Antimonium arsenicosum–To be used where the clinician feels that the patients complaints come more from an emphysema and pulmonary sclerosis than from myocardial disease. Weakness and strangling cough are often marked, senile cases.

Arnica–Chiefly to aid in promoting the fibrosis following an infarction, also following infections whose toxins have injured the myocardium. Stasis and relaxed blood vessels. symptomatically the patient often complains of sore, bruised feeling, particularly over the precordium. Pain referred especially to the elbow and left arm. Anemia, debility, sweat, and occasional temperature. Skin is apt to be dry and scaly, a tubercular diathesis with cardiac complications, best expresses its field.

Aurum metallicum–The profound melancholy even to suicidal tendencies is most marked, old leutic heart disease with aortitis and hypertension. Aggravation particularly in winter months and from cold.

Baryta carb–General degenerative processes, particularly affecting the cerebral and cardiovascular syndrome often accompanied by enlarged prostate, intensive sweating, particularly the feet. Distension of blood vessels, aneurism with threatened sequelae of rupture follow. Forces contraction of the blood vessels and hence is suitable to hypertension, usually symptoms of distress in the region of the heart with rather fast action and hypertension. Cantharis–This is an inflammatory and irritative drug and its only use in cardiac disease is in pericarditis with effusion. Some urinary distress should be a subjective complaint.

Bryonia–For the sub-acute or chronic rheumatic cardiac. Type of patient seems important, usually they are spare, dark, firm-fibred, apt to have distress after eating. Mucous membranes are all dry and a dull pain worse on motion is felt over the precordial region.

Cactus–The cactina pellets provide accurate dosage as one pellet equals one grain. Mentally, the cactus patient is rather sad and melancholy. The coronary syndrome is marked with constriction and localized pain. Senile cardiacs of this type do well under the drug for long periods of time and it can be advantageously alternated with maintenance doses of digitalis in these cases.

Carbo vegetabilis–A chronic anoxaemic state is pictured by this drug. Suits particularly the obese cardiac sluggish fat, veins are dilated and circulation poor. People who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous infection usually of the respiratory tract. Respiratory and cardiac symptoms are mixed, but the voice fails on the slightest exertion, the usual symptoms of cardiac decompensation are present. The carbo patient needs air and is apt to be found fanning himself.

Carduus marianus–Suitable to cases of either cardiac or hepatic cirrhosis. Dilatation of the veins is prominent, varicosities, chronic engorgement. It is not the heart so much in this drug as the lack of returned blood supply. Varicose ulcers are usually present. Liver is usually sensitive and enlarged.

Coffea cruda–Functional heart disease with nervous agitation, restlessness, and particularly sleeplessness. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. General intolerance of pain and activity of body and mind, so-called nervous palpitation. Cardiac symptoms and crude palpitations particularly after any emotion.

Crataegus–One of the most useful of our Homoeopathic drugs of the heart. It is used in tincture and often combined with Cactus for the long-time cardiac therapy. Experimentally, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and is suitable to the early stages where the blood pressure is still fluctuating. Drug contains large quantities of Vitamin C. The effects are on the muscle and has no effect on the endocardium. Senile heart with dyspnoea on slight exertion. Following infections patients are benefited by this drug. Increased dyspnoea without necessarily increased pulse rate rather indicates Crataegus clinically. Flabby or monotone heart sounds, weak but not irregular pulse are present. As a rule there is no anginoid pain with Crataegus.

Fluoricum acidum–Luetic history, aneurism, and alcoholic. Marked dental decay is an indication, well proved experimentally. Varicose veins and ulcers. Resembles Carduus marianus but has not the liver symptoms. Where the line between true cardiac and senile bronchitis is difficult to determine. After failure from Digitalis and dyspnoea still persists with wheezing, rales, cough, it may be tried. They cannot breathe when lying down. Acts primarily on the pulmonary regulation.

Iberis–One of our best cardiac Homoeopathic drugs. State of nervous excitement, easy palpitation marked consciousness of heart action. Dizziness, choking, stitching pains in the precordial region. The usual sensations are weight and pressure and occasional sharp pains. Suits the thyroid type of cardiac case. Drug seems particularly helpful for asthenia following an infection such as influenza. Early symptoms of left ventricular failure where we ordinarily give Digitalis has been benefited by Iberis.

Ignatia–For cardiac neurosis, rapid change of mental and physical condition, symptoms are marked together with much sighing. Worse from stimulants, especially tobacco. The clinical remedy for the coronary syndrome. Sensation as of bar laid across the chest with anginoid pain. Marked soreness in the region of the heart together with sympathetic digestive symptoms such as distension, colic.

Arsenicum iodide–has been used in our heart clinics for senile cardiac complaints, so-called myocarditis, and chronic aortitis. The etiology of such complaints is often attacks of influenza or winter bronchitis which apparently overcomes the myocardial reserve. General symptoms are weariness of the whole body with heaviness of the limbs. This drug is given over long periods of time preceding acute decompensation and the patient is usually ambulatory.

Plumbum metallicum–presents a picture of general arterio- sclerosis, often with paresis of single muscles such as those of the extremities and legs. Patient is apt to be definitely anemia and mentally exhibits slow perception and cerebral anemic. Essential hypotension in the early decompensated stage with marked frequency of urination especially at night. The cardiac field is one of degeneration with slow pulse, poor myocardial tone, and a high degree of constipation is usually seen in these patients.

Mercury iodide–This powerful drug seems to be most Homoeopathic to a definite valvulitis and endocarditis. The researches of the Late Dr. Wilms of Cincinnati has brought this out. It is most active bactericidal of all the mercurials. Specific indications are wanting as all these cases of endocarditis present cachexia, anemia, temperature, and cardiac findings. Etiology–a streptococcus throat is suggestive.

Sulphur–The role of Sulphur in heart diseases is practically confined to the use of the tincture in pericarditis with effusion. The action of sulphur is quite different from its actual potency as is pointed out by Hahnemann himself. Doses of fifteen drops of the tincture of Sulphur are given every three hours to aid absorption.

Lilium tigrinum–Might be described as a Sepia patient with cactus heart symptoms in that it has a sensation as if the heart were grasped in a vice, feeling of fullness and pulsation together with palpitation and rather constant pain in the cardiac region. Special symptoms such as a feeling of coldness around the precordia and a rather profound depression mentally, characterize this drug.

Kalmia latifolia–This drug is quite toxic to lower animals such as frogs, mice, and rabbits. On dogs, injection of the extract produces a marked fall of blood pressure with cardiac slowing. Changes of conductivity were first evident progressively in the P-R intervals followed by partial heart block. It seems to have a direct effect on the smooth muscles. In our provings it is remarkable how many rheumatic pains seem to be experienced by the provers. These are felt especially in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, and that it seems Homoeopathic to rheumatic fever is evidenced from the experiments on animals and provings. Precordial pain of Kalmia is rather constant and dull, rather than sharp and intermittent as under Spigelia.

Spigelia–This comes to us from Hahnemann and is, therefore, one of our best proved cardiac drugs and has stood the test of time. Among the symptoms are persistent headaches, usually frontal in nature, and invariably aggravated by stooping. The presence of fine needle-like pains are a keynote, may be felt in any part of the body and are usually more left-sided over the precordial region and distribution of the fifth nerve. Overaction of the heart as evidenced by palpitation is also seen. I have had most success with this drug in straight coronary syndrome with the usual modalities of cold, eating, motion, and exercise. The potency used has been the 3x.

Latrodectus mactans–This viper poisoning produce a picture of angina pectoris with constriction of the chest muscles, and radiation of the pain to shoulders and back. The skin is cold, pulse feeble and rapid, and after an acute attack pain is felt in the left arm which feels paralyzed. It may be given between attacks to prevent recurrence.

Garth Boericke
Dr Garth Wilkinson BOERICKE (1893-1968)
American homeopath - Ann Arbor - Michigan.
Son of William Boericke.
A Compend of the Principles of Homeopathy.