Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Mental betterment is an outstanding indication of favorable remedial action. Where the cause of continued vexation and mental turmoil cannot be removed, do not expect cure. Ingestion of noxious substances through alimentary or respiratory tracts or skin must be eliminated, if present – lead, arsenic, phosphorus, sulphur, mercury, sewer gas, or whatever. Errors of diet must be righted.

Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Surgery, June 18, 1937.

For real and continued success in homoeopathic prescribing one must hew to the line. There is no substitute for time-tired matching marked remedy symptoms to outstanding disease symptoms. Mentals first, then generals and on down through those of less import. The matching must be thorough. Make no mistake about that. Yet following this through will not always bring the desired end. Along the Homoeopathic road waits many an outlaw to hold up the coach. We have Hahnemanns word for that.

Mental betterment is an outstanding indication of favorable remedial action. Where the cause of continued vexation and mental turmoil cannot be removed, do not expect cure. Ingestion of noxious substances through alimentary or respiratory tracts or skin must be eliminated, if present – lead, arsenic, phosphorus, sulphur, mercury, sewer gas, or whatever. Errors of diet must be righted.

We are all aware of what camphor in a nasal spray or camphorated oil will do to block homoeopathic action. One must ever keep in mind the nature of the energy we are dealing with. Last year before this body a case was reported where removal of a wrist watch with phosphorescent dial was necessary before the remedy acted.

In acutes it is safer usually to sidestep the constitutional remedy to avoid its explosive reaction so disturbing to both patient and physician. Acute ears have great service from homoeopathy. Belladonna, as you know, is an outstanding remedy for otitis media, with sudden onset, throbbing carotids and hot skin. Later after it has done its work, its chronic, Calcarea, where Calcarea symptoms are in evidence, will continue curative action, bringing renewed vigor and removing the tendency to colds and attendant otitis. One experienced prescriber tells me the combination of Bell. and Calc. is all sufficient for him in most cases.

If Bell. fails, Ferr. phos. will pinch-hit as a rule. Ferr. phos. may have the high temperature and pulsation as well as the local congestion of Bell. The great distinguishing features, however, are : Bell. has the active surging of blood into the affected part, driven by a turbulent heart. Sthenic. The red face of Ferr. phos. is just the opposite. It is the passive congestion of a greatly weakened and relaxed patient. Asthenic. Soft.

When a patient is cold, wants the head covered, cannot tolerate a draft, Bell. will not avail. Here the supersensitive. Hepar steps in to take charge.

Cham. has through the years taken the case with the ugly Cham. disposition, especially if there be much thirst and the ear very sensitive to cold air.

Its opposite, Puls., seldom fails in earache when the child cries pitifully at night.

In mastoiditis Aur., Caps. and Sil. are “tops”. The latter in 2c. and 1m. has been the one to carry me safely over the bridge. here, as well as in otitis media. Ferr. phos. DMM. has been given first place by Dr. Boger. The 6x serves Dr. Benthack. In Toronto it would be Bell., in New Orleans Ferr. phos.

Relief and cure by homoeopathy always, invariably, works through law, natural law as fixed and sure as gravitation. The technique is exacting and not to be come by without prolonged study and application. It requires deeper analysis, finer discrimination, judgment and research than the prevalent procedure.


DR. MC LAREN: When you use the auroscope on these Belladonna cases, you see the ball throb in the drum – do you see that when Ferrum phos. is indicated? Do you see it in an actively inflamed drum, the drum pulsating?.

DR. POWERS: What was the distinguishing mark between Ferrum phos. and Belladonna? I have heard before that they approach very closely.

DR. MOORE: You will get that sometimes with Ferrum phos., Dr. McLaren, as well as Belladonna. The convection will sometimes show that pulsation the same as Belladonna and Belladonna wont cover quite all of those, I am afraid.

Dr. Powers, one is the surging patient, the pulsating, active thing, and the other is the relaxed one. Often it isnt able to work out exactly. Sometimes there are cases more or less in between, and apparently they will be Belladonna. Belladonna doesnt touch them and Ferrum phos. will come in and be a good thing for them.

DR. POWERS: That is the way you distinguish them trial and error?.

DR. MOORE: Largely trial and error.

DR. MC LAREN: When the drum ruptures, if it is a Ferrum phos. case the discharge is nearly always pure blood, but you cant tell that before it ruptures.

DR. WILSON: Dr. Mclaren remarked about the drum bulging and breaking. We were told if the drum spontaneously ruptured, it never healed, while if it were opened by knife, it would practically always heal, so if possible to avoid it, why let it rupture?.

DR. MC LAREN: I have seen a great many of them which have completely healed after spontaneous rupture.

DR. MOORE: So have I. And I have seen some after the incision, that didnt heal.

DR. MC LAREN: So have I.

DR. WILSON: I never have seen any.

T K Moore