Allopathic therapy is, always has been, and always will be a failure, because those who are responsible for it have either never made a complete application of the inductive method, or have violated its principles. Admitting, when pinned down, that every established science is based upon some “primitive fact,” or general principle, they have stubbornly denied that there is any such principle in therapeutics,have refused to search, for one, or to accept one when it was discovered, demonstrated and announced to them by Hahnemann. For this they stand unrecognized and discredited acknowledge their errors and reform their methods.

Homoeopathy presents itself as a system of therapeutic doctrine, theory and practice, based upon a general principle or law of nature which has been deduced and establish under the rules and principles of the inductive philosophy.

As such it has existed and proved its truth and efficacy as the true science and art of healing by medication for more than a century. Its claims are the same now that they have always been. It makes its appeal on the same grounds now as in the beginning,and presents the same proofs of its verity as a scientific system of pharmacotherapeutics. It makes the same challenge that Hahnemann made:”Do as I have done, but do it exactly”-and leaves the final decision to an enlightened public.

August Bier