Cough from stomach disturbance.

Cough relieved by Sulph.


Palpitation on awakening.

(x) Respiration difficult, with sensation weak faintness, causing her to die down frequently.


(x) Symptoms followed chilling; after perspiring following bath and lying down, in afternoon. (Chel. relieved).

(x) Had frequent spells of torticollis.

Chilly back frequently. Chills down spine after being chilled by cold air on neck.

(x) Cervical drawing, drawing head back; extended to eyes.

(x) Dorsal drawing pain; between scapulae; extends to shoulder.

Progressed down back.

Dorsal drawing, right side, later in lumbar region.

(x) Sore pain across dorsal region, on waking in morning.

(x) Aching under right scapula (Sulph.).

Drawing inward in back, tendency to bend backward.

(x) Lumbar pain.

(x) Lumbar ache heavy physical work; worse rising from bending.

Lumbo-sacral and sacral pain, sudden, bending, (apparently a twisted back). After a day or two extends down leg; relieved sitting.

Pulsating in lumbo-sacral region when first lying, better after lying.

Coccyx, sore ache, on waking in morning (lying on left side), crackling sensation.

(x) Sensation of weakness in back as though a vertebra shifted; with incoordination of legs.

Heat and cold alternately down back, night and day, worse in lower part, relieved by applying heat.

(x) Heat in spine and all through body, followed by weakness, worse in lower spine.

Sensation resembling the sequellae of her “infantile paralysis”.


Numbness of arm not lain on, in bed.

(x) Right arm dull ache when writing, some days when not writing.

Arms weak, holding them raised.

Hands cold after rising in morning.

(x) Hands blue when cold.

Bend of elbows itchy red pimples; itching relieved by scratching.

Axilla few red pimples not itching.


(x) Sensation lameness across nates.

Aching across nates and down thighs.

(x) Left hip tension; interferes with laying left leg over right when lying on right side.

(x) Hips, sensation of obstruction as though pinned together; sometimes better after walking awhile.

(x) Left hip, sticking sensation, legs and ankles.

Stinging pains right ankle.

Limbs heavy when walking on street, awkward.

Weakness of legs then standing; must sit.

Incoordination with pain in spine.

(x) Left leg drawing, extending from spine. Not as strong as right leg.

(x) Knees stiff.

Left leg sharp pins down shin and in dorsum of foot.

(x) Joints stiff.

(x) Crackling of knees, descending; in other joints.

Sensation as of sand in soles of feet.

(x) Feet numb, prickling, extends above ankles to knees; day and night.

Weak ankle joints; turn easily when standing or waking; something has fallen.

Feet, prickling when sitting.

(x) Restless, fidgety feet, sitting, lying, better walking.

(x) Coldness at night, sometimes in day.

Shins cold.

Cold internally when not so externally.

Chills through hips and legs in warm room.

(x) Feet cold in bed (from indigestion?).

Feet cold internally, pale, late afternoon, lying; not easily warned.

Limbs, cold when thinks much, in bed.

Transient pains in legs when they are cold.

Chills upward in shin, sometimes in calf, when sitting; become warm moving about.

Feet dorsum cold, extending to ankles.

(x) Feet cold, perspiring, sometimes with numbness.

Soles burning, one morning.

Usually cold, feet sometimes too warm, uncovers them.

(x) Heat of feet and ankles, sometimes with perspiration, sometimes between the toes, of sour odor.

(x) Skin pale when cold.

Skin of legs mottled.

First reaction, after Zincum was prescribed, was improvement in circulation in lower limbs; old discoloration from bruise cleared; shocks felt in legs, when walking, at night.


Heat, especially left arm (lain on), waking at 6 a.m.

Heat and cold alternating, night and day; begins in back, extending downward; relieved by heat externally.

Heat spells upper part of body.

Cold in bed, better after exercise; followed by eructations.

Cold crawling over entire body, cold to touch.

Chills with nausea, vomiting, retching.

Cold, on motion, when awakened, perspiring.

(x) Cold, lying on back.

(x) Perspiration during sleep, after numbness of legs.

Perspiration during sleep, ceased on waking.

Perspiration with alternating cold and warmth.

Perspiration copious after bath, especially head. From exertion.

Perspiration below mammae, acrid.


Itching “from strawberries”?.

Hering, middle of upper lip.

Red blotches around the mouth.

Itching red pimples, bends of elbows, relieved by scratching.


(x) Nerve poisoning.

(x) Fag, nerve fag, muscle fag.

(x) Poison from suppressed eruptions, discharges; vaccination, ivy poisoning.

(x) Suppressed sexual functions; ovariectomy.

Emotional disturbances.

In this case Sepia followed after Zincum brought to light the details of the manifestations in the nervous system; it led to the malarial suppression and pointed out Sepia to uncover what was hidden in that disorder. The patient gained in strength, weight and composure, and has worked in her garden more than during the whole preceding two years.


Aggravation of existing symptoms may come on with general improvement of the patients, which means well; but if aggravation of the symptoms is attended with decline of the patient, the cure is doubtful and the case must be handled with extreme care as it is seldom that such patients recover perfectly.

If amelioration follow the prescription, to what does amelioration apply? It may apply to the general state or but to the few symptoms. If the patient does not feel the elasticity of life returning, the improved symptoms are the facts upon which to doubt recovery. The knowledge that the disease is incurable is often obtained only in this way. In such cases, every remedy may palliate his sufferings, but cure does not come. The symptoms that are the expressions of the debility are there, and hence the totality of the symptoms is not removed.- KENT.

Many physicians fail because of not waiting, and yet the waiting must be governed by knowledge. Knowledge must be had, but where can it be obtained? To know that this waiting is right, is quite different from waiting without fixed purpose. This knowledge cannot be found where its existence is denied; it is not found with unbelievers and agnostics.- KENT.

Julia C. Loos