RHUS TOX. When getting wet or exposure to dampness is the exciting cause, Rhus tox should not be forgotten. It is a much praised remedy for paralysis of the lower extremities in acute as well as chronic cases. Marked pain and restlessness would be important indications.

DULCAMARA is in many respects similar to Rhus tox, though not so suitable in chronic cases.

On the whole, the remedies most commonly indicated in thee EARLY STAGES may be from amongst; Acon; Apis; Ars; Bell; Bry; Caust; Cocculus; Dulc ? GELSEMIUM; Lach; Merc. sol; Natr Mur; Natr Sulph; Nux Vom; OPIUM; PHOS; Rhus tox; Sulphur.

WHEN THE DISEASE HAS PASSED THE ACUTE STAGE, and ultimated in chronic paralysis, the remedies to be specially looked into are : Alum ; Amm-m ? Bar Carb ; Bar Mur ; calc ; Cause ; Natr Carb ; Natr Mur ; PHOS ; Pic-ac ? PLUM ; Silic ; Sulph.

PLUMBUM has been very much extolled for the later stages, and indications for it should be closely examined. The symptomatology of Plumbum strikingly reveals a general paralytic state, preceded by sluggishness and paresis; the symptoms develop slowly and insidiously. Progressive muscular atrophy (Chronic Anterior Poliomyelitis); progressive paralysis. Paralysed or painful parts wither.

There is paralysis of both extensors and flexors, but especially of extensors where it begins, giving us the wrist- drop. It has an elective affinity for the upper extremities, and Bayes has gone so far as to say that he has not seen any beneficial results from it in paralysis of lower extremities. Paralysis may be preceded by tremor. Constipation with hard lumpy stools may be a high ranking symptom. Retention or suppression of urine may be present.

PHOSPHORUS (according to Dr George Royal) is called for as it has an elective affinity for the brain and nerves, and causes destruction (fatty degeneration) of those tissues. If and when the symptoms agree.

ALUMINA has paralysis of the lower extremities, especially of spinal origin. Constipation requiring much straining to pass even a soft stool ; formication of limbs ; patient brushes his face as if trying to remove a cobweb.

Finally, a mention must be made of LATHYRUS SATIVA which presents such a striking picture of typical Infantile Paralysis :symptomatically, pathologically and clinically” as to justify presuming it to be a most effective PROPHYLACTIC against the disease.

Dr A H Grimmer claims that clinical application of this remedy as a prophylactic in many thousand cases over a period of thirty years in many epidemics has registered hundred per cent success. He mentions it for “the acute infective and toxic forms of paralysis including infantile”, and also puts if in a group of about fifty remedies frequently found indicated for paralytic states in general.

R. S. Rastogi,

Homoeopath, Dehradun.

Note :- Singly underlining indicates italicised type. Double underlining indicates thick bold type.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India