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Case Of Retinal Haemorrhage

A young unmarried girl suffering from pain at the time of menses came to my clinic for treatment. The pain was intolerable and she used to cry bitterly. While examining her pulse, noticed a small nodular growth on the right wrist. This reminded me of Asafoetida. My belief was confirmed when I saw her tongue, for Asafoetida tongue is thick and on protrusion it folds like a tube.

A young gentleman suffering from Retinal haemorrhage in the left eye came to my clinic for treatment. He consulted several doctors both here and abroad but was disappointed. When the haemorrhage used to take place, he could not see for two days. After that he got back his power of vision in that eye. He was also suffering from pollution form time to time and had a history of Gonorrhoea. He was a man of very irritable temperament. I examined his tongue and found it to be thick and folded on protrusion.

This kind of tongue is to be found under Asafoetida. The patient was put under Asafoetida 1000 and was asked to come after a fortnight. When he next turned up, there was considerable improvement. Pollutions were stopped. Haemorrhage took place once. As Asafoetida is followed well by Syphilinum, I gave him a dose of Syphilinum 1000. After giving two more doses of Syphilinum at an interval of fifteen days, the case was discharged with a dose of Syphilinum C.M. Here there is a triumph of Homoeopathy.


A rich young man suffering from fever came to my clinic for treatment. He confessed that he was in the habit of masturbation and used to throw the semen into a glass of water and drank that water afterwards. On being enquired why he was addicted to this dirty habit, he replied that he was rather a gainer than a loser. For he used to enjoy the pleasure of masturbation and suffered no loss because he drank his own semen afterwards.

At once Ignatia came to my mind. Ignatia patients would do things which no sane man would do in similar circumstances. It is therefore called a “remedy of contraction”. A dose of Ignatia 1000 was given and the patient was told to come after fifteen days. The fever gradually subsided and the patient gave up the nasty habit. Is it not a wonder!


A girl of marriageable age suffered from eczema on the back of fingers and on the forearm. On enquiry I found that the girls father had suffered from a venereal disease once. In case of eczema on the back of fingers, Calcarea Flourica acts nicely. I gave the girl a dose of Calcarea Flourica 1000 and asked her to come after a fortnight. The eczema almost disappeared. The same dilution was repeated and the case was cured in two months.


A young unmarried girl suffering from pain at the time of menses came to my clinic for treatment. The pain was intolerable and she used to cry bitterly. While examining her pulse, noticed a small nodular growth on the right wrist. This reminded me of Asafoetida. My belief was confirmed when I saw her tongue, for Asafoetida tongue is thick and on protrusion it folds like a tube. I gave her a dose of Asafoetida 1000 and waited for fifteen days. The nodule gradually subsided and the pain disappeared after two doses of 1000 dilution of Asafoetida. There is no trouble now. I cured another girl suffering from the same menstrual trouble. She had a small nodular growth on the wrist of the left hand. Her remedy was Selenium 1000. Asafoetida prefers the right side and the Selenium the left side.

R N Banerjee