Diphtherinum is a nosode or disease product, modified and prepared according to the homoeopathic rules of preparing remedies as laid down by Hahnemann. The membrane from a diphtheria case is diluted and mixed with sugar of milk, and triturated carefully up to the medium and highest potencies. The lower potencies of a nosode are too dangerous for use, as they might reproduce the actual disease.

Diphtherinum is a nosode or disease product, modified and prepared according to the homoeopathic rules of preparing remedies as laid down by Hahnemann. The membrane from a diphtheria case is diluted and mixed with sugar of milk, and triturated carefully up to the medium and highest potencies. The lower potencies of a nosode are too dangerous for use, as they might reproduce the actual disease.

Diphtherinum, as far as I know, has not had a careful proving of the dynamic potency on the healthy, and it has been used mainly on clinical grounds–empirically, often with very good results.

Latterly I have been fortunate enough to have had a few such cases through my hands, where I have been able to show that in chronic cases where orthodox medicine is helpless, Homoeopathy has ways and means of achieving the almost unbelievable.

A woman, 26 years of age, first seen in 1936, had been deaf following a perforated drum and discharging ears after diphtheria when she was ten years old; very deaf and in consequence appeared stupid; one had to shout at her several times before she was able to take in anything. Her ears had to be cleared every month by her panel doctor, or they got so full of matter and debris. She told me later she had had a very severe attack of diphtheria and had been given up by the hospital doctors; then the ear started discharging in hospital and she had never completely recovered from all this trouble.

She was used to her deafness; and believed nothing could be done for it. I saw her off and on when she brought her children, but did nothing for her until August 1940, when she complained of severe noises in the right ear, which made sleep impossible and life almost unbearable. She was given Diphtherinum CM. on this history, and at the end of November, 1940, she reported that the noises in the head has been much better for a few weeks after her last visit, but the gun fire and the bombs had made the noises in her head worse again- Diphtherinum CM. (1).

2-1-41.-Noises much improved. Still deaf, but she fancies she can hear a trifle better-Diphtherinum CM.

21-3-41.-Noises better, deafness distinctly improved –Diptherinum CM.

2-4-41.-No noises, hearing greatly improved. No medicine.

27-10-41.-Hearing wonderfully better, no noises– Diphtherinum CM.

9-2-42.-Left ear discharging again–very offensive, no noises in head–Streptococcus 200.

6-7-42.-The ear discharge cleared after a few days in February. She can hear ordinary conversation, and can even hear me, when I speak to her softly six feet behind her back, so that there is no likelihood of lip reading; much more intelligent in consequence. Watch test; can her watch ticking on contact with drum on both sides–Diphtherinum CM.

Her hearing is now good enough for everyday work and communication with the rest of the world. She rarely misses a word. Deaf for 20 years; had given up all hope, and with a few doses of this nosode, spread over nearly two years, the deafness has ceased to give her trouble; and the noises in the head which are almost impossible to get rid of by ordinary methods, have also disappeared.

She is of too low a mentality to realize what has been done for her; she accepts it as she accepted her deafness without protest. All the same, it is astounding that so much hearing can be restored after an interval of 20 years by the nosode of the disease which caused the perforation and the deafness.

A second similar case turned up in September, 1941, married woman, aged 25. Almost total deafness; used to attend the deaf school as a child. History of deafness since a severe attack of diphtheria at the age of 7.

She was so deaf that she could hear nothing at all; but brought a friend with her as an interpreter. Three months pregnant, really only came to have her milk form signed. She was given a dose of Diphtherinum CM.

Seen five weeks later on October 6th, 1941, when she came by herself, and was able to hear what was said to her with hardly any difficulty–Diphtherinum CM.

20-10-41.-Much brighter, more intelligent, deafness hardly noticeable–Diphtherinum CM.

1-12-41.-Quite chatty, hearing for the human voice good; hears ordinary conversation without the voice having to be raised–Diphtherinum Cm.

2-2-42.-Deafness greatly improved, can hear my voice even with my back turned and always comes by herself now. Syphilinum 30 given, as besides her deafness following after diphtheria at the age of 7, she looked a typically congenital syphilitic, and had deformed hands and fingers since birth.

23-3-42. Seen again. Premature child born, weight 4 lbs. 3 ozs, syphilinum 30 (1). No deafness noticeable.

