Retained Placenta

Stage: Second stage.

Location: Upper lobe of right lung. Lower lobe of left lung.

Causes: Change of weather. Disorder of liver. Measles. Whooping cough.

Expectoration: Lumps of mucus. Copious expectoration. Difficult expectoration. “LUmps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing.” Grayish. Lumpy. Mucous. Forcible ejection of small lumps of mucus or inability to raise and dislodge.

Cough: Violent cough, spasmodic, dry, hacking. Worse at night. Dry cough through the day. Dry cough when sitting up. Long continued cough, with loose rattling mucus, flying out of detached lumps of mucus when coughing. The cough re-echoes in stomach. Short cough. Rattling fatiguing cough. Loose and rattling cough. (Pneumonia)

Respiration: Difficult breathing. Difficult respiration with short fits of coughing. Short quick breathing. Difficult breathing; tightness over chest. Cough worse morning, with expectoration deep from lungs. Oppression of the chest and respiration. Hoarse in afternoon.

Pains: Stitches in the left chest during an inspiration. Pain in right side of chest and shoulder with embarrased respiration. Constriction of chest. Very severe pain in the inner lower angle of right shoulder blade running into the chest. Violent stitches in right lung going to lower edge of right shoulder-blade.

Pulse: Pulse is generally hard. Pulse small and rapid, full, hard but not very much accelerated, towards evening.

Patient: Persons of light complexion, blondes. Patients, thin, spare, irritable.

Conditions: Pneumonia of right lung with liver complications (Marc. Kali-c). Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing. Pneumonia of right side where there is a great deal of mucus. Hoarse at 5 oclock in the afternoon. Bilious pneumonia. Capillary bronchitis of children following measles or whooping cough. hepatic symptoms. Fan-like motion of the wings of the nose. One foot hot the other cold. Stitching pain under right scapula. Loose rattling cough. Expectoration not easily raised. Bright yellow stools or white stools. Yellow urine, yellow skin. Chel acted when Lycop. failed. Soreness of lower ribs of right side.

Fever: Fever with pain in liver or under right scapula. Burning heat of hand, cold feet.

Accompaniments: Low-spirited. Forgetful. Absent minded. Inclination to weep. Sensation of coldness in the occiput. Icy- coldness of occiput. Drowsiness marked. Headache with lachrymation. Loss of hearing during cough. Tongue yellow, imprint of teeth; flabby, large. Prefers hot food and drink. Nausea, better hot water. Eating relieves stomach. Icy coldness of tips of fingers. Colic, navel is drawn in.

Aggravation: Touch. Change of weather. Warmth. Motion. 4 a.m. afternoon. Right side. Early morning.

Amelioration: Rest.

Remedies following: Lyc., Nux v., Sulph.

K B Chettri