Menstruation suppressed or scanty, and the discharge is blackish. Before the discharges, there is pain and distress over the abdomen, which is relieved with the flow. Before and after menses, diarrhoea, with violent colic. Pain in the left ovary, with swelling, induration and other anomalies.

It is a remedy for cancer of the breast, with bluish or blackish appearance.

Respiratory organs:

There is cough and dyspnoea, specially worse after a sleep; Dyspnoea, worse by the least thing coming near the nose or mouth. The patient cannot tolerate anything tight around the neck or chest.

The cough is < during the day; after sleeping, from changes in the temperature; from acids and sour drinks, etc.


Palpitation, with a feeling as if the heart were enlarged; sometimes it seems as if the heart were suspended by a thread.


Besides typhoids and various forms of septic fevers. Lachesis is useful for intermittent fevers, that recurs at every spring. The chill characteristically comes at 1-2 p. m. with severe rigor so much so that the patient is held with great difficulty with clothes piled on him. The fever is marked by burning heat, oppression of chest, loquacity, drowsiness; etc.
