Therapeutics Of Hay Fever

Many patients who are perfectly comfortable lying still in bed will, on the slightest movement of the legs, begin to sneeze. This is caused by contact with a cooler part of the sheet. Have them wear long stockings during the night, or better still, flannel pajamas with light woolen or cashmere socks pulled over the legs of the pajamas and they will avoid their night or morning sneezing.

Woolen stockings and wristlets with light underwear make an excellent combination. The legs and wrists perspire easily and unless protected are very sensitive to the slightest change of air and their chilling starts the sneezing.

Cut down meats, fats, rich blood and sometimes certain of the fruits.

Having eased the patient through this period of great torture, our hardest task begins. We must try and find the basic cause. As soon as the nose in a normal condition, careful search should be made for sinus or cell infection.

The teeth, tonsils, gall bladder, ovaries and prostate should be considered, but great attention should be given to the digestive tract in its entire length.

The majority of my cases of true hay fever I find to be, or have been, subject to urticaria, or have gouty joints. One woman over 50 years of age, suffers with her finger joints until the appearance of the hay fever, Aug. 15th, and has absolute relief of the joint trouble until the hay fever ceases.

Carl H. Rust