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Pain in stomach after meals. Chilliness after meals. Sensation of pressure in throat as from food after meals. Headache after meals. Great anxiety about epigastric region. Aversion to butter, to broth to sweets, to puddings; to a meal and flour and dishes made of it. Cannot bear cold water but can take it warm. Desire for sour things, brandy, coffee, lard. Soreness of stomach with burning heat. Burning like fire in stomach.


Causes: Acid things. Brandy. Butter. Acid drinks. Cold drinks. Fermented drinks. Fat food. Ice. Meat. Over loading stomach. Pastry. Pepper. Spoiled sausage. Water. Wine. Chilling the stomach with ice cream, ice-water. Indigestible food. Vinegar. Abuse of tobacco. Vegetable diet, melons, watery fruits. Strong cheese. Cold fruits.

Type: Acute. Chronic. Acid.

Desires: Alcoholic drinks. Beer. Brandy. Whisky. Wine. Bread. Rye bread. Coffee. Cold drinks. Fruit. Acid fruits. Lard. Lemons. Mustard. Milk. Pungent things. Refreshing things. Sour things. Sweets. Vegetables. Vinegar. Warm drinks. Warm food.

Aversions: Butter. Cereals. Fats and rich food. Food. gruel. Meat. Boiled meat. Sweets. Farinaceous food. Loathes even the thought of food.

Taste: Bad. Bitter. Bloody. Metallic. Putrid. Saltish. Sooty. Sour. Sweetish. Loss of taste. Tastelessness of food. Food tastes sour. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating and drinking. Bitter taste of food particularly of bread and beer. Food appears acid, insipid or too salt. Water tastes bitter.

Appetite: Want of appetite and of hunger frequently with burning thirst. Insurmountable dislike to all food, chiefly meat and butter. Continued craving with want of appetite and prompt satiety. Loss of appetite. Aversion to food, loathing the thought of eating.

Thirst: Violent unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drinking, but little at a time.

Longing for cold water, acids or alcoholic drinks.

Complete adypsia or violent burning choking and unquenchable thirst, making it necessary to drink constantly but little at a time.

Great thirst for cold water, drinks often but little at a time, simply to moisten the dry mouth and lips. Eats seldom but much.

Burning thirst, without special desire to drink. The stomach does not seem to tolerate, because it can not assimilate cold water, it is wanted but he can not drink it.

Tongue: Dry, black or brown, cracked, tongue dry, brown, black, cracked. “The membrane of the tongue may be white, red, blue, brown or even black. It is always dry. A red streak down the centre with a silver color on either side is the most common arsenic tongue. Blisters, vesicles, aphthae and ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth.”

Tongue, sides furred with red streak down the middle and red tip; yellow-white; brown; bluish. Red and irritated tongue, which feels heated and rough to patient, as if scalded. Dry tongue. Tongue thickly furred, edges red, dry and morbidly red with raised papillae at tip. Tongue bright red. Tongue white as chalk, as if painted white. Tongue red with a silvery white coat. Tongue stiff like a piece of wood. Tongue bluish, brown or blackish; dry. Desires a little water often.

Nausea: Nausea at the sight of food. Nausea with pain in feet. Nausea with disposition to sleep. Excessive nausea and inclination to vomit. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea from exercising. Nausea after drinking. Nausea with trembling. Nausea with loss of appetite with increased thirst. Nausea with shuddering. Nausea, vomiting and fetid stools with great and sudden prostration. Nausea with necessity for lying down, sleep, swooning, trembling. Nausea from smell or sight of food. Nausea from water.

Nausea: Day; 11 A.M. 3 P.M. during pain in abdomen, in open air, after cold drinks. Constant; during coughing; deathly.

After dinner; after drinking; in drunkards. Before eating. After eating. During fever, after fever, at smell of food, at thought of food; on lying down, on rising up in bed. During stool, in throat.

Vomiting: Vomiting of ingesta (after each meal), after drinking, of a brown substance with violent pain in the stomach; of a black substance; of blood; of a green substance; with diarrhoea after drinking the least quantity. Vomiting immediately after eating or drinking; of food; of drink; of brown or black substances; of blood; of green or yellow-green mucus; of bile; of thick, glassy mucus; with violent pains in the stomach; and burning in stomach and abdomen.

Vomiting of black water; of what has been drunk, it comes up immediately; at night; after eating or drinking; of green mucus; of bile; of blood; with diarrhoea. Violent pains in the stomach during vomiting, stomach deranged by ice, fruit, acid things etc. Thirst for cold water or cold substances, which are vomited immediately. Very weak and exhausted after vomiting, sour, acrid vomiting. Black vomit. Vomits at night what she has taken during day. Vomiting of drunkards. Vomiting is generally violent and incessant, and excited by any substance taken into stomach. Vomiting of slimy, watery substances.

