“Painfulness of umbilical region to touch.”

“Great soreness about the genitals before, during and after menses.”

“Sore pain in vagina during coition.”

“Uterus tender.”

“Sore pain in upper part of chest on breathing, touching or lifting anything heavy.”

“Tip of toes very painful on walking.”

“Corns painfully sensitive.”

“Touch startles ; cause pain which makes the patient shriek.” Can hardly bear pressure of clothing.”

This shows the kind of patient physically speaking, with whom we are dealing, and here is further testimony:

“Weakness of vision.”

“Paleness of face and weakness.”

“After the spasmodic attack, eructations followed by extreme prostration; weakness; she could speak only very softly.”

“Nausea as if to faintness.”

“Wants to eat frequently on account of gone feeling in stomach.”

“When hungry, feels nauseated, anxious, nervous, tingling; cough and palpitation, better after breakfast.”

Nausea and loathing from emotions, with anxiety and faintness.”

“Sick during a walk; feels as if she must lie down and die; pregnancy.”

“After attack: stupefaction, loss of consciousness, sopor; sometimes with delirium and followed by exhaustion.”

“In morning exhausted.”

“Great loss of vitality.”

“Feeling as if rectum were too weak to evacuate stool.”

“Vomiting with a swoon-like failing of strength.”

“Weakness of chest: weakness and weariness from rapid walking.”

“Heaviness in limbs; scarcely able to lift feet.”

“Trembling of hands and legs and easily fatigued from walking.”

“Weakness and loss of power in both arms.”

“Weakness of wrists as if sprained.”

“Tremulous fatigue.”

“Attack of faintness as soon as she moves but little”.

A worn out, broken down constitution, ready to take on serious illness”.

Now to come to the mental and spiritual side of this remedy, the real ego of it:

“Dull, confused, stupid.”

“Excessive hurry in thought and action.”

“Irresolute mood.”

“Sensation as if thoughts vanished for a moment,”

“She could at any time burst into ears.”

“Obliged to weep much.”


“No joy in anything.”

“Irritable mood; peevish, morose.”

“Easily becomes very violent.”

“Every trifle vexes; impatient with her children.”

“Full of fears.”

“Dread of being alone.”

“Fears that she cannot recover.”

“Anxious about her disease.”

“Very easily frightened.”

“Sad presentiments of the future.”

“Anxiety every day.”

“Obstinate: frequently does not know himself what he wishes.”

“Longs for things with impetuosity; is contented with nothing.”

“Gets into a rage if every thing does not go according to her wishes.”

“Constantly in antagonism with herself.”

“Alternating mood: at one time quiet, at another excited and angry at trifles”. Here is the person himself, his loves and passions, his moods and his turmoil states.

And what a patient it is ! Full of conflict mentally and emotionally and physically; never quiet and contented; wearing himself out with irritability; full of anxiety and fears; obstinate and yet sensitive; oversensitive to pain and touch and noise and nearly everything; weak, prostrated, ready to take on organic disease; broken down in vitality; full of tremors and pulsations, of burning and stitching pains.

No wonder Kali carb. fits into many situations and no wonder it is not used as often as it should be. We have Kali Carb. patients all around us; we meet them in daily life.

If we can keep in mind the genus of this wonderful remedy we may turn back to health many a poor, broken, irritable human being.

Julia M. Green