Abdomen & Pelvis – Homoeopathy & Surgery

Phosphorus: Restless, mostly the legs; craving for cold, acids and salty foods, hunger soon after eating; sour taste and eructations, water vomited as soon as gets warm in stomach.

Except in perforating ulcers of the stomach or uncontrollable gastric haemorrhage, surgery is seldom called for in gastric ulcer. The properly selected homoeopathic remedy will bring about permanent cures in by far a great majority of cases.

Where surgery is required, subtotal gastrectomy is the operation of choice.


What is said of calculi of the gallbladder also pertains to calculi of the pancreas.

Phosphorus: As described under gastric ulcer.

Carbo an.: Burning, griping pains in epigastrium; repugnance to fat food; sour eructations; weak, empty gone feeling in stomach.

Iris: Burning of whole alimentary canal; sour vomiting; vertigo followed by headache, or partial blindness followed by headache; nausea; profuse saliva.

Iodine: Ravenous hunger and thirst, yet the patient loses weight; empty eructations as if every particle of food were turned to gas; anxious, worried; enlargement of the liver; whitish, frothy, fatty stools.

Mercurius vivus: As for gastric ulcer.

Ceonanthus: Dry mouth, not relieved by water; gripping feeling as though a string were tied in a slip knot in the region of the epigastrium and suddenly drawn tight and gradually loosened; stool soft, yellow, pasty.


Is strictly surgical condition, except an occasional cure by the use of kidney pad and the increase of abdominal fat.


Phosphorus: In the pathogenesis of Phosphorus we find that it destroys bone, disorganizes the blood. It is especially useful in tall, slender persons, narrow-chested, with thin, transparent skin; great nervous, debility; very sensitive to external impressions; noise, odors, touch, electrical changes; great lowness of spirit; apprehension; loss of memory; craves cold, salty and sour; sour taste and sour eructations; water is thrown up as soon as gets warm in stomach; hematuria; turbid urine, brown with red sediment.

Mercurius cor.: Low spirit; urination frequent, painful with marked tenesmus; urine thick, acid, albuminous, containing granular, fatty and bloody casts.

Arsenicum alb.: Restless, fretful, apprehensive, worse after midnight; headache with vertigo; oedema of lids; burning on urination; urine scanty, dark, yellow, turbid.

Lachesis: Vertigo, flickering before the eyes; vision dim with flicker before eyes; aggravation during and after sleeping; frequent urination; urine copper-colored or like coffee grounds, containing high percent of albumin; patient cannot bear anything tight about body.

Cuprum ars.: Vertigo, confusion dark spots before eyes; frequent urging to urinate, burning lasting some time after urination; urine is dark red; great nausea; cramp in abdomen, fingers and toes.

Pareira brava: Sensation as if bladder were distended; pains go down thighs; constant urging with great tenesmus; pains go down thighs during efforts to urinate; can emit urine only when he goes on his knees; incontinence after urination; violent pain in glans penis; itching along urethra. (Parietaria –Renal Calculi.) Fearful dreams of being buried alive.

Lycopodium: Most often indicated for urate stones; worse right side of body or travels from right to left; intellectually keen but weak muscular development; worse 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. Craves everything warm; acid eructations (water and gas); pain in the back before urinating; ceases after flow; slow in coming; must strain; heavy urate sediments; polyuria, during night.

Argentum nit.: Great desire for sweets; splinter-like pains; melancholic; hurried; time passes slowly; tremulous; eructations very loud; incontinence of urine; urethritis with pain, burning and itching, pain as from splinter; urine scanty and dark; emission of a few drops after having finished urination; bloody urine; worse from warm and cold foods; sweets; left side; better from eructations, fresh air, cold, and pressure.

Sarsaparilla: Despondent, sensitive, easily offended, ill- humored and taciturn; urine scanty, sandy, containing mucus, bloody; severe pain at conclusion of urination; urine dribbles while sitting, child screams before and while passing urine; mostly right kidney calculi; tenesmus.