Vomiting requiring a great effort; is scanty in quantity; followed by extreme prostration. Vomiting every time after drinking. Vomiting brings no relief. Vomiting with watery diarrhoea. Vomiting of liquids. Vomiting after meals. Vomiting with abdominal pain. Vomiting with heat of hands (Bell. Ipec., Verat-a.). Vomiting with weakness. Vomiting with chills. Acute gastritis, with painful vomiting of grass-green solids or fluids, with burning like fire in stomach. Frequent vomiting with apprehension of death. Obstinate and long- continued vomiting in diseases of brain.

Water-brash. Flow of water from the stomach like water-brash. Heart-burn.

Eructations: Frequent eructations particularly after having drunk or eaten, mostly empty, acid or bitter. Eructations: in the afternoon: after breakfast, after dinner; after drinking, after eating. Ineffectual and incomplete. After stool (Calc-s., Colic., Merc., sil).

Eructations: Acrid; bitter; empty; fluid; of food; tasting of food; sour.

Long-lasting eructations.

Stomach and Abdomen: Can not bear the sight or smell of food. Gnawing, burning pains like coals of fire in abdomen relieved by heat. Liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Abdomen swollen and painful. Excessive pains in stomach; weight in stomach as from a stone.

Sensation of pressure in cardiac orifice as though parts were filled with food upto the mouth. Hiccough with eructations. Great painfulness and anxiety in the pit of the stomach and abdomen. Burning in the pit of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach at 2 A.M. Hard, bloated abdomen. Sensation of coldness in abdomen (upper part).

Gastric derangements: After cold fruits; ice cream; ice water, sour beer, bad sausage, alcoholic drinks, strong cheese. Irregular convulsive action of stomach, with anxious, fruitless retching, with constant burning pains followed by thirst. Lamentation and anguish.

Pain in stomach after meals. Chilliness after meals. Sensation of pressure in throat as from food after meals. Headache after meals. Great anxiety about epigastric region. Aversion to butter, to broth to sweets, to puddings; to a meal and flour and dishes made of it. Cannot bear cold water but can take it warm. Desire for sour things, brandy, coffee, lard. Soreness of stomach with burning heat. Burning like fire in stomach. (Canth., Caps., Merc. c.).

Burning thirst but no desire to drink. Aversion to food. Aversion to food, to butter. Constant coldness or chilliness in epigastric region. Chronic catarrh of stomach. Feeling as if a cold stone were in stomach. Pain in stomach after drinking cold water. Sense of coldness in pit of stomach.

Constrictive pain when stomach is empty. Pressure as if heart were being crushed (Carb-v., Cham., Nux-v.). Thirstlessness, with inclination to drink. Excessive thirst, drinking does not refresh. Stomach feels full of water. Hiccough at hour when fever was due. Extreme irritability of stomach which will not retain anything.

Stomach: Coldness of; contraction of; emptiness of; heaviness of; hiccough; loathing of food; pain after cold drinks; after eating. Pain in stomach worse yawning; tension.

Abdomen: anxiety in abdomen after stool. Coldness; distention, painful, tympanitic, rumbling.

Violent pains in abdomen with great anguish, has no rest anywhere, rolls about on the floor and despairs of life, abdomen drawn in, colic day and night with but short remission; vomiting with colic. Colic caused by ice water, icecream, bad sausages cheese, lead poisoning. Colic after severe burns. (Better by Heat). Dyspepsia with heart burn, and belching up of acrid burning fluid which seems to excoriate the throat.

Nausea vomiting and diarrhoea especially after drinking cold or acidulated water, relief from hot drinks.

Sensation of emptiness in stomach, so that he wants food and still does not feel like eating when seen before him.

Disgust for animal food. Sensation of faintness, excessive sudden weakness, cold extremities; cold skin.

Dyspepsia from immoderate use of ice, vinegar, acid or fermented liquors, from abuse of tobacco, from ice-cream or ice water in hot weather.

Acrid, bitter eructations.

Chilliness and anguish. Stomach sensitive to touch.

Stool: Constipation with inability to drink cold water and pain in bowels.

Diarrhoea, great weakness, out of all proportion to the amount of stool. Stool preceded by restlessness, anguish and pain in abdomen. Pain ceases after stool. Stool blackish, very offensive worse about midday and about midnight; after food or drink; colic better by warmth.

Prabir Kumar