Even the United States Department of Public Health is recognizing the fact that where selenium is found near the surface-which occurs in only a few places in this country- the impaired health of the community makes continued habitation impractical and dangerous. Selenium ranks 34 in the scale of atomic weights, between arsenic and bromine, and falls considerably below those radioactive elements that have long been known to be dangerous neighbours.

The series of aeroplane accidents on our Pacific Coast in 1936-7 has been attributed to the influence of uranium fields where the deposits approach the surface in certain places in California. Uranium is one of our very heaviest elements, number 92 in the scale; it is highly radioactive, and it is believed that these radiations disturbed the delicate instruments so they were useless, hence the tragedies occurred.

Consider the patient with a heart condition, who cannot endure high altitudes. We recognize this important modality, and look for the profound reason behind it. We are told that cosmic rays are five and one-half times as destructive at an altitude of 14,000 feet as at sea level. Cosmic rays are essentially destructive to all elements, especially the radioactive. Subjecting a patient hampered through his circulatory system, his vital balance already impaired, to forces known to be destructive might easily be fatal. It may be significant that these heart conditions often fall into the class of those conditions we recognize as being syphilitic or sycotic in origin (using *syphilitic and *sycotic in the sense of either the acquire disease or the inherited dyscrasia). The remedies applicable in these conditions, as we have pointed out previously, are remedies that in the majority are rated in the radioactive group.

On the other hand, the patient who suffers from atmospheric pressure and the dampness of sea level flourishes at higher altitudes. We have previously discussed the problem of sycosis as a probable over-stimulation of growth and development of certain body cells. If this individual is exposed to increased bombardment by the cosmic rays, this tends to balance the disease state, and the patient enjoys a more stable equilibrium.

Here in the field of the atom lies the final answer to our questions of sickness and health-the problems of conception, growth, vital balance, decay, Here lies the answer to our problem of cure-maintenance of normal development, retention of vital balance, insurance against premature decay. This is a challenge to the scientist with an understanding of the homoeopathic principles and their application, or to the homoeopathic scientist who comprehends the phenomena of the structure of the universe. Not in a study of the individual sick cells, but of the universe and universal law, reflected in the universal structure of each elemental atom, shall we find our clarified view.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.