Without suffering the consequences like some of the Marathon runners, numerous young persons strain and overwork their hearts in milder sports or in betting matches which may become dangerous. This prepares the way for cardiac hypertrophy. In these cases I know of no better remedy than Aconite for quick action in calming a tumultuous heart with a rapid pulse and bringing it back to normal, and also arresting the consequences of the overworked heart. The law of similars is again verified here. The symptoms of the strained heart appear rapidly, and the action of Aconite is rapid in its effect.

The nearest, similar to Aconite in these cases is perhaps ARNICA; but Arnica acts much slower.

We have spoken of hypertension without lesions. We should remember that Aconite is most efficacious in the beginning of endocarditis, pericarditis with hypertension. Aconite will always remain the remedy for the beginning of these affections, and it is useful even in the acute exacerbations of subacute or chronic disease.

In arteriosclerosis, a very high blood pressure can be reduced from time to time by the use of Aconite for a few days to a week and repeated at intervals as required.

It is the remedy for plethoric individuals and their various diseases, as colds, at the beginning of many inflammatory troubles, early respiratory ailments especially. Also for cerebral hypertension and vertigo of plethoric patients. It is the remedy for cerebral haemorrhages where one has noted symptoms of hypertension.

In conclusion, ACONITE is one of our great remedies for acute rapid hypertension as confirmed clinically and by the sphygmomanometer.

Some members of the solanaceae family resemble Aconite. Delphinine, the active principal of the Delphinium staphysagria, has great similarity, both approaching Veratrine (Pouchet).

In what doses should Aconite be given for hypertension? Certainly not in the mother tincture which would only end by fatiguing the heart muscles. It is the Hahnemannian dose that it is necessary to prescribe, the 6 centesimal, 12. centesimal or the 30 centesimal. We usually prescribed the 6. or the 30. centesimal dilution on disks or diskettes.

BELLADONNA, or rather its alkaloid atropine, may cause lowering of the blood pressure (very brief and only occasionally demonstrated), followed by an extraordinary rapid pulse with a great increase of the arterial pressure. After a certain time, if the dose has been sufficient, there is noted a progressive lowering of the pressure until death. The rapidity of the pulse lasts until the end.

In atropining animals the pulse is not modified, neither by section nor by galvanism. According to the best authorities, Atropine increases the vascular tension, dilates the arteries and capillaries and increases the energy of ventricular contractions. Luchsinger attributes the enormous increase of the pulsations to paralysis of the intra-cardiac ends of the pneumogastric nerve.

Von Renterghem attributes the redness of the face and upper parts of the body to rapidity of the pulse and increase of he blood pressure. Belladonna resembles Aconite quite a little in some ways, so why is Belladonna less suitable than Aconite to human hypertension? The reason is that Aconite is a more general hypertensor than Belladonna. Belladonna has a special localization, its characteristic is hypertension of the upper part of the body-the head, the brain, the neck, the eyes, etc., shown clearly by physiological and clinical evidence.

In acute hypertension of the brain, with delirium, agitation, encephalitis or congestion, Belladonna is really more homoeopathic than Aconite, but it does not possess the general action of Aconite on the heart, blood vessels and capillaries of the entire body. both remedies suit acute cases, and act on nerves rapidly. Both remedies cause death in poisonous doses before there is any evidence of tissue changes, except congestion.

Atropine is the antagonist of Morphine. Muscarine is also an antagonist to Atropine.

BARYTA CARBONICA and BARYTA MURIATICA, are hypertensors and consequently are homoeopathic to hypertension which I will discuss further in detail in my article on “Arteriosclerosis.”.

These drugs are of great important, not only for hypertension, but for arterial lesions as well. Clinical observations are multiplied and verified from day to day.

ADRENALINE, Sajous, in his remarkable work and study, has shown the connection among three glands of internal secretion (the suprarenal capsules, the pituitary glands and thyroid gland) and their importance in vascular tension. Everyone knows that in Addisons disease where the glandular secretion is lessened and vitiated one notes extreme hypotensive phenomena; and when adrenaline solution is injected into a vein a great increase in blood pressure followed promptly.

Similar phenomena are seen with an extract taken from the posterior body of the pituitary gland. This extract given in infinitesimal doses, recording to the law of similars, has been recommended in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

Cholesterin in the blood increases vascular tension, and note, also the association of hypertension with Cholesteremia.

The laboratory has shown clearly that Cinchona products increase Cholesterin in the blood, and acting on the principle of similars, CHINA in potency has proved one of the first remedies in Cholesteremia.

CHOLESTERINUM in homoeopathic dilution, should play a role as an isotherapeutic agent.

OPIUM 3. trituration has a slight increase in the pulse rate, followed by a slow, full pulse which is characteristics, as well as drowsiness and cerebral torpor. It becomes homoeopathic to these cerebral phenomena due to exaggeration of the blood pressure.

GLONOINE 3. centesimal is one of the principal remedies for acute exacerbations during the course of chronic hypertension, as in patients with chronic aortitis or chronic nephritis.

ARNICA 12. and 30. centesimal has a full, tense pulse. It is a a remedy having a slow action, acting on the muscles, on the myocardium and muscular walls of the vessels. It is especially and especially recommended after Aconite for subacute or chronic hypertension due to cardiac strain or overwork. The action of the Arnica extends to the blood capillaries causing venous stasis secondarily, and considerable peripheral resistance in the arterial circulation, thus provoking sudden hypertensive attacks, often ending in extravasation of blood.

CAFFEINE, Coffea, is a remarkable example of the contrary effects of the same medicament according to the doses employed. Whereas Caffeine is an energetic drug for increasing the pulse rate and raising the blood pressure, Coffea given in homoeopathic doses, is a valuable remedy for cardiac irritability often a forerunner of hypertension.

PULSATILLA. The active principle of Pulsatilla, Anemoxine, acts on the circulation. It is to be regretted that physiological research has not been specially directed to the blood pressure of the genital organs of the female.

SECALE CORNUTUM possesses a characteristic action on the striated muscular fibers of the uterus causing arterial hypertension in the large vessels.

Lastly, all the tonics of the heart used by the Old School are hypertensors and should be employed regularly by homoeopaths in infinitesimal doses against hypertension. Strophanthus, Crataegus, Adonis, Convallaria, etc., and animal products, such as those of the salamander, serum danguille, etc.

Have we constitutional remedies to combat hypertension? This is precisely what we are endeavoring to demonstrate.

The Nux Vomica patient is frequently the type of person who is a subject for hypertension. Further, the action of its alkaloid, Strychnine, is distinctly hypertensive. The Nux temperament is that of the business man, the sedentary intellectual, those who do not take time to eat, and who constantly in a nervous state are preparing themselves for permanent hypertension. Every physician knows that intellectual and physical over-work are factors in the production of hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Then there is the LYCOPODIUM patient, the arthritic, who does not metabolize certain proteins properly and develops uric acid, which poisons him slowly, and who ends with arteriosclerosis.

The Sulphur patient is another type of the arthritic diathesis with cutaneous manifestations and internal metastases. Also eczematous patients, who from time to time have attacks of asthma or gravel, and end with arterial hypertension.

AURUM and AURUM IODATUM are especially indicated when there is a history of syphilis, a syphilitic background.

LACHESIS and SANGUINARIA canadensis should be studied at the time of the menopause in women, who develop a compensatory hypertension.

Sanguinaria has a longer duration than Lachesis. It acts more surely.

Lachesis has as its characteristic, cutaneous hyperesthesia, where the patient finds it impossible to have anything touch the neck, so that it must be kept uncovered.

Lastly, a hypertensive individual should exercise moderately in the open air. If he is old, he should exercise according to his age; if he is young, he should exercise according to his strength-this is one of the best means to improve the circulation in the capillaries.

Francois Cartier