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Flouric acid. Necrosis especially of long bones, and ear. Discharge offensive, thin, acrid, excoriating. Better by cold, worse heat (Puls.). Series Puls., Sil., Fluoric acid. Vicious bone disease, calcareous degeneration, thigh and leg bones with chronic fistulous openings and excoriating pus. Affects temporal bone, mastoid process: pains burning, intermittent, discharge thick, acrid.


Kali iod. For luetic and scrofulous patients.

Kali phos. Chronic suppuration middle ear with offensive, dirty, brownish, water pus.

Kali ars. Otorrhoea, with bloody, foetid, yellow discharge and burning, stitching, tearing pains. Chronic nasal catarrh, ulcerations-bleeding, burning, indolent, phagodenic, with ichorous, bloody discharge and turned up edges.

Natrum sil. Ulcers, burning, spreading, pulsating, smarting and suppurating, indolent. Discharge thin, bloody, copious, ichorous. Hastens flow of pus in recurrent abscesses. Aversion cold air, lack vital heat, nervous weakness, irritability, hypersensitiveness. Boils of skin, burning and moisture.

Causticum. Otorrhoea, eruptions behind ears. (Graph. with gluey discharge).

Capsicum. Chronic suppurations middle ear with bursting headache, chilliness, soreness in mastoid, burning, stinging, hot ears. Pains go to throat, drum perforated, purulent, yellow pus.

Antimonium tart. Nearest similimum to vesication and pustulation of smallpox.


Aurum met. Caries, necrosis of middle ear bones, mastoid, palate, nasal septum. Discharge purulent, foetid, bloody, offensive, contains small pieces of bone. Horrible odor from nose and mouth. Bone pains, depression mind, gloom. Similar to lues. (Merc., Kali iod., Asaf.).

Mezereum. Periostitis before stage of suppuration, worse touch, cold air, at night, evening to midnight, warm food, motion, damp weather. Better open air. Affects long bones especially the tibiae. Inflammation, night pains. Exostoses, especially tarsal bones. Eruptive ulcerations with high, thick scabs with thick, acrid pus exuding from beneath.

Asafoetida. Caries long bones, especially tibiae. Offensive discharge, extreme soreness around ulcers. Extreme sensitiveness (hep., Lach.), dressings unbearable. Pains dull, drawing, boring, worse rest. Periostitis and ostitis, with tumefaction, overlying skin purple, stitching pains, oedema, fistulous openings. Ulcers sensitive, black or purple (snake remedies). Useful in lues. Patient venous, puffed, purple-faced, dusky (drunken sot).

Platinum muriaticum. Caries, especially of tarsal bones.

Strontium carbonicum. Caries long bones, ostitis, discharging bone. Exhausting diarrhoea.

Hecla lave. Maxillary bone. Caries, gum abscesses. Ulceration nasal bones, ostitis and periostitis. Necrosis and sinus after mastoid operations.

Mercurius. See April Recorder. Ostitis with swelling and violent bone pains.

Nitric acid. See June Recorder. Mercurial ostitis with drawing, pressive pains and marked sensitiveness.

Phosphorus. Caries vertebrae and lower jaw, other bones also. Non-luetic, generally tuberculous. Marked laryngeal symptoms. Burning (Ars., Sulph.). Patient nervous, fidgety all over.

Silica. Full of caries and necrosis of long bones, any part. Abscesses of cartilage. Fistulous openings. Necrosis of jaw, joints, hip joints, tibia, vertebrae.

Calcarea carbonica. See June Recorder. Caries vertebrae.

Phosphoric acid. Caries of spine. Sensation as if bone were being scraped with a knife. Debility.

Flouric acid. Necrosis especially of long bones, and ear. Discharge offensive, thin, acrid, excoriating. Better by cold, worse heat (Puls.). Series Puls., Sil., Fluoric acid. Vicious bone disease, calcareous degeneration, thigh and leg bones with chronic fistulous openings and excoriating pus. Affects temporal bone, mastoid process: pains burning, intermittent, discharge thick, acrid. Caries from lues or mercury. Excellent jaw remedy.

Calcarea fluorica. Removes predisposition to whitlow or felon, if symptoms agree.

Natrum sulphuricum. The same in damp places.

Nosodes, if prescribed on their indicated totality, are also useful in suppurative bone conditions. O.R. MARTIN.

Secale will both cause and cure gangrene.

Leptandra is useful in chronic post-operative gall-stone cases when pain occurs after stool (confirmed). L.J.HURD.

The following remedies are known to produce high blood pressure: Baryta carb., Conium, Digitalis, Opium, Secale cornutum, Tabacum, Uranium nit. F.C.ASKENSTEDT.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.