Of course, it is supposed that the properly trained homoeopath knows the hindrances to recovery, and such a trained homoeopath is a more skilled obstetrician than one without those instruments of precision-the homoeopathic medicines. Dont get the idea that the allopath and quasi-homoeopath have a corner on mechanical technique.

We could extend the proof by many pages filled with homoeopathic therapeutics in this trial hour of motherhood, but let it suffice to say that the retained Hahnemannian has fewer cases with complications, and fewer maimed babies than these know it-all specialists who meddle with nature. The Hahnemannian works with nature and not contrary to rigid muscle and ligaments; he does not use brute force of interference under the cloak of scientific procedure, but gives the homoeopathic remedy, Puls., Cimic., Bell., Cham., Kali carb., Ipecac, Arsenicum, etc., with miraculous results. Are you mentally equipped to make a rifle shot, bulls eye selection of each particular remedy in emergency practice?.

I know that many of the old time homoeopaths have made grave blunders. Who has not? But I would rather blunder with my diagnosis, than blunder with my prescription, and these old timers could prescribe all around our modern smart. Alecs with all their instruments of torture.

What availeth it a man if, even though he be the most expert diagnostician in the world, if he loses his own child for lack of the more important thing-the homoeopathic remedy. Diagnosis is, to say the most, but a feeble aid to the proper prescription. If I have a patient within three hours of death with a history of tremendous restlessness, rapid prostration, burning pains, and a weakness out of all proportions to the time he has been sick, with likely a burning thirst for water to wet his parched tongue and throat, and a consciousness and fear of death, I need not know that he was spider bit, or that he had typhoid fever. I need not know what his disease is, for I know Arsenicum will cure him- positively!.

Recently I saved a womans life and her childs. She was in convulsions for 38 hours and an allopath had failed. I gave her Arsenicum 10M and she did not have a single convulsion after the remedy was administered.

Of course, I do not mean to suggest that a doctor should not know all about disease, just as Hahnemann charged us to do, but I want to impress the truth that materia medica and homoeopathic philosophy are of much more importance than the allied branch of medicine. Yet our college curricula provide less than one per cent of their time to what is ninety per cent of the doctor profession.

The American Institute of Homoeopathy has allowed the American Medical Association to outline our course of study and requirement to pass state board examinations. How absurd and ridiculous. Yet the homoeopaths made no organized protest. Perhaps that is “what is the matter with the homoeopath, professionally”.

That is what Hahnemann College is up against, for which shortcoming she is wrongly blamed. As a matter of fact, her graduates have made the highest score in Pennsylvania state board examinations, and her graduates are successful physicians, with honors second to no other college. But more time is needed for teaching the esoteric principles of homoeopathy in the threefold essential curriculum of physical, mental, and spiritual therapy. I cannot help repeating this vital truth. Too much time is de voted to the allied branches.

Post-graduate surgery should be taught as a separate specially, giving other students more time for their medical training, as they, too, are specialists. We need more specialists in therapeutics, and fewer surgeons. a public consciousness must b e awakened to the fact that while a surgeon is worthy of his hire so, too, is the expect homoeopathician. He should get more than 3.00 for preventing what would cost 300 if he decided to operate. (Some problem).

Our statutes regulating state board requirements should be amended. Perhaps that is what is the matter with homoeopathy, professionally.

Nor would any sensible doctor try to set a broken limb with a high potency alone. Common sense tells him that it is a mechanical trouble and requires mechanical treatment as a preliminary, at any rate. Yet, everywhere one can find homoeopathic physicians vainly endeavoring to remedy a back pain (which is obviously due to a sacro-iliac misplacement, and therefore a mechanical defect by the potency method.

“Says you”. Im not so certain of the accuracy of these claims of the “bone-setters” taking the pressure off impinged nerves. I contend that it is the physical stimulus to these particular nerves alone that has afforded the relief, and not “an adjustment” to relieve pressure to those particular nerve trunks of the affected organs that has afforded relief. Organs may be stimulated not only by the “bone-setters”, but by surgical operations, massage, light therapy, and even the famous water cure of Father Kneip.

But only temporarily. As for me, let me first try homoeopathy. I have cured dozens of those sacro-iliac cases with pains extending down left thigh with Kali carb (high), five hundred naughts to a decimal part of a grain; right sided cases with Colchicum. Ask some of your cock-sure scientific “bone-setters” just how those homoeopathic remedies “set” the trouble right after manipulations failed. That will give them a chancre to exploit the keenness of their scientific nose.

But a Hahnemannian blunderer is no more frequent, and no worse than the up-to-date surgeons who operated on Dr. Mayo himself for appendicitis. On operating they discovered the appendix intact and normal! Then they found the trouble at gall bladder. A dose of Natrum sulph, high, would likely have cured the whole trouble. But if you dont put on a dig show with an elaborate stage setting and chorus, you cant charge much admission, and you dont get much free advertising.

A beautiful homoeopathic prescription makes such a “mild gentle cure”. that the homoeopath is discredited, and is advertised as making a wrong diagnosis, for allopathic propaganda has made a public consciousness, “that appendicitis and gall bladder impaction cannot be cured by medicine.” If cured, it simply proves that the homoeopaths diagnosis was wrong, and he is discredited. That is another thing that is wrong. Yet allopathy can get away with 55 per cent error in their diagnosis and make the public like it. A reliable authority, Doctor Cabot of Harvard Medical College stated that notwithstanding the use of all their modern scientific instruments of precision that the hospital record of 30,000 autopsies showed that they were wrong in 55 per cent of their diagnosis-not a 50-50 guess. If their treatment is based on their diagnosis, what a predicament they (doctor and patients) are in.

I would like to answer the remaining charges-honestly made and partly justified, but this paper is already too long, so I will just add a postscript.

It is true that poisons must be removed and antidoted by physical and chemical means, but in many instances poisons have already been absorbed with dynamic disturbances remaining which will cause death if not antidoted by the homoeopathic antidote, Hepar sulphur to mercury; Phosphorus to chloroform; Sepia to digitalis; Veratrum vir. to strychnine; Arsenic to allanol; Arsenic to spider bite; Maguay to hydrophobia, etc. All treatment involves the physical, mental and spiritual planes.

But the indiscriminate, empirical use of physiological drugs, chemical products, alkaloids and glandular product without rule or reasons, only theory, without the homoeopathic principles of procedure, is not scientific therapy. The number of catastrophies is appalling. I would rather entrust my life to the master of Homoeopathic materia medica and philosophy in preference to the cock-sure present day nihilist who gets most of his therapeutics via the daily mail, and his chemical implements of precision from the “circuit-riders” of the alkaloidal houses and abattoirs.

I thank the “earnest homoeopath” for giving me this opportunity to enlighten a great many who have not the slightest conception of homoeopathy and its infinite field for continued research. We realize “many ills of homoeopathy-professionally.” We also realize the truth for which many are earnestly seeking. That is why Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia was started. That is why the American Foundation for Homoeopathy and the Mid-West Institute were founded. That is why the Post Graduate School was started. It is the answer to the authors appeal-“Will someone enlighten him?” Arrange to go to Boston next July and August. HOUSTON, TEXAS.

If we have succeeded in restoring a chronic of long standing and the symptoms have disappeared in the reverse order of their coming we can dismiss out patient with full assurance of being cured and not be in danger of a relapse. If not we had better tell our patient, even though he should be satisfied with partial cure that, he may before long be attacked with this or some other trouble again.-D.S. KISTLER, M.D., 1895.

William H. Schwartz