Modalities: Worse evening and at night. Better at rest. I am fond of the 30x.

(14) Argentum Nitricum. Has a profuse discharge like pulsatilla. Purulent ophthalmia. I recommend 3x. Very good.

(15) Pulsatilla. General symptoms, mild, gentle, yielding disposition, cries at everything, is sad and despondent, weeps about everything, can hardly give symptoms without weeping. As a remedy for styes it has no equal. It aborts them before pus is formed. Affinity for the lids, increase Meibomian secretion, conjunctivitis from cold or measles, lids agglutinate, thick mucus, bland, profuse, yellow or yellowish green, more abundant in open air. Practically no pain. 30x works excellent.

(16) Graphites. Phlyctenular Ophthalmia. Best remedy in vesicles on cornea, and ulceration in children. There is intense burning, lachrymation; the canthi crack and bleed. Scrofulous ophthalmia with tendency to wild hairs. Comes nearer being a specific in blepharitis than any other remedy. It certainly cleans up eczema along the margins of the eyelids, especially following measles. Dont outer canthi and the wild hair.

STYE REMEDIES: Hepar., Pulsatilla, Mercurius.



(1) Calcarea Iodide. Adenoids cases which are febrile in nature. This comes highly recommended.

(2) Hydrastis. Is perfectly homoeopathic to the totality of the symptoms produced by adenoid vegetations. Thick, yellowish ropy secretion from posterior nares to throat. Watery excoriating discharge. Ozaena, with ulceration of septum. Tends to blow nose all the time.

(3) Tuberculinum 30x up. Adenoids are greatly benefited and oftentimes permanently cured by a weekly dose of Tuberculinum.

(4) Cistus Canadensis. Has a special affinity for the naso- pharynx. Dose, 6x.

(5) Agraphis Nutans. Obstruction of nostrils from adenoids. Throat deafness. Clarke considered this remedy a leading one. Patient with open mouth. Is a catarrhal remedy, acts especially on the glands connected with the nasal cavity. Snuffles. Has affinity for naso pharynx. Aborts colds that locate in posterior nose.

(6) Sambucus Nigra. Snuffles in infants. Nose dry and obstructed. Child cannot nurse because nose is blocked.

(7) Ars. Iodide. Burning in nose. Stopped up nose, yet it runs.

Nasal Polypi.

(1) Calc. carb. 6x and higher. Do not repeat drug too frequently. Nose dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated, stoppage of nose, also with fetid yellow discharge. Epistaxis, coryza, take cold at every change of the weather. This is the master remedy for Nasal Polypi. Try it and have a pleasant surprise.

(2) Lemna Minor. Nasal Polypi, nose putrid smell, loss of smell, swollen turbinates, crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant. Pain like a string from nostrils to ear.

(3) Teucrium. Polypi of all kinds, but particularly nasal fibroids, crawling in nostrils.


(1) Arnica. Bleeding after every fit of coughing.

(2) Millefolium. Nose bleed, piercing pain from eyes to root of nose.

(3) Nitric acid. Sensation of splinters in nose, caries of mastoid, nose bleed, red tip.

(4) Ambrosia. Watery nose, sneezing, watery discharge, nose bleed, stopped-up feeling of nose and head. A remedy that has no equal in hay fever.

(5) Ars. In habitual epistaxis.

(6) China. Easily bleeding from nose, especially on arising. Very good.

(7) Lachesis. Epistaxis at the Menopause. Left-sided.

(8) Trillium. This is the master of them all for haemorrhage of all kinds, active or passive. The tincture on cotton applied to the part is most useful to arrest bleeding from the teeth, or from epistaxis in growing children.

Recently I had a patient come to me for a bleeding from her gums, due to a recent extraction. Had bled for two days. I stopped it in four minutes with pledgets of cotton saturated with the drug, applied to cavity, never to return. You can get a mucous membrane burn by applying it in tincture strength. It works like a miracle in haemorrhages of all kinds.

(9) Hamamelis. It is useful in epistaxis with pressure and tension in the glabella.

(10) Pulsatilla. Passive epistaxis and epistaxis substituting the menses.

(11) Mercurius. Nose bleed, blood coagulates, dark, clotted and profuse.

(12) Bryonia. Is almost a specific in passive epistaxis of young persons.

(13) Bovista. Produces relaxation of the entire capillary system useful in epistaxis.


(1) Camphor. First stages very first. It is so far ahead that at times it is not in it; all its symptoms are gone before patient comes to you.

