Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Inveterate asthma from babyhood in a child now twelve years. Convulsions, vicious catarrh, great nervousness and irritability preceded and the asthma was very severe. Constant motion of the feet during the paroxysm pointed to Zinc. and results to date are fairly good. This case is not yet cured.

This is a fourth attempt to set forth a method of studying the materia medica by building up the general characteristics from a grouping of particular symptoms. The other drugs used were Kali c., Nat. c. and Nat. m.; this time it is Zinc. To my mind there is an additional reason for doing it this way. After telling laymen what provings are and showing them lists of symptoms as they appear in the materia medica, with some idea of generals and particulars, they are confused when we give them descriptions of drugs in the lecture form, even though the characteristics stand out much better that way. Therefore, it seems logical to build up for them the individualizing symptoms, for each drug considered, by showing them groups of particular symptoms which go to make up the generals.

Take, then, the general features of Zinc as found in several lectures on the drug and list under each the separate symptoms which justify the generalization, thus:.


Brain-fag from overstudy, from night watching. (Clarke, Hahnemann).

Aversion to labor. (Clarke, Hahnemann).

Weakness of memory; great forgetfulness. (Lippe, Clarke, Hering).

Mental operations very difficult. (Hering, Allen).

Repeats all questions before answering them. (Hering).

Loss of thought and a soporous condition of mind. (Hering, Allen).

Great dulness of head; heavy and confused; obtusion. (Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).

Great cerebral, nervous depression; stupefaction. (Hering, Allen).

After a little emotion, trembles for long time. (Symptom Codex).

Weak, sick feeling in eyes, constant weariness. (Hering, Symptom Codex).

Face vacant, earthy as after long illness, pinched. (Hering, Allen).

Weakness of organs of speech; talks with difficulty. (Hering).

Prolonged desire for stool which is satisfied only after great effort. (Hering).

Emission of urine very slow. (Hering).

Faintness, unconsciousness, prostration. (Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Weariness, sudden exhaustion, heaviness. (Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).

Faintishness when staying up a little too long. (symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Coma from cerebral exhaustion; exhausting sleep. (Hering).

Weakness and trembling of hands and feet. (Lippe).

Tremulous weakness in lower extremities, hollow knees. (Allen, Lippe, Hahnemann).

His body feels heavy and his limbs weary. (Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Extreme malaise unto fainting. (Symptom Codex).


Sensitive to others talking and to noise. (Hering, Lippe, Hahnemann).

Sensitiveness to open air and to cold. (Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).

Sensitive to light; brain affected. (Hering, Clarke).

Dread of the light of the sun. (Hahnemann, Hering).

Intolerable pain in left eye. (Hering, Symptom Codex).

Child screams out whenever it is moved. (Clarke).

Least noise makes her frantic. (Hering).

Intolerance of wine. (Clarke, Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Extreme sensitiveness of vertex to touch. (Allen).

Sensation of soreness of the teeth. (Lippe).

Talking or listening is distressing; makes him morose. (Hering, Allen).

Irritable, peevish, terrified, fretful. (Hering, Allen).

Easily angered and very much affected thereby. (Hering, Allen).

Alternately fretful, irritable, quarrelsome, despondent, depressed. (Hering, Hahnemann).

Frequently able to laugh excessively over a trifle, just as easily vexed. (Hering, Allen).

On awaking, fear, cries out, starts, jumps. (Hering).

Tendency to fits of passion. (Clarke).

Easily carried away by anger. (Symptom Codex).

Inclines to internal anger and chagrin. (Hahnemann).

Sobbing on account of vexation without obvious reason. (Allen).

Extreme sensibility of cartilages of ear and nose. (Hering).

Sensitiveness and painful soreness of upper molars. (Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

He would like to have someone upon whom he could wreak his anger. (Hahnemann).


Violent trembling all over so that she shook the bed (Clarke).

Visible quivering and jerking in muscles. (clarke).

Long continued trembling after every slight emotional excitement. (Clarke, Allen, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Loud screaming with trembling, continuous moaning. (Hering).

Trembling of feet with difficulty in raising them (Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex).

Tremor of hands when writing. (Hering, allen, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Sensation of general trembling without trembling (Hering).


General twitching and general trembling. (Clarke).

Twitching and jerking of various muscles. (Allen, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Violent muscular twitchings left face. (Clarke).

Twitching of children. Chorea. (Clarke).

Twitching left eyeball, lower lid. (Hahnemann. Hering).

Twitching in back or any portion of body. (Hering).

Twitching in back or any portion of body. (Hering) NUMBNESS:.

