Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Part 2- Limitations of Conventional Medicine in treatment of diabetics

Conventional treatment of Diabetic patients is mainly focused on treating physical abnormalities found in affected patients. In fact instead of treating patients, only symptoms are treated. Fasting blood sugar, Hb A1c,Blood pressure, weight and so on.

For about 5 weeks the author has observed one of the most famous Endocrinologists at his crowded Diabetes clinics at one of the most crowded hospitals in the center of Tehran. All his efforts is focused on the diabetic patients’ physical conditions, whereas most of them had mental and emotional problems.

Once one of the patients who had become hypoglycemic and needed a small amount of sugar, came to the endocrinologist and he just said that I don’t have any sugar here then continued to talk to him about other subjects!! One of the medical doctors who had a high sense of duty went towards the nurse of the clinic and asked him for some sugar or any kind of candy. The nurse gave him some candy and it was offered to the hypoglycemic diabetic patient. He took it and felt better, afterward.

In fact spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of this syndrome are much more important than its physical aspects since the physical layer is affected deeply by the other layers. Today DM is known to be a psychosomatic disorder.

However, these patients suffer from deep spiritual,mental and emotional problems such as despair ,low vital energy and anxiety about their health, restlessness, irritability, anger, discontent, depression and suicidal thoughts that may lead to suicidal attempts.

When the author was a general practitioner and practiced Conventional Medicine, about 9 years ago, he visited a diabetic patient at his private clinic in Tehran. She was a 38 year old woman. Her father, mother and both of her brothers had died of DM.

She had suffered from DM complications especially from visual impairment due to retinal hemorrhage. So she had become very sad and suffered suicidal thoughts. She wanted to throw herself from a high place. The author did his best to increase her hope and spirit to prevent such dangerous thoughts.

Apparently she was in the state of Aurum. However the author had not started his homeopathic course yet. Therefore diabetic patients really need special attention from their physicians and they should not be neglected, because it may have irreversible and fatal consequences.

Oral hypoglycemic medicines are primarily prescribed as the first therapeutic procedure in type II diabetic patients. Most of physicians prefer not to try proper diet and guide their patients to follow an effective and systematic physical activity and choosing right food items.  Gradually these patients need higher and higher doses of the medicines because they become resistant to them after a while. Finally they can not exert any effective control on the patients’ FBG so they become hyperglycemic. Therefore insulin is prescribed by their physicians, in the next step. Since Insulin should be injected daily and continuously, a large number of patients prefer to suffer from hyperglycemia and not to be treated by Insulin.

Thus a considerable number of such patients neglect their physicians’

precautions and instructions. This in term leads to hyperglycemia and its life threatening complications.  Conventional pharmacologists have not been able to produce oral Insulin, yet. Among various categories of hypoglycemic agents, Metformin has been found to  have several good effects on diabetic patients. Weight control, lowering and normalizing HbA1c and FBS control are some of the privileges of this very useful agent. However it has been shown that it may cause foot drop due to peripheral neuritis in long term usage. Nevertheless it has remained one of the best hypoglycemic conventional medicines.

Whenever diabetic patients receive full treatment of oral hypoglycemic agents, the patients are instructed to take Insulin. So they start injecting this medicine as prescribed by their physicians. It has prominent effect on the patients’ physical condition. After being treated by Insulin for many years, some patients develop resistance to this medicine!!! What is our duty after observing this bad situation?

Should we become despair?  About 25% of the USA population has insulin resistance, according to right diagnosis (R.D.) http://www.rightdiagnosis.com. The site presents extrapolated statistics for other countries based on real portion of population of the U.S.A., Canada and Australia. For example the number of extrapolated of those with Insulin resistance in Iran is 16,875,801 out of an extrapolated population of 67,503,205.

So what is our duty in these cases?!

* Some of the different medications suggested by R.D. for the treatment of patients with Insulin Resistance include:

  • Metformin
  • Apo-Metoformin
  • Dom-Metformin
  • Glucophage
  • Glucophage XR
  • Glucovance
  • Glycon
  • Novo-Metformin
  • PMS-Metformin
  • Riva-Metformin

 Latest treatments for Insulin Resistance:

The following are some of the latest treatments for Insulin Resistance:

  • Lifestyle advice
  • Exercise
  • Simvastatin
  • Fibrates
  • Bezafibrate
  • Fish oil

Recently vastatins have been studied and research shows a direct relationship between taking vastatins and DM.

FDA warned the world against statins’ side effects such as diabetes and  cognitive disorders, on 6th of March 2012. They showed a significant increase in the risk of diabetes mellitus according to the following website; www.happyhealthylonglife.com/happy…/statins-side-effects.html. So Simvastatin is not a proper drug to treat Insulin resistance.

Metabolic Syndrome: Medscape, the famous medical website suggests the following as approach considerations in patients with metabolic syndrome due to DM:

Evaluate patients for comorbid conditions; this is generally feasible on an outpatient basis. Admission for laboratory studies and treatment of acute complications may be warranted for patients whose conditions require urgent or emergent intervention. The metabolic syndrome requires aggressive control of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. Tailor therapy for optimal benefits.

Potential medico-legal pitfalls include the following:

Failure to recognize the related conditions—insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercoagulability, and dyslipidemia

Failure to make use of appropriate and effective treatment

Failure to exclude malignancy-related acanthosis nigricans in a small group of patients



Some chemicals like aspirin have been used as Chaperones. But they have limited usages and do not cure diabetics, either. The author suggests using homeopathic remedies as an efficient complementary means of treatment in all diabetic cases especially those patients who have become resistant to oral hypoglycemic agents and or insulin. More research is suggested in such cases. Double blind clinical trials can help us to show effectiveness and reliability of the aforementioned method of healing for such patients whose life depends on our rapid decision and action.

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: http://drsadeghihom.ir/en/