Deaf for 18 years; almost total blotting out of the human voice for years and then a few doses of the correct nosode, and the hearing, useful hearing, returns. I do not claim that she can hear 100 per cent. or the slightest whisper, but ordinary conversation without lip reading is now possible for her, as well as to the other woman mentioned previously.

What a large field of investigation is open to the homoeopathic ear specialist, to trace back each case of deafness to its particular cause, and give the suitable nosode. One hears of cases of deafness coming on after influenza, measles, German measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia and so on. It should not be difficult to find the cause or causes and treat accordingly; always remembering too the various suppression of diseases such as suppressed skin trouble, infantile eczema, etc.

Do not say that deafness has been there for so many years, it cannot be done after such a long interval. You never know what can be done until you try. Deafness will not and cannot be cured if an operation for mastoid has been done; at least so far I have not been able to do anything for these unfortunate people.

Diphtherinum, when indicated, is useful in other fields as well, for example in skin diseases. Let me give you some examples.

A boy, seen on June 1st, 1942, with impetigo of face and nose, cracks behind ears and corners of nostrils, history of immunization some months previously. On this history I gave Diphtherinum CM. Seen again the next day: great improvement noticed already; no spread of the infection; spots drier. Seen a weak later, face clear; no sores, no cracks–Repeat Diphtherinum CM.

Severe impetigo cured in less than a week with one local application of Calendula ointment, no other treatment except two doses of Diphtherinum. Not bad I think !.

Girl, aged 7.–On October 21st, 1941, treated at first for warts on right hand and thumb following after immunization in July, 1941.

On December 16th 1941, large ulcer seen in joint of left elbow; second, diphtheria inoculation done three weeks previously. This ulcer spread and spread until the whole of the left arm and forearm was involved, the skin was continually bleeding and also discharging a clear serum.

Various homoeopathic remedies were tried, Calendula lotion was applied, but the infection got worse, the bleeding became more troublesome, it might heal here and there; just to break down a few days later; on the whole the tendency was to spread slowly and another patch appeared without rhyme or reason on the front of the right elbow and began to creep up to the right shoulder. Two months passed until on February 17th, when I was puzzling my brain what to do with her, I remembered the two diphtheria inoculations, and gave her Diphtherinum 30.

February 27th.– The arms which had looked so angry and red and inflamed, are paler, skin less thickened, a distinct and rapid improvement already in a week.–Diphtherinum 30.

3.3.42.-Elbow and forearm well, except for some roughness and scaling–Diphtherinum 30.

Further doses of Diphtherinum 30 given on March 17th and April 9th as the warts for which she originally came the previous October had not disappeared yet.

5.5.42.-Both arms remain healed; warts gone.

A dermatitis involving both arms, getting worse for two whole months, until Diphtherinum 30 was given, when it just faded out in two weeks, showing the power of the potentized remedy, if it is the correct one, and similar to the complaint.

The brother of the above seen on 2.1.42 for dermatitis of hands, wrists, ankles and back of neck since inoculation in December, 1941; very pale. Daily doses of Sulphur 30 healed the eruption, but warts on both hands remained.

On February 12th, a fresh breaking out over both arms, front of both elbows, identical with his sisters complaint.

19.2.42.-Dermatitis much worse, spreading in the same way as his sisters–Diphtherinum 30.

February 24th.–Five days later, elbows nearly well–Diphtherinum 30.

3.3.42.-Diphtherinum 30. No trace of skin trouble remains anywhere. Warts both hands.

10.3.42. and 31.3.2.-Further doses of Diphtherinum 30 given on these dates for the warts.

This skin condition never developed as the cause was recognized at once and Diphtherinum 30 healed in a week !.

Now let me show you the power of Diphtherinum in a case of loss of weight and debility.

A boy, seen on 15.12.41, aged 1 year 11 months, 16 teeth, weight 28 lbs.; looked well and sturdy on 15.1.42. Inoculated during this last month; lost 3/4 lb. in weight; miserable and whining; bronchitis; signs of bronchitis in his chest; no temperature.

Dorothy Shepherd
Dorothy Shepherd 1885 – 1952 - British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Graduated from Hering College in Chicago. She was a pupil of J.T.Kent. Author of Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, A Physician's Posy, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.