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Nux moschata. [Nux-m]

      This is also one of our good remedies in hysteria. It is especially adapted to nervous hysterical people who change rapidly from grave to gay, but its great distinguishing features are its ***sleepiness, its ***bloating, and its ***dryness of the mouth. It has also attacks of fainting, the patient is exhausted from the least effort. There is a continued constant nervous tension differing from **Ignatia in that the latter is paroxysmal. The symptoms of bloating, which usually occur after eating, will call to mind **Lycopodium and **Carbo vegetabilis, but both these remedies lack the hysterical element of the **Nux moschata bloat. **Nux moschata also has a dry, nervous, hysterical cough, oppression of the chest and fainting fits. Inclination to faint is quite common with the drug. Bayes say: ” In hysteria, particularly the **globus hystericus, few medicines act more promptly.” He recommends the 3 to 6 decimal dilutions. He also says: ” In violent hysteric attacks a drop of Rubini’s **Camphor on a little lump of sugar every five or ten minutes is invaluable.” This is probably palliative, as **Camphor has no special hysterical symptoms.

Gelsemium. [Gels]

      This remedy has a few marked symptoms which indicate its usefulness in hysteria. It is especially the remedy in hysterical convulsions with spasms of the glottis. There is excessive irritability of the mind and body with vascular excitement, semi-stupor with languor and prostration. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat which cannot be swallowed, and there is a copious flow of pale nervous urine onanists, and corresponds especially to the hysteria of the later class. The rigid os so characteristic of **Gelsemium is usually found in hysterical women who suffer from great nervous excitement, hence the usefulness of that remedy in this condition. Great numbness of the extremities, also fear and apprehension; however, languor and **malaise are nearly always present. **Sulphur has copious discharge of watery urine at the termination of her spasms. This, however, is a common hysterical symptom, and little reliance can be placed on it as a guide to the remedy. Vesical irritability with constant desire to urinate in hysterical patients is well met by **Gelsemium.

Pulsatilla. [Puls]

      The hysterical symptoms of **Pulsatilla are quite prominent. It has a constriction in the throat, something there seems to impede speech. There is a constant change in the feelings and symptoms of the patient, and here we have again the profuse watery urine. Like **Ignatia, there is a melancholia, sadness, and weeping;but the **Ignatia patient weeps in solitude, while the **Pulsatilla patient gushes out her grief anywhere, and seeks sympathy and consolation and seems to be made better by it. The open air, of course, relieves the **Pulsatilla patient. Menses are scanty, and the patient complains of constant chilliness. Hysterical attacks at puberty may indicate **Pulsatilla. Fainting fits are common, and there is apt to be suppression of menses as leading up to the nervous attacks. **Sepia, too, is a prominent remedy for hysteria associated with uterine symptoms but it is easily distinguished by the general symptoms. **Apis has hysteria at puberty, with amenorrhoea and awkwardness; patient drops things, is clumsy.

Belladonna. [Bell]

      **Belladonna may be a remedy in hysteria when there is much boisterous excitement, red flushed face, dilated pupils, and the general symptoms of the drug. There is a rush of blood to the head during the spasmodic attacks and a wild look. **Hyoscyamus has the desire to uncover and go naked, due perhaps to hyperaesthesia of the skin, the silly laughter and the muscular jerkings; and **Stramonium may have its turn when the patient is full of absurd fancies, loquacity, etc., but these remedies are among the infrequent ones in the treatment of hysteria.

Kali phosphoricum. [Kali-p]

      This remedy, one of the tissue remedies, has been found clinically to be one of our good remedies in hysteria. It is called for in attacks from sudden or intense emotions, or passions in highly nervous and excitable patients; the **globus hystericus is present; there are fits of crying and laughter and yawning. There may be spasms, with unconsciousness. Abdomen tympanitic and sensitive to slightest pressure. **Kali phosphoricum may be borne in mind for these symptoms: Nervous dread without any cause, looks on the dark side of everything, sighs and is despondent; fidgetiness and trembling.

Other remedies.

**Agnus castus may come in where there is lasciviousness.

**Anacardium, where two wills, one contradicting the other, are present.

**Cactus has a few hysterical symptoms, as sadness, crying without reason, consolation aggravates, love of solitude, fear of death, whole body feels caged in wires.

**Cocculus, hyperaesthesia and faintness.

**Arsenicum, hysteria and dysmenorrhoea.

**Sticta, hysteria after loss of blood, and **Cannabis Indica.

” This remedy, ” says Hale, ” is more closely allied to the hysterical malady than any drug in our Materia Medica.” Isolated symptoms may call for isolated remedies, and more can be done by treating hysteria and its manifold phases homoeopathically than by all the nervines known.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.