1862.Malaria Off. was brought out by G. W. Bowen of Ft. Wayne, Ind. It was prepared from the material collected from the stagnant pools in the malarial section of Ft. Wayne, Ind. It has succeeded in cases of Malaria where other indicated remedies have failed.

1871.Variolinum came into use.

1873.Vaccininum came into use.

1875.Medorrhinum was introduced by Biegler of Rochester, N. Y. Medorrhinum was introduced by Swan. The gonococcus was discovered by Neisser in 1879.

1879.Syphilinum was used and in 1883 the proving was published. Treponema Pallidum discovered by Schaudinn in 1905.

1879.Tuberculin introduced by Swan. H. C. Allen devotes thirty pages in his Materia Medica of the nosodes, to the symptoms of this remedy. It was three years later, or in March 1882, that Koch discovered the Bacillus tuberculosis and not until 1891 did he introduce his Tuberculin lymph or O. T. It is interesting to note here that J. Compton Burnett used Tuberculin or Bacillinum five years before Koch, and that Swan of New York even advocated and used it for many years before Burnett. Later Koch brought out other tuberculins hoping to minimize reactions he obtained from the previous preparation which he had introduced.

1897.Tuberculin residue appeared, also known as New Tuberculin, N. T. or T. R. The bacillary emulsion or B. E. appeared in 1901. The total number of tuberculin bacilli preparations or their products brought out by the old school to date total over fifty. The number of similar preparations employed by the Homoeopaths to date total five; and the number designates, not changes in method of preparation as with Kochs tuberculins, but simply a different variety as, human, avian, bovine, bacillinum and Kochs tuberculin. No changes have been made in these preparations from the time of their introduction.

Diphtherinum introduced by Lux and used by Swan.

1880.Pyrogen was prepared by Drysdale in England by exposing macerated raw beef in cold water to the suns rays for several weeks. About five years previous, Prof. Burdon Sanderson the physiologist, advanced the theory that decomposing organic matter, when introduced into the body, was capable of causing fever. Drysdale, being a Homoeopath, applied this principle, and gave a new remedy, which he called Pyrogen. Swans Pyrogen was made from a septic abscess. A. monograph was published in 1888 in which Burnett, the English Homoeopath, cited the marvellous results obtained with this remedy.

1906.Pertussin was brought out by Clarke in England. The same year in which the Pertussis bacillus was discovered by Bordet-Gengou.

1908.BCG, a living culture from bovine tuberculosis was isolated, and attenuated by frequent reculture on ox-bile. It was first used orally, later intramuscularly and subcutaneously. It seemed to increase the resistance to tuberculosis in infants in France and later in this country, especially in New York City, but the results were not too encouraging.


Bacillinum or Tuberculinum : There is a familial history or tendency to tuberculosis. Takes cold easily. Loss of weight in absence of anorexia. Short and hacking cough, slight expectoration. Tall, slim patient with flat chest. History of frequent colds. Influenza, especially the 1918 variety. Post influenzal asthenia. History of pneumonia. Bacillinum was used by Burnett as a favorite remedy for ringworm. Also a valuable remedy in euthanasia. Kent said of Tuberc, “If Tuberculinum be given in 10M, 50M, CM, and MM potencies, two doses of each potency at long intervals, all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may be immuned from their inheritance and their resiliency will be restored.”.

The indications for the different form of the Tuberculinum are :.

Kochs Tuberculin : delayed resolution in pneumonias and influenzas.

Tuberculinum (Swans) for glandular manifestations.

Tuberc. Av. : acts on apices of lungs. Its sphere of action is the post-influenzal bronchitis, in which field it excels. It relieves the teasing, exhausting cough. History of influenza or grippe is an important indication.

Tuberc. Bov. : is said to have an affinity for intestinal tract.

Bacillinum : frequency of colds leading to bronchial irritations. Sudden and deep-seated cough.

Anthracinum : Anthrax, although rarely seen now, is easily overlooked because of its infrequency. Useful in severe sepsis, malignant carbuncle. Terrible burning is the keynote.

Pyrogen : Sepsis following ruptured appendix. Peritonitis, puerperal infections, carbuncle. Pulse and temperature out of all proportion to each other. Tongue smooth, red; skin pale, cold.

Variolinum : Allen says this nosode bears the same relation to small-pox that antitoxin does to diphtheria. Indicated in small-pox, prophylactically and therapeutically, and for the pitting and other scars resulting therefrom.

Psorinum : When well selected remedy or sulphur fails to act. For the psoric patient. Patient worse cold, worse lying with head low. Sensitive to cold, frequent quinsy, hay-fever and asthma with psoric or eczematous history. Foulness of body discharges.

Malandrinum : An effective prophylactic against small-pox. Copper used it as an intercurrent remedy in his cancer cases.

Syphilinum : Pains worse from sunset to sunrise, everything worse at night. Children or adults with syphilitic taint. Useful in chronic syphilitic headaches. Patient constantly washing hands.

Medorrhinum : Pains worse from sunrise to sunset: better seashore, damp weather. For old, neglected or mistreated cases of gonorrhoea; arthritis of gonorrheal origin. Pelvis diseases in women. Dwarfed children. Nocturnal enuresis. Obstinate cases of arthritis and rheumatism. Patient, especially child, assumes knee chest posture.

Parotidinum; Streptococcin; Scarlatinum; Morbillinum; Influenzin; Pneumococcin: Dr. Margaret Tyler of London, England, reports a series of cases cured with these nosodes in “Homoeopathy,” the publication of The British Homoeopathic Association. “Never been well since mumps, scarlet fever or measles.” By prescribing the specific nosode, the patient made rapid improvement. Many cases have been reported in this country illustrating the beneficial results from these remedies.

Distemperinum : I have used this nosode personally in the prophylaxis of Distemper in puppies. I have also given it to a Cincinnati Veterinarian, who has used it constantly, giving it to the mother dog and later to the young puppies. He reports gratifying success, after an experience of over three years.

Hydrophobinum or Lyssin : Has been used in prophylaxis and treatment of Hydrophobia.

Diphtherinum; For general diphtheria prophylaxis. Severe infection. May be of use in post diphtheritic paralysis, old residual paralysis. May be useful in diphtheria carriers.

Carcinocin: A nosode, made from the extract of cancerous tissue and used extensively by LeHunt Cooper, of which he says, “I would lay it down as a maxim that there is no case of carcinoma that Carcinocin will not benefit at some period of its existence, so much so, that I would suggest the proverb, when in doubt give Carcinocin.”9.

The intestinal Nosodes of Bach: Dr. Edward Bach of London has done a great amount of work on intestinal toxemias and with Dr. Wheeler had brought out in 1927, seven intestinal nosodes made from “non-lactose fermenting intestinal bacilli” in the colon. These bacilli are non-pathogenic and are thought to be morphologically related to some of the more virulent types present in the colon. Because of their passive relation to the intestinal flora, they are generally ignored, as only occasion- ally do they ever become a clinical entity in colon disease. Bach has performed many remarkable cures. They should be considered in patients suffering from effects of toxemias, resulting from colonic absorption; gall-bladder diseases, colitis and sick headache. Also when the colon can be considered as a focus of infection. Several cases of headache, where constipation and colon pathology were demonstrated, have responded nicely to these remedies. Bach lists six main nosodes and a combination of all six called polyvalent, which are worthy of trial. Several other nosodes have been added by other workers, including Paterson of Glasgow, Scotland.

In closing, the following quotation from J. H. Clarke, who contributed so much to this group of remedies, is appropriate. He said, “Here I may remark that the use nosodes in no way excludes the use of other homoeopathic remedies. Nosodes form a splendid addition to our armamentarium; but if we dont know how to supplement them with other remedies we are just as badly off as if we didnt know how to supplement other remedies by the use of the nosodes. I give it to show that the Law of Similars is applicable in all respects to the use of the nosodes as it is to the use of other homoeopathic remedies. The nosode of a disease will not cure, or even help, all cases of the disease from which it is derived; but, on the other hand, it will cure cases of great variety.”8.

Benj Goldberg