Berberis vulgaris: Rapid change of symptoms; shifting pains; thirst alternates with thirstlessness; hunger alternates with loss of appetite; old gouty constitutions; pain in regions of kidneys is most marked; useful in both gallstones and renal calculi; haematuria; burning on urination; sensation as if some urine remained after urinating; urine contains thick mucus and is bright red; mealy sediment; bubbling sore sensation in kidney regions; pain in thighs and loins on urinating, and burning pains when not urinating.

Ocimum canum: Pain from kidney into ureters with passage of red sand in urine. This remedy is one of the greatest remedies for renal colic.

Polygonum: Colic and calculi. (Polygonum persicaria.).

Juncus effuses: Great solvent for renal or gallstones.


Bryonia: Is the outstanding remedy for the first stage. Aggravation from motion; thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals; hot, dry, parched lips; constipation, stools hard and dry; relieved by lying on painful side.

Belladonna: Bright red face; dry throat; sweats on covered parts only; restless; excitable.

Nux vomica: Irritable, ineffectual desire for stool; thin, spare; active mind; nervous; worse from noises, odors and light; ineffectual efforts to vomit; sour taste; sensation of weight in stomach.

Rhus tox: Listless, restless, movement relieves; apprehensive at night, cannot remain in bed; bitter taste; drowsy after eating; pains relieved by lying on abdomen. Inguinal adenopathy.

Other remedies according to symptoms of individual patient.


Time forbids discussion of the extensive number of remedies necessary for the treatment of this condition. Suffice it to say that it is not a surgical condition as understood by the homoeopathic profession, usually yielding readily to the properly indicated remedy.


Homoeopathic treatment of diseases arising in the adnexa are successful when patient are seen in the early stages.

Ferrum phos.: Will usually abort acute inflammatory condition, whether it be streptococcus staphylococcus or gonorrhoeal. This remedy stands midway between Aconite and Belladonna. Patient is full-blooded and robust but nervous; sensitive; anaemic with false plethora; prostration, pulse soft and flowing; less anxious and restless than Aconite. Stools watery, bloody and undigested. Vomiting of undigested food; aversion to meat and milk.

Cannabis sativa: Painful urging to urinate; stitches in urethra; burning while urinating extending into the bladder; thick, yellow, excoriating discharge from vagina or urethra.

Hepar: Especially scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions; great sensitiveness to all impressions; tendency to suppurations; septic temperature; slightest cause irritates him; stitching in region of liver, worse from pressure; longing for acids, aversion to fat.

Mercurius vivus: Septic temperature; sweating, worse at night; foul breath, salivation; furrowed tongue, taking indentation of teeth; great thirst with moist mouth; stabbing pains; chilliness, and urinary or rectal tenesmus.

Any remedy, which may be indicated, regardless of localization, will cure the case and surgery need only be resorted to when there is neglect of early treatment.


Mezereum: Periostitis before the stage of suppuration; worse from touch; nodes; necrosis; nocturnal bone pains; exostosis of tarsal bones. (Platinum muriaticum.).

Hepar: Scrofulous; sensitive to all impressions. Worse from slight draft; all slight wounds suppurate. Lymphatic constitution. Eruptions and adenitis. Promotes discharge of all suppurative processes. (Merc. high early aborts.) Craves sour, splinter pains, lesions spread by papules around the lesion.

Mercurius vivus: Lacerating pains, sweats without relief, worse at night; foul discharges; adenitis. Profuse saliva with great thirst; foul breath; spongy bleeding gums; metallic taste. Tongue takes indentations of teeth. Worse from warmth of bed (opposite Hepar.) Tenesmus.

Calcarea carb.: Baehr claims that this remedy is superior to any in caries of the vertebrae. Curvature of spine. Rickets, sour sweat.

Phosphoric acid: Hip disease and caries of spine. Sensation in the bones as if scraped with a knife. It is a remedy that corresponds to the extreme debility found in rickets, and is a valuable remedy in that affection.


The same remedies apply here as apply to abscess anywhere in the body, and surgery is only required in indicated cases.

Chairman, Bureau of Surgery