Earthy Alkalies


The identity of the Hahnemannian calcium preparation with which the provings were made, deserves to be perpetuated through the ancient name. Indeed Hahnemann thought the calcium substance which he took from the snow white, soft middle layer of the oyster shell too be the purest carbonate of calcium, yet, since it corresponds to an excretory animal product, in any case it is not be calcium carbonate of modern pure chemical manufacture. But we retain with advantage the preparation which was proven on the healthy.

The provings of calcarea carbonica are found in:

1. Hahnemann: Chronic Diseases, 2nd Ed. vol. 2, p 308.

2. Koch:;Hygea, vol.5 pp. 318 and 401 with chemically prepared calcium carbonate (also p. 270 has a proving of calcarea caustica, Ca (OH)2).

3. Knorre: Allg hom. Ztg. Bd.6, p.33 (short symptomatic fragment).


Prevailing in the drug picture of calcarea carbonica is the constitution. The general conception of lymphatism gives the out line. Plumpness in the external appearance, torpid method of reaction, characterizes the type.

If we perceive the physiologic role of calcium ions in an insertion of the necessary resistance in the cells and tissues through which the tension for the rhythmic course of function is established or always re-established, then the basic trend disturbances in calcium economy is a general excess of this cell and tissue resistance, a general slowing of the course of reaction, particularly the lymph stream. Seen from the endocrine side this type goes in the direction of hypofunction of the parathyroids, the thyroid, the germinal glands and an increased demand upon the lymphocytic apparatus (thymus, lymph glands). A one-side conception of vagotonia or sympatheticotonia is not justified, but the liability of the vegetative system in general, at special phases of life an in many morbid states, offer and suitable soil for the effectiveness of calcarea carbonica.

Such a phase is fist the infantile age in which frequent vagus liability may be assumed. On this is added the rapid growth and bone formation which makes demands on calcium metabolism and can easily lead to disturbance. In the first years of life ricketic and spasmophilic states prevail. On the use of calcium preparations in the fully developed states of disease, we have already spoken. But it is especially in the prodromal stage in which the old calcarea carbonica asserts itself in spite of vitamin D therapy. Laxity of the tissues, particularly of the skin and muscles, sour-smelling sweats on the head, many complaints during the teething of children, paroxysmal spasms, acid-smelling diarrhea, lateness of learning to walk, and persistence of open fontanelles are distinct indications.

In the later ages of childhood, lymphatism is characteristic for calcarea carbonica. Here also the relaxed tissues are present, a pasty habitus, suffusion and pallor, especially of the face, and large abdomen. The children are usually, blond and give the impression of being well nourished, and the pupils are wide. The last-mentioned symptom also speaks for a vegetative liability. There exists, as generally for calcarea carbonica, particularly in this state, a great sensitivity against cold and dampness, and aggravation from washing. These lymphatic, easily chilled children sweat readily and the cold foot sweats are characteristic. Upon this constitutional back-ground unfolds the well-known picture in the skin, mucous membranes and lymph glands which is called the exudative diathesis and scrofula. Persistent, we, scabby eruption, spots with burning pain, scald head, unhealthy skin; glandular swellings especially below the jaw and in the neck but also in the groin, painful (only at the initial stage), also mesenteric glands; swelling of the upper lip; ulcerated scabby nostrils, occluded nose, blunted smell, odors from the nose (scrofulous ozena?); chronic conjunctivitis with pressure like grain of sand beneath the upper lid with burning, cutting, itching, sticking; moreover, involvement of the cornea with phlyctenular keratitis with flow of tears and photophobia these are unequivocal examples. Likewise the tendency to formation of polyps can well be ascribed to the relaxed lymphatic tendency of the mucous membranes in calcarea carbonica. Reports like dryness of the tongue at night and soon after awakening, difficulty in swallowing as from a ball or lump in the throat, and sticking pain on swallowing suggest a thickened lymphatic pharyngeal ring and the mouth breathing conditioned by it. But here calcium iodide is to be preferred.

