by a dose of medicine to the baby, or if he is still nursing, to the mother. No need to take the baby from the breast because his mothers milk does not agree with him. Merely giving the indicated remedy will cause the milk to be acceptable and nutritious.

Some months later when the teeth emerge the homoeopathic baby does not run to fevers, vomiting and diarrhoea with each tooth. Each tooth appears on time and with no upset in health or well- being to announce its arrival.

Merely by abstaining from vaccination and inoculations for the prevention of tetanus, diphtheria, whooping-cough and scarlet fever the homoeopathic baby is maintained in better and more normal health.

With normal health and activity there is no feeding problem nor chronic constipation to contend with. So by helping nature gently but firmly by means of the indicated remedy on clear cut definite indications we aid the development of a normal, healthy, hearty child.

I venture to suggest that when the majority of babies are treated homoeopathically both pre-and post-natally that the pediatricians will have to find another speciality for there will be no demand for their special feeding formulas and rigid schedules and changing fads.

Possible the greatest use of the homoeopathic physician is the part he plays in the development and delivery of homoeopathic babies. For by so doing the physician improves the present generation in the process of perfecting the succeeding generation.


Donald G. Gladish