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Standardization of allopathic pharmacopoeia medicines is based upon the alkaloidal content of each medicine, its keeping age, its assayed therapeutic and lethal doses, and in case of chemical compounds also their compatibility, affinity and fixed proportions. The standardization of Homoeopathic medicines is governed by entirely different pharmaceutical rules.


On another occasion we derived immense benefit from this remedy. In 1933, a gentleman after trying other systems of treatment came to my hand for a kind of Dermatitis. He was 40 and had been enjoying good health all along save and except constipations, which used to give him much trouble occasionally. The eruptions very closely appeared on the neck, back and on the buttock.


The film shows a relative leucocytosis. All the cells are increased. No active malarial parasite seen. The picture is in favour of pyogenic infection. Upon this on 31-12-46 I gave Pyrogenium 1M with SL to be taken every two hours. The next day fever abated, cough lessened and he passed stools. Then again same dose was repeated on 15-1-47 and after that he has been keeping good health.


In contradistinction to the weak, thin and undernourished Gartner child, the Sycotic child is generally fat and slack with typically increased nightly perspiration on the head (similar to the Calcarea carbonica); warty skin eruptions or typical impetigo are common with these patients; they are very liable to get rheumatism; their face is pale or pale yellowish with long dark eyelashes, a picture often met with in tubercular patients.


In closing I wish to relate an incident which establishes a clinical indication for Aconitum ferox. The late Dr. Tyrrell of Toronto was known throughout the country as a master of homoeopathic prescribing. It seemed at times as though he were actually clairvoyant. His knowledge of the polychrests was unequalled, and he also had at his command the indications for many of the lesser or unusual remedies.


In a poor country like India it has got a special importance in as much it is of immense benefit to the poor masses who cannot afford the luxury of a costly treatment. As a matter of fact, beneficiaries of the homoeopathic system of treatment among the poorer classes of the people are by no means less, if not more, than those of other recognised systems.


It is present over each knuckle, patella and olecranon process, and just above the coccyx. Calc. fluor. 3x., 2 tablets every three hours, caused most of these cartilaginous deposits to suppurate away. There came first an opening in the skin over the swelling, and then discharged a thin serous looking fluid for about a week. During this time the swelling dwindled in size, until when it was all gone, the skin healed over.