Belladonna. [Bell]
The remedy in all glandular swellings of an inflammatory character with rapid swelling threatening suppuration. Swollen glands in the axillary region, especially at the climaxis, or swellings of the mammae, which are heavy, red and sensitive. Red shining streaks radiating from the glands with great heat and stitching pains indicate **Belladonna. Swelling, suppuration and induration of the inguinal or cervical glands are well met by the remedy when the attack is acute and very painful. The glands, though swollen, are never purple or gangrenous; the inflammation involves the substance of a gland, **Apis more the surface.
Iodine. [Iod]
This remedy corresponds to indolent swellings, those that are torpid and sluggish, which are large, hard and usually painless, and especially about the neck, or they may be anywhere. It has been used with some success in the parenchymatous form of goitre with obstructed breathing, but Bayes thinks it will rarely cure alone. Enlarged bronchial and mesenteric glands. Scrofulous or arthritic enlargement of the glands. The various combination of Iodine are prominent and trustworthy remedies in glandular affections. Baryta iodide for tonsillar enlargements. **Arsenic iodide when accompanied by anaemic condition, also Ferrum iodide and Calcarea iodide have many times removed glandular enlargements, engorgements and hypertrophies.
Spongia. [Spong]
Goitre hard and large with suffocative attacks; swelling in cervical region with tension and painful to touch.
**Graphites. Enlargement of glands of neck and axilla and mesenteric glands, patient debilitated; the swelling is painful and sensitive and is usually associated with some skin affection. There is great tendency in such patients to take cold.
Silicea. [Sil]
Suppurating glands. Inflammation of the breast. Suppurative inflammations of the sebaceous glands also call for the remedy. Fistulous openings leading down to the glands is a specially useful indication.
Calcarea fluorica. [Calc-f]
Long lasting and indolent glandular enlargements of the cervical lymphatic glands where the hardness is pronounced. Also enlargements of the bronchial and mesenteric glands, worse in damp weather, better from hot fomentations and rubbing, the 6X works well. Solidified indurations.
**Cistus. Glandular enlargement, especially of sub- maxillary glands with caries of the jaw. Scrofulous glandular swellings; an impure breath is an indication. The glands become inflamed. indurated and ulcerated.
Lapis albus. [Lap-a]
Enlargement of mesenteric glands and chronic glandular swellings in scrofulous children. The swollen glands have a certain amount of plasticity rather than stony hardness. Goitre, diarrhoea, etc. It tends to break down enlarged glands and bring on speedy suppuration, enlarged indurated cervical glands; goitre with anaemic symptoms and increased appetite has been cured by the remedy.
Bromine. [Brom]
Enlargement of glands scrofulous in nature parotids swollen; it suits light complexioned, blue-eyed children who suffer from enlarged tonsils. Goitre. Hard swelling of external cervical glands. It softens indurations of submaxillary and parotid gland after scarlet fever; the swellings are hard, elastic.
Carbo animalis. [Carb-a]
Indurated buboes, indurated axillary glands; they are hard as a stone in the inguinal region and the surrounding tissues even are hard. ***Induration is the keynote.
**Carbo vegetabilis. Induration of mammae, burning pains and tendency to suppuration. **Badiaga.
Enlargement of glands with indurations, indurated buboes, also **Alumina.
Conium. [Con]
In the 30th potency this remedy has a distinct, positive and marvellous power over certain glandular enlargements; possibly the 200th may do the same, but the 30th I know will do it. It will absorb hard glandular tumors, growths that can be outlined and felt. Enlargements of glands with little or no pain; it is useful for the beginning of scirrhus and especially is it indicated after injuries to glands, where stony hardness is present. Adenoma. Debilitated subjects with marked tendency to induration, extending to cellular tissue, swollen glands after burns, painless or sharp knife-like pains especially of mammary glands, but not confined to any special region.
Sulphur. [Sulph]
The great remedy for scrofulous glandular enlargements; the inguinal, axillary, sub-maxillary and subcutaneous glands are effected and the patient is of the typical Sulphur **temperament.
**Baryta muriate and iodide have a special power over the absorbents; the muriate is especially for stony hardness.
Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
Scrofulous enlargements of the lymphatic glands of the neck and axilla, which are firm and hard. Helmuth has seen adenoma disappear after this remedy, and it is especially useful after **Sulphur. The remedy has also been used successfully in goitre.
**Silicea and Apis are both credited with cures of cystic goitre.
Mercurius. [Merc]
This remedy follows Belladonna well, and it is the first specific in scrofulous subjects where the swelling in the parotid and sub- maxillary glands develops rapidly with great pain. Induration of the glands of the throat and neck. It is more useful in these disorders used in the higher potencies.
**Hepar suits the stage of suppuration, buboes and enlarged glands after the abuse of mercury.
The glandular swellings of **Mercurius are not especially sensitive and are apt to appear whenever the patient takes cold.