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small quantities, for: Anac., Bry., Calc. carb., Caps., Carb. veg., Hep., Laur., Nat. mur., Nux vom.

531. Vomiting, night, alternate nights, on: Lach.

acids, after: Guarea.

532. as soon as water becomes warm in stomach: Kali bich.

533. hawking up mucus, when: Euphr.

hiccough, after: Cupr.

hot water, amel.: Sulph. ac.

light, agg.: Sang.

lying on right side in liver affections: Bry.

534. nausea, without: Lyc.

painful: Phyt., Verat. alb.

painless: Sec. corn.

pregnancy, during: Cocc.

sleep, followed by: AEth., Ant. tart.

stool, after: Eug.

sudden: Acon., Bell., Kali bich., Op.

537. blue: Ars.

everything: Merc. cy.

eating, undigested food: AEth.

538. frothy: Cic., Mag. mur., Phos.

green, as grass: Ars.

milk: Arn., Bor., Bry., Calc. phos., Cham., Cina, Ip., Lyc., Nux vom., Rheum.

539. mucus, lumps of: Canth.

sour: Kali bich.

offensive: Acon.

solids only: Arn., Ferr., Sep.

sour bitter: Bism., Cann.ind. Castoreum, Chelone, Cic. vir., Cina, Dros., Mag.mur., Nux-vom., Plat., Sars., Sulph., Sulph. ac.

stringy: Colch.

sudden: Kali bich.

540. wheylike: Cupr.

Water, sensation as if full of: Grat., Laur., Mag. carb.

541. Alive: Lac. defl., Puls.

542. Coldness, as of cold water running through: Bufo.

upper part: Ars., Camph, Kali carb., Mang., Olnd., Ox. ac., Sec. corn., Sulph.

543. Constriction, bandage, as of a: Acon., Dros., Ign., Nux vom.

544. Distension, 4 p.m.: Sep.

545. colon, transverse: Bell.

546. Electric shock passing through, like: Coloc.

Emptiness, umbilicus: Cobaltum.

547. Excoriations, inguinal: Nux vom.

548. Flatulence, morning: Calc. carb., Cann. ind., Con., Kali carb., Kalm., Lach., Petr., Plat., Puls., Scilla, Senec., Sulph., Verat.

here and there: Cham., Chin., Cocc. ind., Cycl., Nat. mur., Nat. sulph., Spig., Verat.

menses, during: Kali phos.

stool, during: Acon., Arg.nit., Asaf., Nat. sulph., Petr., Podo., Thuja.

549. Fulness, urinating, after: Nat. mur.

hypogastrium: Mag. carb., Sep.

liver, gall bladder: Myrica.

Gurgling: Asar., Jatr.

stool, before: Gamb., Lach.

551. Hard, liver: Lach., Mur. ac.

Heat, umbilicus: Sulph. ac.

Heaviness: Lept., Myrica, Nux mosch.

552. hypogastrium: Apis, Sep.

umbilicus: Agar., Camph., Canth., Carb. veg., Graph., Nit. ac., Op., Ptel.

Hold, must: Lil. tig., Merc., Sep., Staph.

553. Itching, inguinal region: Bar. carb., Camph., Coc. c., Sep.


C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies