Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Potentization came about other through accident than though a knowledge of the reason why. Had they known that the resistance of the drugs physical envelope must be reduced before the drug could act at its best, that the secretions could the more easily act upon that physical envelope in order to more readily free the contained force therein, potentization would have been a scientific operation rather than a cautious experiment.

Whether we believe it or not,it matters little, medicine proper is an exact science. Hahnemann proved it to be so after he rediscovered homoeopathy and put it on a workable basis. Only our own ignorance of homoeopathys full unfolding is the cause for our belief otherwise. Because we cannot make it do all our bidding with the very few remedies at our command,we condemn it as invited in its sphere of action and unscientific,a stigma that is adjust to homoeopathy and a reflection on our own intelligence.

We, ourselves,having been born into,and surrounded by an almost impenetrable clock of dense medicine and have come to the surface with decidedly different idea and opinion of medicine that that which we formerly held in common with the rest. The doctor,whom we formerly idolized in our ignorance of the exact truth,now excites our amazement at his ignorance and assumptions,and calls forth our heartfelt sympathy therefore.

Medicine,we are informed,has had a career covering a period of some 2,500 years. During all this period it has been, up to a few years ago, occupied with disease and drugs of which it seems to have known little, if anything, and especially has this been so in regard to physiology the real basis of medicine. Now let us glance back and see just how far medicine has progressed.

When the Creator created the earth and populated it, He realized that as soon as man has had his freedom and was thrown on his own resources he would roundly abuse the privilege granted him and bring upon himself disease. He therefore placed upon the earth everything necessary for his welfare and to care for his ills. Along with these things He placed also the most brilliant and the most valuable of medical gems the world will ever know,and encrusted in with almost irremovable dirt that it might not be easily recognized or discovered, so that once fully recovered it would be all the more treasured. this un attachable gem was named by Hahnemann “The law of similars”, a gem of singular beauty and or priceless value.

The creator had hoped that someone would use his brain to discover it and bring it to light and that people would accept and use it to the benefit of all humanity, but humanity seems no be yet ready.

As we roll down the corridors of time., we are informed that this praises gem had twice been partially discovered before Hahnemanns discovery, but neither one of the two discovers had the intelligence to realize the inestimable value of their find and thus the priceless gem was vast into the rubbish pile (where it looks now as though it was point again for want of intelligence to keep it out) until the immortal Hahnemann the greatest and most intelligent physician of all time, rediscovered it and-the rest you all know.

Hahnemann,alone , of all medical men, cast into the medical ranks the first and only real ray of stable medical, light that has ever been cast on the be nighted medical profession since medicines first inception. Other than this, medicine,now modern medicine,is in a more chaotic state today than at any time inn its drab history and has no valid excuse or reason for its existence as a school of medicine.

All through this 2m,500 years doctors have dealt with disease and drugs without the most elementary comprehension of what they either meant, or represented. Medicine has never been, to them, other than a mere physical endurance test of the human anatomy against drugs. The question never has been how much good could be accomplished with the remedy in hand, but of how much the patient could stand without being killed by the treatment.

One would naturally think that intelligence, it any, would revolt at a thought of that kind. Victims have been killed by the thousands by well meaning buy ignorant doctors, who it not ignorant,their intelligence has not been moved thereby. this is the reason for the query. Has medicine progress?.

If your own Hahnemann, or Kent, rally knew just what disease was,its cause, or what a remedy was, they never to my knowledge told it. Yet both did more than any other medical men, they took us half way, but left us there to conjecture the rest for ourselves.Both potentized their drugs, and both discovered that their potentized drugs acted more promptly and more efficiently than the crude drug, yet if they knew the reason why of this they carried their secrets to the grave,as far as I know.

Potentization came about other through accident than though a knowledge of the reason why. Had they known that the resistance of the drugs physical envelope must be reduced before the drug could act at its best, that the secretions could the more easily act upon that physical envelope in order to more readily free the contained force therein, potentization would have been a scientific operation rather than a cautious experiment. Now let us take a trip through life,health disease and drugs.

Spender gave us the most logical definition of life.”The ability of the internal relations to adjust themselves to the eternal relations”. Whenever these relation function harmoniously we have a perfect state of health,with immunity to all disease for they are the natural bodily defenses, thus we have a true conception of life, healthy and immunity. Then, what is disease? Disease is progressive death, which, if not checked, is very apt to go on to finality. What,then, is the primary cause of disease? the primary cause of disease is brought about by the interference of the ability of the internal and external relations to adjust themselves to each other.

That is just exactly what takes place through the initial chill, it thus brings about a chaos that interferes with and diverts this ability this allowing the natural bodily forces to run wild resulting in the breaking down of the bodily tissues,suppurations,morbid products and morbid formations and thus we get our pathology and our morphology. Now that we have found out what life is, what healthy is, what disease is and now it is brought about or caused, let us turn our attention,after 2,500 years of ignorance of its to see what really constitutes the drug; its true character.

Our one and only concept of disease seems to be its external manifestations; our one and only concept of a drug, its physical container or envelop. The side allopath and his modern homoeopathic sympathizer have definitely informed us how to tell just when that drugs power of influence disappears. Does he really know? Will he admit that he has ever seen disease; that he has ever seen energy? Energy is exactly what that drugs physical envelope contains, the envelops disappears the doctor says its power is gone, Nature on the other hand says not,the profuse its contention by producing a miraculous result. Can Nature be wrong? The common concept is that as soon as the drugs envelope disappears from view all the power is gone, just as the allopath honestly believes that as soon as he has driven the eruption in the patient is cured. the one is just as rational and logical as the other.

When does a drug act? Only when it can be released from its physical container. How does a drug act? Physiologically, by suppuration or diversion; pathogenically, interfering with the ability of the normal relations to function properly, just as the initial chill does, thus bringing about a condition simulating disease; dynamically, or creatively, by creating or rather freezing a force equal in volume and energy to the disease force thus opposing that energy and bringing it to a stand still. If this force is perfectly equal to the disease force is perfectly equal to the disease force equal in volume and energy to the disease force thus supposing that energy and bringing it to a standstill.

If this force is perfectly equal to the disease force all active disease action is at once stopped or suspended and Nature at once sets about to readjust and right herself. This is why the proper remedy will, if the potency is accurate, cut short the course of any disease at once and start the patient on the road to recovery immediately. That accounts for the many miraculous cures we see and read about, but you never see them in allopathy., Medicines in themselves do not cure disease, they merely arrest the destructive physical force running wild in the economy, brought about by disturbing the normal functions relations to each other,and Nature does the rest, or real curing.

Hahnemann put medicine on a real scientific basis; the Law f Similars attests and verifies the fact; and homoeopathy is the only progress medicine has ever made since its advent over 2,500 years ago. Our remedies are constant in their work in the proving; they repeatedly produce their own pathogenesis; they in turn remove only their own kind; no science is more accurate nor more constant. Therefore before you attempt to criticize or refute the above, be sure that you are speaking with a full knowledge of a fully unfolded homoeopathy.


Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.