Abdomen: Rumbling; noisy movements. Abdomen DISTENDED, TENSE (Graph., Lyc., Carbo v.). Fermentation above umbilicus. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region, from sides of abdomen, towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Suppuration of glands, buboes (Calc. c., Merc., Thuja, Nit. ac.). It is frequently indicated in threatening or actual abscess of the liver. Chronic hepatitis.

Rectum, Anus and Stool: “Bowels very inactive, the soft stools are evacuated slowly and with effort.” Stools may be high- colored, with enlargement of the liver. CLAY-COLORED STOOL. Greenish. STOOL, NOT HARD, SCANTY, YET DIFFICULT TO EXPEL, WITH MUCH URGING. Diarrhoea white, sour, undigested, or sometimes mucus, yellow or green and of decayed odor. The sour odor of the stools and sweat is often an indication for this drug (Bry., Rheum). Chronic catarrh of the intestines, abdomen distended, tender, with fermentation or with a feeling of clawing or cutting extending towards the umbilicus.

Urinary Organs: “Valuable in certain stages of inflammation of the kidneys, especially after abuse of mercury, with soreness in region of kidneys, incessant urging to urinate, sour sweat, diarrhoea, etc. Occasionally in albuminuria during diphtheria. Atony or paralysis of bladder, urine passes very slowly and with- out any force, the bladder does not seem to empty itself. Oily film upon the surface of the urine.” BLADDER WEAK. URINE DROPS DOWN VERTICALLY AND HE MUST WAIT BEFORE URINE FLOWS (Caust., Op.). HE CAN NEVER FINISH URINATING, SOME URINE SEEMS TO REMAIN IN BLADDER (Helo.). Urine acrid and burning (Merc.).

Male Sexual Organs: Hepar is of value in venereal ulcers with fetid discharge. Ulcers externally on prepuce, similar to chancre (Nit. ac.). Itching of glans; of fraenum; on scrotum. Profuse secretion of an offensive odor from the glans penis. Figwarts of an offensive odor. Herpes of the prepuce, which is very sensitive and bleeds easily. Suppurating inguinal glands, with offensive moisture in the folds of the skin. Abscesses on genital organs, with sharp pain and offensive odor to the discharge. “It is one of the best remedies to clear up an old gonorrhoea”–(PIERCE.).

Female Sexual Organs: Hepar is indeed extremely useful in pyosalpingitis, especially cases traceable to old gonorrhoea. Soreness between pudenda and thighs. Itching of pudenda during menstruation. Discharge of blood from uterus after distension of abdomen. “Enlargement of ovaries, with great soreness, pain in back (Helon.), etc. Abscesses of the labia, which are very sensitive, with splinter-like pains. Ulceration of the uterus, with offensive discharge. Extremely offensive leucorrhoea of a decayed odor.” Menstruation delayed and diminished.

Respiratory Organs: “Cough caused by eating or drinking any- thing cold.” (LIPPE). We should also remember, in Hepar there is a decided aggravation from cold air. PAROXYSMAL COUGH, IF LEAST PORTION OF THE BODY BECOMES COLD. Cough, worse walking; worse deep breathing, so as to cause vomiting. Weakness of organs of speech and of chest, so that she cannot speak aloud (Phos., Caust.). DYSPNOEA. Subacute inflammation of the larynx, with considerable secretion of mucus. In a late stage of membranous croup, with hoarseness, profuse collection of mucus, difficult respiration. Hepar should be given very cautiously even in a late stage of membranous croup; overdosing with it is apt to cause recurrence of the more acute symptoms, lessening the secretion of the mucus rendering the cough dry and tight, and to increase the difficulty in breathing; it follows well after Spongia. Spongia should be given after Hepar, only when Hepar has aggravated the cough and caused a return of the former symptoms. Hepar is never to be given when there is a hot dry skin; the child is always sweaty and weak; it is to be carefully differentiated from Kali bi. and Bromine, neither of which is indicated when there is fever; the tenacious character of the expectoration indicates Kali bi., while Bromine is indicated by the spasmodic character of the cough and expiration, and a tendency to cyanosis. Subacute bronchitis, cough loose and rattling, worse cold air, always worse towards morning; (the profuse collection of mucus in the chest, which cannot be removed by coughing, with free sweating, is like Tart. em.).

“There is soreness of the chest, with a tendency to take cold. If he is uncovered, it makes the cough worse”–(Blackwood). “Late stage of pleuritis, with exudation, with the general indications of the drug.” In Bronchitis and Broncho-pneumonia, with a good deal of mucus in the chest; the cough is loose and rattling, worse towards morning and from cold air; so susceptible is the patient to cold that the slightest draft or even putting the hands out from under the bed-clothes is enough to set him coughing.”–(Pierce). “Hepar is of value in late stage of pneumonia” (and in phthisis) “with profuse purulent expectoration and threatening abscess of the lungs.” In abscess of the lungs, when the characteristic symptoms of Hepar correspond.

Extremities: Drawing pains, worse thighs and legs with paralytic sensations, Bruised pain in humerus. Axillary glands suppurate. “Very valuable in run arounds and even in felons, with sharp suppurative pains.” Excellent results have been obtained in hip joint disease in the suppurative stage.

Skin: Yellow color. Jaundice, with blood-red urine and yellow color of whites of eyes. Nettle-rash on face. SKIN IS UNHEALTHY, SLIGHTEST INJURIES SUPPURATE (Sil.). Cracking and smarting of skin on hands and feet (Graph.). SORENESS AND MOISTURE IN FOLD BETWEEN SCROTUM AND THIGH (Sulph.). ULCERS BLEED ON SLIGHT WIPING (Nit. ac.). Skin very sensitive to touch and to slightest cold. Itching of nose; in bend of elbow; in palms; on hands, with rough, dry, shrivelled skin. “General moist eruptions, which smell badly, suppurate and bleed, General inflammations and blisters, which threaten to suppurate, and in which there are sharp suppurative pains.”.

Fever: “The easy chill from exposure to air, even from putting the hand out of bed (causing cough), and the general tendency to sweat are the general indications in febrile states; there is comparatively little fever. Sour sweats.” Sweat on slightest motion (Merc.), CONSTANT OFFENSIVE EXHALATIONS FROM BODY. It has been used for chronic malarial poisoning that has been maltreated with calomel and quinine and here also the easy and offensive sweat and the extreme sensitiveness to air are our guides to Hepar. There may be urticaria associated (either preceding or accompanying the chill) and disappearing as the heat begins.


Aggravation: From dry cold air; from touching the affected part; at night; in morning; during sleep; on swallowing; lying on painful side.

Amelioration: From wrapping up; warmth; in damp weather; after eating.

Similar: Alumin., Calc. c., Calc. s., Iod., Kali bi., Merc., Rheum, Sil., Sulph.

Antidotes: Act. rac., Ars., Bell., Cham., Sil.

HEPAR. antidotes the effects of mercurial and other metallic preparations, iodine and especially iodide of potash, and Cod Liver Oil; it removes the weakening effects of either.–(HERING).

Dose: 1st trituration to 200th potencies, and also higher.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald