Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The delicate child, with silky hair and waxen skin, who develops severe headaches upon application to school work, severe nosebleeds, the tendency to take cold, sensitive to every breeze, emotionally unstable, is not manifesting a series of unrelated conditions; and we must recognize it before the X-ray reveals a lesion if we are fair to our healing art and to the childs future.

1. It is indeed right and proper that the children who will be the future citizens of this great country should have preferential treatment. Dr. S. Philip Clements.

2. Give the children preferential treatment by all means, but above all – give them homoeopathy. Dr. S. Philip Clements.

3. Every prospective mother who is fortunate enough to discover a well qualified homoeopathic physician should have her case taken and her constitutional remedy prescribed as early in pregnancy as possible. There is no better health insurance for both mother and child than homoeopathy. H. Recorder.

4. Homoeopathic prescribing all through pregnancy keeps the patient feeling better, prevents the various complications common to pregnancy, and makes delivery easier. Dr. A.D. Smith, M.D.

5. If you have trouble in getting your young married couple interested, you may be able to do so by telling the young wife the advantage of a medication during the early months of pregnancy that she may have a more healthy child. If you can get them at this period and then follow it up by giving the child an occasional dose of the mothers constitutional remedy, or any other that may be needed, combined with proper food, you will have a child that will more easily throw off acute illness, tonsil and adenoid operations will be necessary; and the period of acute tuberculosis, if this disease should be contracted, will be much shortened.

If children thus born will live correctly from this period on, you will find them escaping asthma, hay fever, carcinoma, sarcoma, diabetes and Brights disease.

Is this not an worthy aim?

It is within our power to achieve. Dr. Curl H. Rust, M.D., F.A.C.S.

6. I claim that babies born to mothers who have had homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy are healthier and have a better start in life. Dr. L. Renard.

7. It is in the treatment of children that Homoeopathy can do so much. It can remove the stains and stigmas of unhealthy earlier generations, and build up a mentally and physically healthy people ready and able to undertake their share in running this country. It can ensure that future generations will be born strong and healthy and capable of restoring the fortunes of our land. Dr. S.P. Clements.

8. My plea is for the homoeopaths to get back to the foundation in prescribing and more of them take up pediatrics. You know this school of medicine can make the “old school” look sick if they just get into pediatrics and do the things that are possible to be done. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

9. There is no question but that many, many children can be brought to useful manhood and womanhood through the application of homoeopathic remedy. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

10. Another sphere in which Homoeopathy can serve the state is in the treatment of backward (even mentally defective) children, who can often be improved beyond all expectations. Health Through Homoeopathy.

11. The chronic child has an excellent chance to gain normal health, even against heavy odds of environment and heredity. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

12. If we could have an adequate endowment for homoeopathic care of underprivileged children, who are sick of mind, body or spirit, we unquestionably could save many to useful futures who would be otherwise not only problem children but problem adults. Dr. H.A. Roberts.

13. Not every child can be saved; there is a certain percentage of circumstances against this; but given the opportunity, how many children can be saved to a useful, productive life with increasing opportunities for future generations. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

14. Everything else being equal, we may assume that a sickly child prognosis a sickly adult; that is, the chronic child becomes a chronic adult sufferer. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

15. The delicate child, with silky hair and waxen skin, who develops severe headaches upon application to school work, severe nosebleeds, the tendency to take cold, sensitive to every breeze, emotionally unstable, is not manifesting a series of unrelated conditions; and we must recognize it before the X-ray reveals a lesion if we are fair to our healing art and to the childs future. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

16. And then in every case of any child I always consider the possibility of a dose of t.b. Dr. D.M. Borland, M.D.

B K Goswami