Numbness of lower limbs, formication. (Clarke, Hering).

Numbness of fingers when rising in morning. (Clarke).

Falling-asleep sensation in shoulder joint. (Hering).

Falling asleep of right leg as far as knee. (Hering).


Tingling in the limbs. (Clarke).

Tingling at anus as from ascarides. (Hering).

Tingling and resounding in head when speaking aloud. (Allen).


Burning and biting in eyes and lids, with photophobia. (Clarke, Allen, Hering).

Burning, smarting inner surface lower lip; right corner mouth. (Clarke, Allen).

Burning like heartburn in the throat. (Clarke, Hering).

Burning with pressure when reading, eyelids. (Symptom Codex).

Burning in stomach. (Clarke, Allen, Hering, Hahnemann).

Burning in stomach when fasting. (Hering).

Burning in anus, with itching, during stool. (Clarke, Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).

Burning in urethra after urinating. (Clarke, Hahnemann).

Burning along the whole spine. (Clarke, Hering, Allen).

Burning in chest. (Hering, Allen, Hahnemann, Clarke).

Burning in scapulae. (Clarke, Hahnemann).

Burning in left forearm, (Clarke, Hering, Hahnemann).

Burning in left axilla. (Symptom Codex).

Burning in flexor surface of finger. (Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Burning-painful rhagades between two fingers. (Symptom Codex).

Burning stitches in bones of feet. (Clarke, Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).


Fine, burning stitches in middle vertex. (Allen).

Tearing, pressing stitches in bones of face. (Clarke).

Sudden pressing stitch from right zygoma to upper margin of orbit. (Clarke).

Stitches in right eye and tearing stitches in ears. (Hering).

Stitches in left row of teeth and in jaw. (Allen, Hahnemann).

Cough with stitches in head. (Clarke).

Dull stitches in right temple. (Hering).

Sudden violent stitches in left abdomen. (Allen, Hering, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Stitches in cervical muscles. (Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex).

Dull stitches beneath right shoulder. (Hering, symptom Codex).

Tearing stitches in fingers. (Hering, Allen).

Dull stitches from internal ulcer, right side navel. (Hering).

A stitch above right foot when running. (Hering, Allen).

Sharp stitching upper part right scapulas. (Symptom Codex).

Stitching, pinching in umbilical region. (Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).


Itching and sensation of excoriation on scalp; pimples. (Clarke, Allen).

Frequent sore itching in small spot on right side scalp. (Allen. Hahnemann).

Itching, smarting eyes, (Clarke, Hering, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Itching in ears. (Clarke, Hering, Allen, Hahnemann).

Itching left nostril followed by frequent sneezing (Allen, Symptom Codex, Hering).

Itching margin left upper eyelid. (symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Itching moist eruption both temples. (Allen).

Itching in bends of joints. (Hering, Hahnemann).

Violent itching in all joints in succession. (Hering).

Itching of thighs and hollows of knees in evening. (Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex).

Pruritus vulvae. (Clarke, Hering).

Leucorrhoea with much itching. (Clarke).

Itching in anus. (Hering).

Itching in urethra. (Hahnemann).

Itching all over with burning or redness. (symptom Codex).

Itching about the nipples. (Allen).

Itching herpes on the back. (Lippe).


Pressure at root of nose as if would be pressed into the head. (Clarke, Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex, Lippe).

Compressive boring or expansive pressure in head. (Clarke).

Pressive cephalalgia with confusion (clarke).

Pressing headache with dulness. (Hering).

Painful pressure at right inner canthus. (Allen).

Pressure in forehead with dulness. (Allen, Hahnemann, Symptom Codex).

Pressive constricting pain in bone beneath and in front of right ear. (Hering, Symptom Codex).

Pressure above right eye, sudden, painful, (Hering).

Swelling of nose, externally and internally. (Clarke, Hering).

Swelling of palate, submaxillary glands. (Hering).

Swelling of the gums. (Symptom Codex).

Tongue swollen, left side, hindering talking. (Clarke, Allen, symptom Codex).

Sharp pressure, small spot middle forehead in evening. (Hering, Lippe, Hahnemann).

Pain as if stomach was compressed. (Clarke, Hering, Hahnemann).

Hypochondria: pinching griping pressure, small spot. (Hering).

Violet pressure and tension in abdomen. (clarke, Hering, Allen, Symptom Codex).

Pressive aching in pubic region. (Clarke, Hering, Symptom Codex, Hahnemann).

Tensive pain in sternum. (Clarke, Lippe).

Julia M. Green