Hpathy Needs Your Help!


On the occasion of my recent visit to Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1931, my attention was directed to several specimens of a small worm in alcohol, about one inch in length and the thickness of a hat pin. The name of the worm was Arlome. The information given herewith was supplied by Drs. J.F. Gonzalez and Ignacio Montoya of Guadalajara.


My wife, aged 79, has been critically sick with stoppage of the bowels, intense nausea and faecal vomiting. This began about six weeks ago. Several times she vomited two quarts of faecal matter with fluid. No stool for over two weeks. No food at all by mouth for over two weeks. Three different times we all thought she was passing out. I called in a local doctor who suggested normal salt solution with glucose injections in the thighs. This I feel sure sustained her, supplied liquid to the system and food, and saved her life, but did nothing toward relief of the severe trouble. Opium, though it is the only remedy Kent gives in black faced type under faecal vomiting, did no good at all.

Nux vomica and other carefully selected remedies were likewise useless. The books gave no help which is usual in such cases not commonly met with. I searched and studied everything. I went through old books (generally the best) and journals. Finally I found under Cocculus indicus “reverse peristalsis”. It has stoppage of the bowels, nausea and vomiting, but not faecal vomiting. I gave her the 9M (F), four doses and lo! a miracle. Nausea and vomiting stopped at once and has not returned since. After a few hours she felt something give way in the abdomen and move down with relief of the bloat, and relief in general.

After a few hours the bowels called for action and she passed thin fluid with flakes of faecal matter. The bowels have continued to move with the help of enemas. She has had no faecal vomiting since, and only once slight nausea from food. She did pass a lot of gas from time to time. Finally I gave her syrup of pepsin with excellent results. She is now very much better, her mind running on food, which is very hard to select as her stomach and bowels are very sensitive.

I add to Kents list of faecal vomiting Cocculus indicus.

In sixty years of practice I have never seen such a case, although i have had cases of faecal stoppage of bowels from constipation, usually easily remedies. The right remedy acts promptly and surely and frequently saves life with one foot in the grave and the other near the edge. Never give up the ship, keep studying and searching as you may find the right remedy. The consulting doctor and all who saw the patient said nothing could be done, that death was inevitable, but the right remedy did the trick and saved the patients life. My wife is now up and about and nearly normal. It was really a miraculous cure.




On Sunday evening, July 18, 1931, the writer was called by phone about 10 oclock. The party at the other end of the line talked excitedly and stated that her baby was seriously ill and was dying, and that the doctor who had been attending the child was out of town. The sick baby, 10 months of age, was in a fine state. The entire face, neck, portions of the scalp, cervical region of the back, chest, ears, parts of the arms and thighs were covered with crusts and dried blood, to which had been applied a black ointment which I presume was ichthyol. My allopathic friend should have known better and at least have made use of ammoniated mercury.

The nose was hardly discernible due to the crusts. A brilliant red stain was left behind on the skin by the eruption, a symptom noticed on the following day. The baby was also receiving pills and a liquid medicine. I have forgotten the dosage of these, but its small body was being overwhelmed by large doses of medicine. On further examination the pulse was found to be 160, respiration 40, temperature 99.2 degrees. The baby was crying and fretting, perspiring and worse from sleep. It also picked its nose and face.

The mother stated that the baby had eczema on the face and neck at the age of four months. Due to the black ointment I was unable to make a diagnosis. Having ascertained that there was no immediate danger the mother was told to discontinue all medicines and clean the child well with soap and warm water. I left two powders of Saccharum lactis, one to be given that night and one in the morning and promised to return the next morning. The eruption had been present for four days and was gradually spreading.

On the following morning a true picture presented itself. The parts affected were covered with thin, yellow, lamellated crusts, the color of which could not be seen the previous evening. There was little itching and no inflammation. When these crusts separated a slightly excoriated surface remained with a a brilliant red stain. There was still a moderate fever. On questioning the mother told me that the eruption appeared in crops and was vesicular, that the vesicles grew and were concerted into flat, slightly umbilicated pustules varying in size, some of which were observed. In a few days they dried up with yellow crusts. The babys condition was worse at night, it did like milk, had cold feet, the pulse was 176, with respirations at 40.

This condition did not seem to be eczema as the pustules are deeper, more confluent, excite intense itching and are associated with inflammation and infiltration of the surrounding skin. The pearly white scales or eczema were not in evidence.

