Burning pain in epigastrium.

Disgust for fat food and milk which cause flatulence.

Belchings and borborygmi offensive.

Congestion of head from overheated rooms, heat on top of the head during climaxis.

Headache with trembling of the jaw.

Nocturnal headache.

Cramp-like tension in the brain.

Heaviness of the head.

Pressive headache, especially above eyes in the temples and in the occiput.

Drawing pain in the head commencing at the nape of the neck, with nausea.

Shooting in the vertex.

Beating and pulsation in the head, especially in the evening, or after meal, congestion of blood and heat or burning sensation in the head.

The headache frequently extends from the nape of the neck to the brain and is sometimes aggravated by a meal.

Acute tractive pains in the teguments of the head especially in the occiput and in forehead, often commencing in the limbs.

Aches from any overindulgence.

Hair feels sore, falls off easily.

Hat pressed upon head with a heavy weight.


Type: Neuralgic. Migraines. Menstrual. Periodical.

Location: Forehead. Temples. Brain. Occiput. Whole head.

Character of pain: Pressive, dull, heavy, band-like.

Aggravation: Noise; walking across room; every month; during menses; after menses; before menses.

Amelioration: Fresh air; green tea; while smoking; pressure; tight band; cold hand; bending head forward.

Symptoms: Headache better by green tea, while smoking.

Orbital neuralgia over right eye.

Tight feeling as if compressed by a rubber-band.

Dull heavy pain running from forehead to occiput.

General mental and physical attitude.

Dull heavy pain through temples with band-like constriction over head.

The whole head feels hot.

Brain appears compressed as in a tight bandage worse by noise, walking across room; better in fresh air.

Monthly headache, before, during or soon after menses.

Periodical sick headache as if enclosed in tight hand.

Dull frontal headache as if an India rubber band were stretched tightly over forehead from temple to temple better by pressure.

Headache better green tea, while smoking, tight band, cold band, bending head forward.


Location: Over left eye. Temples. Occiput. Behind eyes.

Character of pain: Pressing, drawing, tensive, severe crushing.

Causes: Uterine or spinal trouble.

Aggravation: Stooping; light; noon till night; before menses; during menses; in nervous women.

Attending Symptoms: Insomnia, flow of menses scanty in nervous women, uterine trouble.

Spinal trouble.

Symptoms: Headache with sensation of pressure over left eye; worse from stooping, from light, from noon till night.

Severe pains by spells in the temples as if they would be crushed together.

Occipital headache with disposition to throw back the head to relieve the tense drawing feeling; worse before menses, during menses.

Insomnia, flow of menses scanty.

Headache from uterine or spinal trouble.


Type: Gastric. Rheumatic. Nervous. Catarrhal. Chronic.

Location: Bones. Brain. Forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Right temple. Vertex.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, bursting, crushing, cutting, darting, stabbing, drawing jerking, nail like, pinching, plug-like, pressing, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing, pulsating, beating, throbbing, tensive, pain as from as abscess.

Causes: Caused by or following disappearance of skin eruptions.

Aggravation: Day time; morning; morning on waking, forenoon; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. afternoon; 4 p.m. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. evening; night; before midnight; cold air; draft of air; open air; after bathing; bending head backward; coffee; taking cold; coughing; after eating; after epileptic attacks; fasting; pressure of hat; looking fixedly at anything; looking upward; after meat; before menses; during menses; motion; moving arms; moving head; noise; during pregnancy, reading; upright; erect position; excessive pollutions; shaking head; sitting; after sleep; in a small spot; stepping heavily; after stool; stooping; straining eyes; smoking tobacco; walking; walking in open air; warm room; cold weather; dry cold weather; writing.

Amelioration: Cold air; open air; cold application after eating; frowning; stooping; walking in open air; washing head with cold water.

Attending Symptoms: Nausea.

Noises in head.


Blindness which does not diminish as the headache increases.

Symptoms: Pain in right frontal eminence.

Sensation of empty space between forehead and brain.

Headache with vertigo, blindness which does not diminish as the headache increases and sensation as if falling to the left when looking up or backward when stooping.

Nightly headache of a tearing or grinding nature with noises in the head.

Tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to vertex.

Constant succession of shocks and jerks in head during rest or motion.

Sensation in the integument of the head as if it were too tight.

Involuntary nodding of the head when writing.

Headache caused by or following disappearance of skin eruptions.

Attacks of headache with nausea;.

Headache in the morning sometimes on waking with sensation as from a bruise in the brain.

Nocturnal pain in the head as if from an abscess in brain.

Dull and pressive headache which occasions gloominess and if felt chiefly on the forehead.

Digging with sudden shocks in head.

Tightness and shooting in the head.

Sensation of torpor in occiput.


Type: Migraine. Neuralgic. Periodical.

Location: Forehead. Over eyes. Over left eye. Left side of head. Occiput. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain: Stitching, pulsating, throbbing heating, distensive, bursting.

Aggravation: Noon; evening; 7 p.m. night; open air every other day; at 11 a.m. morning; daily at the same hour; before a storm; 9 a. m.; working on black.

Amelioration: Cold application; motion.

Attending Symptoms: Head seems numb.

Head feels as if swollen.

Tinnitus aurium.

Objects seem red at night and yellow during day.

Symptoms: Sick headache every other day at 11 a.m.

Neuralgic distensive headache as if the skull would burst, worse morning and heavy feeling over whole brain, attacking supra- orbital nerve and eye, worse on left side; the eye burns as if it were on fire.

Head feels as if swollen.

Attacks come daily with clock-like regularity.

Tinnitus aurium.

Objects seem red at night and yellowish during day.

Intense frontal headache sharp pains from above eyes to temples and occiput, worse before a storm.

Pain across eyes from temple to temple.

Headache worse during night, in open air.

Pain over whole right side of face coming on about 9 a.m.

Crazy feeling from pain across forehead, worse working on black.

Whole head seems numb with headache.

The pains are of a shooting character and located in orbital region.

Headache especially deep in orbits obliging him to shut his eyes and extending to the occiput.

N C Das
N C Das