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As an antidote to the effects of vaccination we all know the value of Thuja; I vaccinated my own baby two months ago, and the arm became very red and angry-looking, so I gave him a dose of Thuja 200, and the whole thing subsided very rapidly, and no bad effects were apparent. Another case I remember: a baby had suffered from constipation ever since being vaccinated, and he was then seven months old.

“The second point of interest to which I want to allude befores concluding is in reference to vaccination. In six cases whom we have vaccinated here at out-patient I have first given a three weeks course of Variolinum 30, three times a day, and not one of these cases showed the slightest tendency for the innoculation to take.

Two of them I asked Dr. Hare to vaccinate, as he was very sceptical, but when he came down to see them the following week he was, I think, astonished; six other cases I have vaccinated without giving any preliminary treatment, and using vaccine form the same source as in the first set of cases, and all of them took well. This certainly suggest that there is something in Variolinum 30, even though a chemical analysis of the preparation would not detect the slightest evidence of a drug of any kind.

As an antidote to the effects of vaccination we all know the value of Thuja; I vaccinated my own baby two months ago, and the arm became very red and angry-looking, so I gave him a dose of Thuja 200, and the whole thing subsided very rapidly, and no bad effects were apparent. Another case I remember: a baby had suffered from constipation ever since being vaccinated, and he was then seven months old.

There had been no alteration in his diet, as he was being fed on the breast entirely. Three doses of Thuja 30 were given, and on the second day the bowels acted naturally, an have done so every day since, and that is nine months ago.”– W. Percy Purdom, M. D., B. S., Lond., in The British Homoeopathic Medical Journal, Jan., 1913.

Purdom Percy W.