(2) Aconite. Sudden onset, exposure to dry cold, dry wind with chilliness. It comes on as a thunderstorm out of a clear sky, with sneezing. Red-hot skin, dry. A first remedy.

(3) Allium Cepa. Allium has an acrid discharge from nose and comparatively bland from eyes. The trouble is apt to travel to the chest.

(4) Euphrasia. Bland discharge from nose and acrid discharge from eyes, excoriating the cheeks. It confines itself to upper respiratory mucous membrane.

(5) Gelsemium. Is often underestimated. A picture of Sinusitis of the head, deep pain back of eyes, nose stopped up, frontal and occipital headache, aching over entire body, exhausted dizziness. Should be considered as a prophylaxis for Polio (Infantile Paralysis). Use early in colds. Epidemics respond and the 1x dilution often will suffice.

(6) Bryonia. Symptoms are almost identical except for the aggravation on motion. More profuse cough. Worse on coming in from outside. Lung and chest pains.

(7) Bella. Cerebral excitement. Skin red, hot and moist, swelling in throat, very red and dry glazed appearance, strawberry tongue. Fauces are inflamed, tonsils swollen and enlarged with profound dryness and hyperaesthesia, with throbbing pains. More especially right-sided remedy.

(8) Natrum Muriaticum. Colds with watery discharge, fever blisters. There is an entire loss of taste.

(9) Dulcamara. Damp house cold in the head, cold from sitting on stones too early in season, wet weather or change of weather, and gradually involves the whole respiratory system; clear water running from nose.

(10) Pulsatilla. Ripe cold. Loss of hearing, smell and taste. Thick yellow discharge. Symptoms change from side to side.

(11) Nux Vomica. With aggravations in the morning, grouchy, hard for him to get started, with other cold symptoms.

(12) Sabadilla. Left-sided colds, spasmodic sneezing with running nose.

(13) Merc. Rub. Left-sided.

(14) Merc. Prot. Right-sided.


(1) Causticum. hughes says that there is no better remedy in catarrhal aphonia than Causticum. It has dryness of the larynx ands sensitiveness extending to the chest. There is hoarseness with rawness and scraping in the chest under the middle of the sternum, with a dry, hollow and unsatisfactory cough. It finds a curative sphere in the hoarseness of speakers and singers, which is worse mornings and much aggravated in cold weather. It is a paretic hoarseness accompanied by a cough, which does not seem sufficient to bring up the phlegm, and in these cases the 12th or 30th potencies act well.

(2) Phosphorus. Evening hoarseness with great sensitiveness and dryness in the larynx characteristic of Phosphorus. It tires and hurts the patient to talk; the voice is rough and hoarse, and the expectoration is scanty; using the voice brings on the cough.

(3) Arum Triphyllum. For the hoarseness of singers and orators there are a few remedies of great importance; among them is Arum triphyllum. It is useful when the voice suddenly gives out and goes to higher key. A cracked voice from overuse and hoarseness.

(4) Carbo Vegetabilis. This remedy suits a painless hoarseness, particularly that which is brought on by exposure to damp evening air. It is, of course, worse evenings, though it may appear in the morning on waking, aggravated in moist, cool weather.


(1) Aconite. Always first, onset sudden, aroused from sleep gasping for breath, anxious, hot skin, restless, cough dryest kind, loud, barking, no expectoration. After continuing the remedy a little while a little expectoration takes place with relief. Do not stop medicine too soon. Continue a day.

(2) Spongia: It follows Aconite. Harsh sawing breathing, barking, ringing, scant expectoration, becomes tighter every minute, worse before midnight. Light-complexioned children, blue eyes, spasmodic croup.

(3) Hepar Sulphur. Third of the group remedies following Spongia. Cough worse toward morning. It has a “loose edge.” There must be some hoarseness to cough. May have choking fits with coughing.


All mercury perspirations are great throat remedies.

(1) Phytolacca. Throat dark color, tonsils dark red, parts sore, painful swallowing, accompanied by great aching in back and limbs. Suits in nursing women where Belladonna may not be used. Sensation of the hot ball in throat, worse on swallowing hot fluids. A right-sided remedy.

(2) Guaiacum. Rheumatic sore throat with weak throat muscles. Throat dry, burns, swollen, stitches toward ear, acute tonsillitis gargle, 10 drops in a glass, Gargle often.

(3) Lachesis. Lump in throat that can be swallowed but returns; constriction, difficult breathing, worse arousing or after sleep. Accompanied with sweats. Left-sided, throat is bluish red, much sicker than appearance.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald