Again and again in the course of my work I have come across symptoms in the Schemas of remedies reminding me of cases in the past which I might have cured had I but known the remedies then. And many a time a case has turned up in my practice calling for a particular remedy at the very time I have been working upon it, and a cure has resulted, when, but for my study of the Schema, I might more than likely have failed to find what was wanted.


This interesting report witnesses many lavish contributions of the Government towards hospitals, dispensaries, and some of the private medical institutions; for example, a capital grant of Rs. 49,000/- was made to the Ramkrishna Sishumangal Prathistan, Calcutta. The Report mentions that a General Council and State Faculty of Unani Medicine has since been established and a grant of Rs. 4000/- has been made to it to make a start.


The problem of the preventive and curative treatment of diseases–epidemic, endemic or idiopathic–amongst the widely spread out immigrants, is indeed a profound perplexity. Reliable medicinal preparations, which used to come from over-seas countries, are not available today either for love or money; the indigenous preparations which emulate them are neither prolific nor their prices within the reach of all.


The very first thing that should strike any medical man is that hysteria can take any form. I mean that its symptoms may resemble any disease. It may look like meningitis, appendicitis, gastritis, like heart or lung disease. There may be blindness, deafness and various forms of paralysis. There are diarrhoeas, dysenteries and constipations, leaving aside a host of sexual diseases included under terms like vaginismus, impotency, spermatorrhoea etc.


In forehead, boring in right side. Tearing in left side of bone in evening. Pain ABOVE ORBITS, involving whole head. Tensive drawing, above orbits, worse raising eyes. Constriction above eyes, worse looking intently. Pain, in left temple. Constriction in temples. Tearing pain in right side of head. Pain in one side as if brain would burst and eye fall out.


The impassable gulf between the materialistic mind of allopathy and the conception of the immaterial, spirit-like powers of medicinal substances, has always been and is today immaterial, dynamic medicines; and what has hurt Homoeopathy more than any other fact, has been the induction of materialists, into the homoeopathic kingdom without conversion.


Insect sting on face which patient scratched: secondary infection set in, leaving black scar surrounded by bright red inflammatory streaks, with much burning. Treated by Ledum, Ars., but persisted for two weeks. Anthracinum 200, one dose cleared up whole trouble in three days.


Bacilluria is a condition where large numbers of micro- organisms are found in the urine, but no pus cells. Bacilluria may present the onset or the termination of an attack of pyelitis, or it may be a distinct entity. From a practical stand- point it is safe to say that the terms “pyelitis” and pyelonephritis” cover the situation fairly well, the latter term being reserved for the more serious cases.


Therefore, in a certain sense routine prescribing, or better expressed, a treatment based on experience, limited empirically, is not to be rejected in homoeopathy. However, we may not give empiricism free rein to the extent of some of our confreres in partibus infidelium, that with the name of the disease the prescription is also ready, like iron in chlorosis, salicylic acid in rheumatism, chininum or antipyrinum in fever, etc.


A repetition of the remedy in the cm, a single dose, about a week later, removed all cardiac pain and permitted the woman to lie upon the left side with entire comfort. The cardiac action has since become much quieter and stronger. The murmur is, of course, unchanged. Remedies most likely to be compared with Amm. carb. in similar conditions are Arsenicum alb., Carbo veg., Kali iod.


Itching of pudenda during menstruation. Discharge of blood from uterus after distension of abdomen. “Enlargement of ovaries, with great soreness, pain in back (Helon.), etc. Abscesses of the labia, which are very sensitive, with splinter-like pains. Ulceration of the uterus, with offensive discharge. Extremely offensive leucorrhoea of a decayed odor.” Menstruation delayed and diminished.


The numerous extraneous factors which may temporarily make one heart-conscious need to be considered and, if we treat properly, by endeavoring to remove the cause we treat not the heart but all of these factors. This is particularly true of private practice where such cases are seen much sooner than in the hospital wards and hence Homoeopathic medication is more applicable as it is in all cases where frank decompensation is not the rule.


Cursorily, this may be stated that the Madras Government is proposing to start or has already started the manufacture of this oil. With the huge consumption of fishes in Bengal enormous quantities of livers can be obtained at a very cheap price. In the Sunderbans, which is covered by networks of waterways, a big industry for fish trawling and the production of liver oils can be developed.


Likewise in our country it is not an uncommon instance that a peoples man maugre his liberal views and reconstructive proclivities pliantly takes the distinctive mould and colour of his office no sooner he is seated in the temple of temporal gods. We feel he does not do it wish- fully. It is an infection against which few are immune. The fear that “knaves should call him fool” suffers many a welfare prospect keep hanging fire.

First Aid In Air Raid

Speaking of the deadly peril from shattered glass: some of us realize that, in the Great War, when air raid victims were carried into our hospital from a nearby street. No one who saw the dead in our mortuary failed to recognize that London was not built for air raids. One saw the broken, twisted limbs with bits of jagged glass sticking out of their, wounds:-the pretty girl, her face a mere mask, because the back of her head had been neatly cut off–by glass.


At the start there may be a difficulty in diagnosing a condition of pathological anxiety from normal anxiety. In fact I believe there are a large number of men who live in this borderline and do not consult a doctor for their condition but try to force themselves to believe that their conditions are normal. But when once the disease has advanced to some extent, there is no difficulty in recognising the condition.