She came to me and said: “I am desperate, my husband is the last of his family, we have got to have a kid, and I have had no periods since the time of this x-ray. Can homoeopathy do anything?” I thought: we will see. I did her chronic case and I seem to be harping on Phosphorus today, but she was Phosphorus, and I think if she had had Phosphorus it would probably have checked those haemorrhages she had.

I put her on Phosphorus, 1 dose, repeated it four months afterward, and five and a half months after she began treatment with me, which was four years after she had had her x-ray treatment, she had a period, and she telegraphed me in great excitement, and thereafter she has had periods, although slightly irregular. As yet there is no baby, but if she keeps on we may have one.

I would like, in the discussion, to have those who know about the effects of x-ray on menopause, give statistics of a period coming back after four years.

Another case that I have in mind here is one with a local thick yellow stringy elastic discharge in a very beautiful and very calm young woman. I accent that because the remedy I gave her stands in the book for beautiful and calm people, Kali- bichromicum, and she hadnt a symptom in the world that I could find except this discharge, and she had been under a regular obstetrician who was going to do a repair and various things local treatment with carbolic and iodine. She objected to these.

She has had two doses of Kali bichrom. 1M at 2 month intervals, her discharge is practically among the absent; whether it would have stopped anyway open to question, but it was so typically a Kali bi. discharge that I feel we might add that to our list.

Then there were a couple of cases which really are mental, and yet they come in under the sphere of the sex organs. They were both cases of onanism, one in girl of 27 who had done it from the time she was a child, and I had had her as a patient for aphthae of the mouth, which she had horribly. I put her on Kali mur. which helped her very much. She confessed this other thing to me one day and apparently it was very serious.

She was lifes greatest snob, and she had no reason to be and also she was a great one for washing, washing, washing, which goes psychiatrically with that state of affairs. She certainly had a superiority complex, and had practically no symptoms, but just on the mental haughtiness and insistence on cleanliness, and onanism, I gave her Platinum 2c, one dose. Before doing that I gave her Sac. lac. and told her it would cure her. She was neurotic, I wanted to see what would happen.

She called up a few days afterward and said: “Your medicine doesnt do any good.” I knew it wouldnt. After having tested that on her I sent her Platinum 2c, one dose. In two weeks she came again and said: “I dont know what you gave me, but for the first two days after your dose I was much worse, and from that day until this I havent a sign of it,” and I think she went four months on that remedy, and then she came around and said, “Its coming back.” I gave her another dose, 1M, and at that time she was relieved, then moved away. I havent heard from her since.

There was another case of the same thing in an older woman. The other case also went very well with Platinum.

The other cases are stoppage of periods by getting wet, nausea in pregnancy, all of which are not signal enough to take your time at the end of this long day.


Dr. Wilson: You spoke of the use of x-ray in your one case. I wonder what x-ray in potency might have done. I had a case of an entirely different type, it was a case of cancer of the breast that had gone on to such a point she had been operated on twice, the pectoral muscles had all been removed, there was nothing left but just the ribs covered with skin, everything had been removed, then there was a recurrence in the scar. She went under x-ray treatment, in New York, for that condition, and she was horribly burned all over the shoulder and all over the chest, and the doctors in New York, in the hospital there, finally told her sister that they could do nothing more for her, and advised putting her under a local physician just for observation.

It happened to be my lot, and my first prescription for her was X-ray in potency. It was remarkable to me how the burning sensation where she was burned, and the redness all disappeared and I was just wondering what a potency of X-ray of which there is a proving, might have done in your case where the menstruation had been stopped by the x-ray treatment of the uterus.

Dr. Dienst: Before you close I wanted to add a word as to the efficacy of the homoeopathic remedy in pathological growths.

We men who have quite a bit of country practice run across all sorts of conditions of mankind. A farmers wife called at my office complaining of the usual symptoms that go with haemorrhage and fibroid tumor there is no question about it it is not necessary for me to go into details, but she was morphologically a typical Calcarea individual, so 1 gave her Calc. carb., the 1M potency. This was in August and in the latter part of September I repeated that, but in the 10M potency.

I saw nothing more of her until the latter part of November, when she came in and told me that just a few days previous. during corn husking time when the people got up very early and while the men were at the bran doing their chores, she was getting breakfast, when suddenly her feet grew very cold, she couldnt understand it. She went to the old-fashioned cook stove, opened the oven door and put her feet into the oven: while sitting there she had a fearful downward pressure, and all at once something appeared.

She caught it. It came without a haemorrhage, and here was a tumor twice as large as one of those large pears, a typical fibroid tumor. No haemorrhage with that nor since then, and she has been well all these twenty odd years.

Dr. Underhill: You referred to a case cured by Kali bichromicum, that reminds me of a case I had. I had the entire family with the exception of the old man, so when finally he presented himself as a patient I was very anxious to make good there too, and he complained of having had first one and then another ulcer on the covered parts of the body, on the back and arms, buttocks, and so forth.

There usually would not be more than one or two at a time and he had, I think, two at the time he presented himself for treatment, but I didnt look at the ulcers. I took his symptoms, I waited for half an hour without seeing any daylight at all on the case. I couldnt get anything to hang a remedy on. Finally I said: Let me see that ulcer.”.

As soon as I saw the ulcer I thought of Kali bichromicum. It was large and punched out. I found that he was more apt to have pain from two to five a.m., he had a lot of mucus in his nose and throat and I said, “Blow your nose,” so he did and he took his handkerchief away and he had a string there, so I gave him Kali bichromicum and he has never had an ulcer since.

Dr. Boger: One of the sore trials of curing women of female disorders is to hold the patient when she is getting better all over except that a profuse leucorrhoea has appeared. She wants to get that out of the way when she is getting better and she is feeling fine, but the leucorrhoea is getting worse all the time. Then is when she wants something done.

Dr. Green: When you cure a chronic case of all but an eruption, it appears on the face.

Dr. Wright: May I ask one question? Would someone from the floor tell me what if anything a true homoeopath can do as a local application to the cervix of the uterus for instance?.

Dr. Boger: Usually either cold packs or hot packs or something like that.

Dr. Underhill: You mean in case of ulceration?.

Dr. Wright: Where regular medicine would paint it with iodine, is it good practice to use Calendula tincture?.

Dr. Underhill: I have stopped using local applications in the pelvic tract. Usually you will find they are using antiseptic douches. All those things interfere with the action of your remedy.

Elizabeth Wright Hubbard
Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard (1896-1967) was born in New York City and later studied with Pierre Schmidt. She subsequently opened a practice in Boston. In 1945 she served as president of the International Hahnemannian Association. From 1959-1961 served at the first woman president of the American Institute of Homeopathy. She also was Editor of the 'Homoeopathic Recorder' the 'Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy' and taught at the AFH postgraduate homeopathic school. She authored A Homeopathy As Art and Science, which included A Brief Study Course in Homeopathy.