
P. 7. Two after lunch and dinner.

Two week’s treatment, with attention to diet, sufficient.

Case No. 290. Female, age 24.

Very similar to Case No. 140, but only compound tablet remedies prescribed. P. 24 B and P. 7. cleared up the condition in four weeks.

Case No. 200 A woman of 35 years.

In this instance a radionic analysis was not undertaken. The usual diagnostic methods revealed retroversion of the uterus, tenderness over the spleen and liver.

The lady had suffered from anaemia for several years; she was very constipated; given to fits of hysteria followed by days of depression. A talk revealed that she had masturbated since the age of ten, and this habit had continued even after marriage. There were no children.

Periods were irregular with a scanty flow. Considerable leucorrhoea.



Potency. Potency.

Constipation {Opi. 30 Podophyllum 30.

{N.M. 30

Retroversion {Murex 30 Achillea M. 30

{C.F. 30

Masturbation {Murex 30 {Selen 30

{Dirca 30 {Samarium 30

{Staphis 30

Anaemia Mentha Pul 30 Lyco 30

Hysteria Hyoscya 30 Aurum Mur. 30

Depression Cad. Sulph.30 Silicea 30

Menses Sepia 30 Sepia 30

Leucorrhoea Ol. Cade 30 Lilium Tig. 30

(Note.-Murex comes in for two troubles, and some of the physical remedies also act on the mental condition.)

Secondary remedies: First month, P. 15 and P. 28 B.

Second Month, P. 30 and P. 17.

For the first month a single dose of P. 58 at 11 a.m.

For the second month a single dose of P. 56 at 11 a.m.

Two month’s treatment practically cleared up all the physical troubles, and she was in a much better state mentally. The lady continued to improve after treatment.

Case No. 218. Male, age 43.

This illustrates the treatment of an acute condition.

Diagnosis: Otitis media.

Remedy: P. 26.

Dose: Three P. 26 every hour.

The pain was unbearable so two Veganin tablets were given at night. The ear started discharging early in the morning.

P. 26 was given every two hours during the day.

Pain much better; patient easier.

Slept well that night.

The ear was discharging, but less than previously.

P. 26 was now given every three hours.

On the fourth day the discharge has ceased and there was no pain. Formula P. 6. was given as a tonic for three weeks.

Eric F. W. Powell
Eric Frederick William Powell 1895 – 1991, Phys B, MNCA England, PhD, NB, was a Nature Cure Practitioner and lay homeopath, who also taught Kythymic Physical Culture.
Powell wrote Kelp the Health Giver, The Group Remedy Prescriber, Health secrets of all ages, Biochemic prescriber, A Home Course in Nutrition, Tranquillization with Harmless Herbs and other Natural Methods, Life Abundant: A Practical Handbook on the Divine Laws of Health and Healing, Salud en la cocina (Health in the Kitchen), Herbal Remedies and Nature Cure, Water Treatments: Plain and Medicated, The Natural Home Physician, Biochemistry, The Biochemic Pocket Book, Biochemistry Up to Date, Building a Healthy Heart, A Simple Way to Successful Living, Health Secrets of All Ages, Cell Nutrition and Medication for Layman, Health from Earth, Air and Water, Modern Botanic Prescriber, Balance – Physical – Spiritual – Intellectual, Healing by Auto-induction, Lady be Beautiful: Guide to Natural Health and Beauty,