Of course the old-timers will refer me to the Organon. But, though there is no more ardent worshipper at the shrine of the father of our school than myself, it seems to me an utterly unanswerable fact that we are just as narrow, just as one-sided, and squint-eyed, as many other single-track schools before the public today.

I agree that that is a failing of most doctors, but why blame the “dyed-in-the-wool” Hahnemannians or even poor Samuel? He has already been denied thrice by his own disciples.

The doctor who holds that the high potency is all- sufficient simply shows his utter lack of perspective. No sane physician would for a moment contend that the potency will do away with the necessity for eating; it is an accepted conclusion that one cannot make bricks without clay-yet there are lots of physicians who vainly treat patients suffering from some deficiency without in any way trying to supply that deficiency. In other words, they utterly neglect the chemical side of life. That is illogical to say the least.

How can anyone make such outrageous charges against the “dyed-in-the-wool” Hahnemannians? You must remember that homoeopathy is comparatively a new science, and it is amazing that with so little material at hand Hahnemann did “make bricks without straw” even as did the Israelites. It is ever the source of wonder to me that one man alone could both proclaim and advance a science so far as Hahnemann did homoeopathy- a feat equalled in science only by Swedenborg, whose writings are a reservoir overflowing with homoeopathic doctrine; a source of esoteric homoeopathic principles that will satisfy the most fastidious pseudo-homoeopath, homoeopathician, spiritualist, or divine healer, who is honestly seeking for TRUTH.

But getting back to food. Yes, “There are many who neglect the food factor.” This also applies to those who fail to feed their brain at the least prepared by Hahnemann, Hering, Kent, and a host of other immortals of homoeopathy.

Protein, carbohydrates, and fats, as well as minerals foods, are just as essential to the body on the physical plane, as mental food is for the brain and the spiritual food of the Bible for those who can digest it.

The ignorance of many is profound. It is not a rare vice. It is very common. As common as laziness. I know many fairly skilled and honest homoeopaths who know that lime and all the salts of Schussler, and “fifty-seven” more varieties of elements may be lacking in a patient. So they proceed to supply (at least theoretically) the deficient element, by feeding it to him by the quart or pound, not being familiar with the principle or fact that the suffering patient lacks lime (or any other element or group of elements) because he suffers from lime inanition or lack of power to digest and assimilate lime, or the other elements. A “dyed-in-the-wool” Hahnemannian who knows his love, will feed that patient the lime or lacking element in potency on the plane where it is assimilable by contact to any mucous membrane, and even skin, if dampened.

The vital force circulates through the nervous system which is the circulatory system of vital government, just as the blood vessels convey digested food in the form of blood. Then that patient will be able to digest and assimilate all the lime or other element, or elements, from the ordinary articles of diet, without the dangers of over-feeding involved in forced feeding of elements glandular products, or physiological drugs. You will not even have to supply the vitamins a, b, c, x, y,z, nor will you have to hunt for those not yet discovered. A Divine Providence provided an influx of all His inner mysteries of chemistry and physics long before the chemist and physicist knew about them. a Divine Providence provided for all those emanations from the sun; and perhaps there are some additional ones from the moon and stars and sun of heaven, for all I know.

Hahnemann taught us a lot about foods-more than most doctors can assimilate until their digestion gets better. No wonder doctors are incompetent. Hahnemanns essay on coffee, among his lesser writings was written before his discovery of the law of homoeopathy, and is worth anyones time to read-and digest. But what does the average doctor know about idiosyncrasies of foods, their compatible relationships, or their incompatibility? What does he know of the physiological action of the various articles of food? Inanitions? What does he know about the effect of unnatural foods for adults such as eggs or milk? Or the viciousness of a man or beast fed raw meat, for example? Or food poisoning from such foods as rice, oysters, pork, fats, etc.? What is behind the idiosyncrasy–what is the law behind it? What does he know about the Doctrine of Forms? Of Series and Degrees? Why, many of these such heralded pseudo-scientific biologists dont even know there are such things, much less the laws behind them.

“We neglect the chemical side of life?”.

Why, these “dyed-in-the-wool” Hahnemannians have got so far away from that kindergarten “stuff” of present day research laboratories that they have been riding astride the cosmic ray for years, exploring the celestial regions. Your pseudo- scientists cannot even today follow them with their marvelous telescopes. To teach them esoteric homoeopathy would be like trying to teach a first grade school child calculus. If you dont believe me just take a course at the Post-Graduate School of the American Foundation for Homoeopathy at Boston next July and August, where you will be shown.

Make your reservations early–money back if not satisfied. I believe that there are quite a number of doctors who do not even know we have such an institution functioning. But even they barely touch the subject of esoteric homoeopathic principle,s for that is three planes above those mongers of the laboratories still selling fish, frogs, and liver, and imposing on faithful dogs.

In 1901, Doctor Kent offered to teach esoteric homoeopathic principles free of charge to any student or physician in Chicago, forming a class at his home. The third night but one student was in attendance. They were not yet prepared to digest the lectures. I would give a thousand dollars today to get such a course.

It is such things as these which serve to discredit our school, and bring us into disrepute–the failure to perceive the commonest limitations of our method which should be abundantly clear.

I protest against the use of the word “limitations” as applied to homoeopathy. It certainly does not fit our groups of scientifically trained Hahnemannians. Homoeopathy has no limitations in curable cases. Homoeopathy prevents those catastrophies long before so-called modern medicine recognizes the disease. “Curable” is, however, a relative term. Much of what is curable to a Hahnemannian is incurable to an allopath. Again one master homoeopath may fail when another less learned homoeopath may cure. All our masters have failed in what they afterwards concluded were curable cases.

But that is a limitation of fallible man and not the law. Without going into an essay on the subject, let is suffice to say that a Hahnemannian considers a case curable when the patient is not so depleted in vitality that the vital force can restore health under the stimulus of the similimum, after first removing all obstacles (if that is possible) to recovery.

No homoeopath would ever dream of trying to deliver a woman in childbirth by means of the remedy alone; it is self evident that here is a mechanical condition (says you) requiring mechanical treatment.

No homoeopath would expect his remedy alone to deliver the woman-he would expect the woman and nature to help a little. But “believe it or not” the obstetrician of Dunham College in 1901, at a clinic, witnessed by a group of students, changed a breech presentation to a normal delivery in less than a minute by one dose of Pulsatilla CM. (Finke). Doctor Kent reported a similar result. In fact, there are several cases on record. When you have a case of prolonged labor with no progress, in a woman inclined to be fat, with a mild tearful disposition, who pleads with you to open the window, as she is smothering, and you think it is a case for forceps delivery, just hunt for the forceps in your car, while your nurse gives the patient a dose of Pulsatilla, anywhere from the 30th to the CM.

You will lay your forceps aside unless there is a malformation. Or if it is a primipara, say about 35 years of age, who is ordering everybody around, and who snaps an order for you to do something, not in an appealing tone of voice, but a mean Chamomilla explosion, just ask your homoeopathically trained nurse whether she has any Chamomilla in her case, if you dont have it, and give the patient one dose on the tongue. You will learn something of the miracles of homoeopathy in short order. And why shouldnt the remedy act in such expressions of sickness, where the normally constructed organs fail to function of themselves? Do the beasts of the field and forest require the attendance of an obstetrician? Perhaps.

William H. Schwartz