June 30, 1930. Has mentally improved but still very juvenile. The height in spite of above growth is only four feet, three inches. Sac. lac.

July 20, 1930. At summer camp again and the instructor tells me that the change in him is remarkable from last year. He is now eighteen years old this summer and learning to swim. I might say that the mother of the boy informed me that involuntary stools were a marked feature during his early infancy. He is much thinner, has grown taller and is beginning to look like a boy of his age. Sac. lac.

Dec. 1, 1930. Has remained in the country and is going to school there. The last I heard of him, he was still progressing.

I quote these two cases as being interesting, in that the first showed an improvement on the homoeopathic remedies, and appeared to come to a standstill, and yet under the action of thyroid extract has gone on steadily improving, while the second, who had been under treatment for years with the pluriglandular remedies and had come to a decided standstill, where he had been given up by the specialists, under the influence of the potentized homoeopathic remedies, in two years has taken on new growth, both mentally and physically, and will, I believe, eventually become self-supporting.


Edward S. Smith