I have known people who were cured in five minutes of an illness, considered very serious. And I have known people who had no fatal illness, but they stuck to their illness with such persistence that it did become fatal in the end: the body in these cases refused to give up the illness, would not be convinced that it could send away the illness. Teis is the most important thing. You must carefully look into yourself, search and find out the corner which, I must say, takes pleasure in being ill. You wonder! but there are many reasons for which one wishes to be ill. One likes to be ill out of spite, out of malice and rancour, out of despair.

It may begin by the slightest thin, a little vexation which makes you say, “you will see what happens, you will see the consequence of what he did to me, I am going to fall ill”. Of course, you do not speak out to yourself loudly like that, you would not pardon ourself for uttering such things. But there is somewhere some part in you which thinks or feels something like that. Now, the way to cure is, as I said, to discover the source of the disorder or disharmony, great or small. Then there are two things to do, either or both. First, as I said already, the disharmony creates in the being a kind of trepidation, a lack of peace; in the physical being, in the body it is translated as fever. The fever need not be an affection of the whole body, it may be only a localised disturbance.

Or you are simply agitated. The first thing to do then is to quiet oneself. to bring the peace and calm, the repose and a full confidence not necessarily into the entire body, but into the affected part. And then you can see the cause of disorder. Even if you cannot in the beginning spot the central cause, you can try to get something near to it, approximating it. And then you throw the light of consciousness, the spiritual force exerting a kind of pressure upon the source of the disturbance and you try to reestablish balance and normal functioning of the affected part. If it is receptive and does not offer any obstinate resistance, you can get cured in a few seconds. Of course, it is not always so simple and easy.

Sometimes there is, as I said, a bad will in the part, it has gone on a wilful strike and insists on the bad consequences. If such is the case it takes longer to cure. If however, you are not very particularly in a bad mood, you get over the difficulty after some time, some minutes or hours or days. Now when it is a case of attack from adverse forces, the thing becomes still more and specially complex. For there is something involved here more than the mere bodily will. There is a force outside you that wants to do you harm. You must have opened the door by a spiritual error of yours: a movement of vanity, anger, spite, violence; it may be even a momentary lapse and that is sufficient to give an opportunity to the beings that are always there on the watch for it.

Anyhow when such an influence has penetrated the cordon of protection, it encourages the illness to become as bad as possible. then the first method I spoke of is not sufficient. You have to add to it another aid, you must add the force of spiritual purification. It is such an absolutely and perfectly constructive force that no destructive force can stand before it. If you have such a force in you, if you can ask for it and get it, you have to direct it upon the spot under the influence of the adverse force.

The adverse force usually disappears forth – with, for it it falls within the range of the force of light it gets dissolved. No force of disintegration can face this force of purifying fire and light. Either it is reduced to nothing or it has to change into a force of construction. In either case you are not only freed of your illness, but all possibility of its return is eliminated.

These are only the broad outlines; if I have to go into details I shall have to speak volumes.

That does not necessarily mean that one is safe from all possible attack. To say the truth, it is only when one has permanently established his consciousness in the supramental that the body is protected from all adverse attack and inner disharmony.

N C Das
N C Das