Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Editorial Notes And Comments

Homoeopathy is losing ground for this very reason and large majority of the homoeopathic graduates are floundering in hopeless ignorance of the tools with whose use they ought to be familiar. It is really pathetic to see the unscientific, incongruous therapeutic medley of remedies, applied in the treatment of patients who are finally brought to the hospital, after surviving the onslaughts of these so – called doctors.

Adjuncts To The Prescription

In the case of insomnia and difficulty in going to sleep some of the adjuncts can be used and avoid the use of opiates, chloral and dopes of all kinds. A glass of hot milk, a hot bath followed alcohol or vinegar rub, or even gentle massage will often produce sleep, and we do not have to contend with any of the after – effects of dopes. The use of mental suggestion of different kinds.

In The Limelight

Remember that intercostal neuralgia is often one of the symptoms of spinal irritation, so is numbness of hands or feet, and also a headache, that commences at the back of the head and goes over to the frontal region. If you have a patient with either of the above symptoms be sure and examine the spine for tender spots. Then you will know that you have a case of spinal irritation, and you can cure it you go the right way about it.

Relationship Of Pathology And Symptomatology To Homoeopathic Prescription

In this discussion I attack a somewhat broader meaning to the word “pathology” than is given it by the student of disease alone. I include within the meaning of this term, in addition it its ordinarily accepted meaning, the various mechanisms involved in the production of symptoms, be they due to drug action or to disease. These mechanisms may be of many kinds.

The Teaching Of Therapeutics

The remedy for all this is to have every student make in a pharmacy laboratory at least one representative of each class of preparations official in the Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary. I believe that this is done in only one school of medicine in the United States.

Therapeutics Of Hay Fever

Many patients who are perfectly comfortable lying still in bed will, on the slightest movement of the legs, begin to sneeze. This is caused by contact with a cooler part of the sheet. Have them wear long stockings during the night, or better still, flannel pajamas with light woolen or cashmere socks pulled over the legs of the pajamas and they will avoid their night or morning sneezing.

Therapeutic Nihilism

In pathology and physiology there has been a gradual breaking away from the tyranny of authority that has so long held the medical profession in its grip. But in therapeutic medication this nihilistic tendency has carried them almost to the point of complete negation.