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Least exercise produces profuse perspiration, wakens at night with drenching ice-cold sweats. Body odor “like a dead mouse”. Stool feels “boiling hot” and has a “terrible odor”. Sensation as if heart were swollen. Floating grinning faces before eyes when she closes them at night. Psorinum changed this woman from a helpless invalid to an active housekeeper. All the above symptoms have permanently disappeared.

5. Scotch chauffeur, age 72. Flash of light-headed feeling with throbbing in temples worse at night. Dizzy when getting out of a car but never when driving. Blood pressure 105/70, numbness down left arm and precordial oppression, during the attacks feet cold as ice. An electrocardiogram at this time was negative. Syphilinum was given with prompt relief.

This man is hale and hearty now at 76, having been employed in the same family for over fifty years. He requires very little medical care, but when he does the ice-cold feet always precede and attend any group of symptoms, and Syphilinum always does the work.

6. Miss R., editor of a church magazine. Loss of self control, tantrums like a naughty child; shakes, screams, pulls her own hair, wants to bang her head against the wall, screams “I cant stand it.” Reviews past unpleasant experiences. Wants to be alone, better when alone. Delights to say stinging things, wants to say “damn”, hates people. Sense of hurry, everyone is too slow. Grinds teeth. Nerve tension, “nerves tied up in Knots”. Spells of exhaustion, with hard palpitation. Medorrhinum 1M., 10M., CM., produced marked improvement for a year, then it ceased to hold and Tuberculinum 200 was given.

This was followed by the appearance on the arms and the posterior surface of the thighs of a violently itching eruption, bleeding when scratched, and finally a moist eczema all over the body with a general relief of all symptoms for a short time. Within a few weeks, the eczema still being in full eruption, the nerve symptoms returned in full force. Sleepless after 3 a.m. from rush of thoughts and a sense of dual personality.

Tuberculinum was repeated without benefit. Sulphur cleared the slate of all symptoms for six months, at the end of which time the tantrums, the screams and all the rest developed in full force. Tuberculinum was again given. From that time the patient made rapid strides towards health and after five years has remained well.

7. Mrs. L., housewife, age 43. Very nervous, anticipates trouble, all emotions center in solar plexus. Sense of hurry. Cant stand a close room, must get out of it. Likes cold air and cold bathing, but when sitting still must be wrapped up. Hands and feet as cold as ice and numb. Shaking chills, teeth chatter. Menstrual flow very offensive, “like a dead fish”; urine offensive, “like cats urine”; slimy offensive discharge from navel; breath offensive, tongue white furry coating; large calibre stool.

Liver spots on right hypochondrium. Medorrhinum 1M. was given. This patient did not return for nine months; she then reported that she had been progressively improving the menstruation had been better than for years, she had lost her nervous tension and apprehensions, the discharge from the navel had stopped, the tongue was clean, breath not offensive, the bowel eliminations were more complete, the liver spots had disappeared, she had no more shaking chills.

8. Mrs. B., housewife and church worker Great fatigue, dreads ordeals, anticipates trouble, cant face things. Hysterical, giggling, weeping, cranky, scolding. Tense, fumbles, clumsy. Prostrated during menses, “I could not move even if chased by a bull.” Craves sauerkraut. Perspires freely from emotional strain, axillary sweat offensive. Always cold, loves hot weather, the hotter the better. Empty sensation all over, head, arms and legs feel empty. Psorinum repeated at long intervals over a period of years has kept her in good health.

9. Mrs. S., housewife, age 42. For thirteen years had been housebound because of a severe pain in right hip, extending down outer aspect of thigh and shooting both up and down, better by elevating the foot, also better by heat; worse by dampness and cold weather. Rash in bends of elbows and knees and wrists; rawness under breasts has such an offensive odor “it makes me sick at my stomach.” Oozing from left nipple for over two years, odor of sour milk, so profuse it runs down the leg.

Least exercise produces profuse perspiration, wakens at night with drenching ice-cold sweats. Body odor “like a dead mouse”. Stool feels “boiling hot” and has a “terrible odor”. Sensation as if heart were swollen. Floating grinning faces before eyes when she closes them at night. Psorinum changed this woman from a helpless invalid to an active housekeeper. All the above symptoms have permanently disappeared.

10. Miss C., nurse. History of frequent and prolonged bronchial colds. Cough worse by talking, damp weather, lying on right side, from morning on rising until noon. Sensation as though she must raise shoulders to better tension in left chest; can breathe better lying on left side. Sense of smell and taste dull. Tuberculinum 200.

The Homoeopathic Recorder Vol. LV., No. 9.

Margaret Burgess Webster