One of my patients works in one of the greenhouse and with the florist at his home. One day when I came out with a handful of chickweed he remarked that some German woman of the town made tea of it and used it for bronchitis. There isnt anything of that kind in the provings as given, and Dr. Pulford doesnt mention any kind of cough or chest symptoms.

CHAIRMAN A.H. GRIMMER: I want to add my confirmation of the wandering pains which Dr. Pulford mentioned that he was not able to bring out. I recently had a case of rheumatic fever in a young child, a seven year old girl, which had the classical symptoms of Bryonia at first, but Bryonia failed to do any good. Stellaria came in over her blood. The pain did wander around, that is, it went from joint to joint. She got a little better in one joint but would have another joint involved. Stellaria cleared it up very promptly in the 10000th potency, one dose.

Stellaria is undoubtedly a deeper remedy than you probably think it is, and it may be possible that some of the deep effects of a long proving will bring out the bronchial side of it.

Why do we potentize our remedies?.

The potency question has been and still continues to be the stumbling block in the way of the embracement of homoeopathy. If homoeopathic physicians could use the remedies in massive doses and crude forms and achieve the same results as with the potencies thousands would flock to their standards who now hold them up to scorn.

Why then is it necessary to potentize?.

1. We potentize for the purpose of awakening life in the crude material.

2. To develop this awakened or dynamic force of the remedy and place it upon the plane of the dynamic force of the body.

3. In order to effect a cure in the most harmless way possible by eliminating all poisonous or drug effects consequent upon the administration of a remedy in the crude form.

4. In order to secure the minimum dose; for it is evident that the vital force, being deranged by an inconceivably small amount of the morbific agent, is consequently affected by an inconceivably small amount of the remedial substance. E.EARL FREEMAN, M.D., 1908.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.