Gave more Sac. lac. and went home to study the case. The symptoms which stood out were the sore, raw parts, the crossness of the child, the persistent picking of the nose and face until the parts bled. In this case the significant symptoms appeared to be the brilliant red stain left behind by the eruption, which symptom finally decided the remedy. Nitric acid, Arsenic, Merc. cor., and Arum triphyllinum were studied. The General Analysis and A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica by Dr. C. M. Boger was consulted.

While at the home the mother telephoned that she had two vesicles, one on either wrist, which showed the eruption to be contagious. This was later borne out as a little girl, age 7, contracted the same eruption from handling the baby. A diagnosis of impetigo contagiosa was made. Arum triphyllinum MM was given, seven doses, one night and morning. The mother was distinctly told to apply nothing to the childs skin.

One week later I saw the child again, a new child. The affected parts had almost all cleared up, leaving behind the brilliant red stain. However, as some new vesicles had made their appearance, six further doses of Arum triphyllinum MM, night and morning, were given. In four days, July 31, 1931, no further signs of the eruption were present although the skin was still slightly red in parts.

There has been no further recurrence, but I have been told that the old eczema has again appeared on the childs and neck.


This seven year old girl, above mentioned, was infected by the above baby. The eruption appeared on the right forearm, right ring finger and left leg. The history and appearance of the eruption made the diagnosis easy. I saw this girl four days after beginning treatment on the baby, July 19, 1931. Other symptoms were: Perspiration around the head in bed at night, fidgety, unable to concentrate, poor appetite and a craving for meat. She received six doses of Arum triphyllinum MM, night and morning. I saw her again July 27. The eruption was still present on the right forearm and right ring finger. The left leg was clear but six large boils had appeared on the lower flexure of the left knee. She received six further doses of Arum triphyllinum MM, night and morning.

On August 8, 1931, she came back with a large sore on the right forearm, flexor surface, having the appearance of a ring worm and two new spots of impetigo on the left forearm, flexor surface, and on the left palm. The right knee appeared to have a ring worm eruption. A small eruption was developing on the skin below the lower lip. the boils on the flexure of the left knee were clearing up. At this time she received Sac. lac. In about two weeks time all the old eruption had disappeared but there was now an eruption around the lips consisting of light yellow glistening crusts. She was kept on Sac. lac. and in about ten days all signs of eruption had vanished.




Mrs. S.B.de G., 22 years old. On June 9, 1931, I was called to attend her on confinement. She had a very fine boy half an hour later. Five days before delivery she had developed a facial erysipelas. Two days after delivery she began with symptoms of puerperal sepsis. There was high fever, filiform and rapid pulse, foetid lochia, chills beginning in the legs, extreme anxiety, pains augmented by movement. I at once prescribed Pyrogenium 30.

The temperature began to go down, but two days later she began with a peritoneal reaction. Hypersensibility and fiery heat of the abdomen, temperature very high, abdominal tympanitis, hiccough, face bright red and carotids pulsating, etc. I prescribed Belladonna 60. These symptoms disappeared the next day and i went back to Pyrogenium.

In less than fifteen days, all symptoms had entirely disappeared. She has since been confined twice normally.


MRs. M.B.R., 35 years old. On Oct. 18, 1928, she came over to see me with a fibroid uterine tumor. She had been told by several well known allopathic gynecologists that an operation was necessary and that she would probably lose her uterus. One of my clients who had been treated for a small ovarian tumor had told her to see me. She did not believe in homoeopathy but was afraid of the operation and so was willing to try our system of treatment.

W. Yingling
William A. Yingling, MD, author of "Accoucheur's Emergency Manual". Born: 12-01-1851 - Died : 03-04-1933
YINGLING, lived and practiced in Emporia, KS from 1896 until his death. He was educated for medical missionary work, but after receiving his appointment to go to Bombay, India he became ill and could not carry out that mission. He filled the pulpit at Findlay, OH for seven years, and then moved to Dodge City where he engaged in the cattle business. He named the Ness county town of Nonchalanta in 1886. He reluctantly returned to the practice of medicine to relieve the suffering in the area north of Dodge City. His practice became extensive, extending to the neighboring states. He was quite religious and missed Methodist church services just once in 32 years.