Special symptoms in the ricketic-lymphatic complex are the aversion to milk and the desire for eggs. The calcium rich milk obviously cannot be digested; vomiting of acid curds of milk in children, the milk is passed from the intestine in white coagulated clumps, it states. Probably calcium soaps in the stools are meant in the last report. Perhaps the desire for eggs has the meaning that a phosphorus hunger is thereby signified. Such peculiarities lead in addition to the constitutional signs and the modalities much better in the selection of a drug than the signs of disease which develop in the organs.

At the time of puberty the constitutional reports in the materia medica are likewise very characteristic. It states there; great obesity and plumpness in the child. A feminine habitus with hypoplasia of the germinal glands is thereby meant. Actually I have gained a very favorable impression in a typical, well- expressed case with the prescription of calcarea carbonica in the thirtieth potency. Likewise in the age of sexual maturity, weak sexual properties and atonic ejaculations suggest a hypofunction of the germinal glans.

In girls the type is expressed as blond and obese. Characteristic is the too early, too severe and too long- maintained menstruation. The probable connection between these manifestations of ovarian hypoplasia and the disturbances of ovarian hypofunction which is often accompanied by genital hypoplasia and disturbances in calcium economy have been discussed above. The difficulty in sexual development is expressed also in painful menstruation, swelling and pain in the breast before the menses, headache alternating in the temples or crampy gastric pains at the period. A milky leucorrhoea, often itching and burning, is seldom absent before the menses. But such a leucorrhoea can also exist in lymphatic scrofulous girls before puberty and represent an indication for calcarea carbonica. The characteristic menstrual type, likewise in older women, especially in the preclimacteric carbonica. A relaxed, spongy, often polyporus mucous membranes is recognized as the cause of this irregular severe bleeding which is most susceptible to this medicinal regulation, but even bleeding from myomata is said to be favorably influenced by calcium preparations (calcium sulf. stibatum!*). During pregnancy a stimulation of the markedly involved calcium metabolism will often be useful. Toothache in the pregnant and falling out of hair in the same group are often cited as indications.

In calcarea carbonica a depressed and suppressed state prevails. Children often remain retarded in their intellectual development and are impetuous and obstinate. Depressed frame of mind, anxiety in the evening, going to sleep late because of many terrifying phantasies, anxious dreams, and phantasies during sleep, fear of illness or of losing the mind, inability or aversion to work, loss of self-confidence all endeavors, but especially mental work fatigue excessively these illustrate the psychic status in calcarea carbonica. Disturbances in vegetative equilibrium markedly depressed the disposition and again psychic alterations easily bring the vegetative function out of equilibrium. So in the neurosis are found expressions of tonus variations in the vegetative nervous system, alterations of the calcium content of the blood, and, moreover, blood calcium can be influenced by the psychic state through excitation or hypnosis.

Many complaints in the head obviously are connected with psychic and vegetative in coordination; persistent dulness, vertigo on arising and by rapid turning of the head, heaviness of the head, dulling, pressing also periodic, unilateral headache with nausea and cold hands and feet, and most characteristic of all, a sensation of icy coldness in and on the head. The headaches are provoked or aggravated through mental effort and forcible movements, but also especially by cold, drafts, and, accordingly, suppressed sweating. Also deserving of mention as an indication is epilepsy in which the attacks are always worse at the time of full moon. This report must be admitted only with consideration of the constitutional signs.

In general there is a defective power, paretic lassitude in the extremities, heaviness in the legs as if weighted with lead, coldness and feeling of deadness, particularly in the hands and feet as has already been mentioned in speaking of the head. Cold, damp, alterations of the weather, as well as sudden efforts, sprains, easily lead to stiffness and sprain-like pain in the back, lumbago-like attacks and clamminess of the extremities. The muscle relaxation and torpid exchange of fluid prepares the soil for them. An outstanding connection to rheumatic affections, however, does not exist with calcarea carbonica. Entirely unexplained, moreover, is the favorable action of the agent in painful formation of concretions, in gallstones and kidney stones, which good practitioners (for example, Hughes) have observed repeatedly. The symptom in the materia medica flow of blood from the urethra can refer either to a stone or to a polyp.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,