**Geranium maculatum in tincture is an excellent remedy to control haemorrhage from the stomach.
Natrum carbonicum. [Nat-c]
**Natrum carbonicum stands between **Nux and **Sepia; it has the hypochondriasis of **Nux vomica, as well as the morning nausea and empty retching; and it has the aversion to household affairs and the sour eructations and the foetid flatulence of Sepia, weak digestion, acid dyspepsia. It has a weak, hungry feeling in the epigastrium at 11 A.M., the same as **Sepia, Phosphorus and Sulphur. The **Natrum carbonicum patient is especially low-spirited and hypochondriacal after a meal, and the patient is worse after vegetable and starchy foods. There is distention of the abdomen with hardness and fullness as in all the alkalis. Dyspepsia from eating soda biscuits.
Kali carbonicum. [Kali-c]
**Kali carbonicum is indicated where the system is broken down by loss of fluids or protracted illness, as in **China or Carbo vegetabilis. Dyspepsia of the aged or weak, anaemic and easily exhausted patients with tired feelings and backache is met by **Kali carbonicum. Before eating there is a faint sinking feeling in the epigastrium out of proportion to the feeling of vacuity caused by hunger, with sour eructations, heartburn and a peculiar weak nervous sensation. The patient is sleepy while eating. After meals there is an undue flatulent distension of the abdomen. Everything which he eats seems to turn into gas, which is the same as under **Argentum nitricum and **Iodine. The belching is putrid and is similar to **Carbo vegetabilis, in that relieves; there may also be intense pains in the spine. All the stomach symptoms of **Kali carbonicum are aggravated by soup or by coffee. There is a desire for sugar and sweets.
Graphites. [Graph]
This remedy has tympanitic distension of the stomach and bowels, the patient being obliged to loosen the clothing as in **Lycopodium, carbo vegetabilis, Nux and China. There are burning cramps in the epigastrium and putrid eructations as in **Carbo vegetabilis. It has aversion to meat, chilliness, mental symptoms and chlorosis similar to **Pulsatilla. It has gastralgia, which is burning, crampy, colicky pain, and is relieved by eating as in **Anacardium, Petroleum and Chelidonium. Sweets nauseate and disgust, hot drinks disagree, and there is a rush of blood to the head after eating. The **Graphites patient is inclined to obesity and flabbiness, always chilly, and eruptions on the skin characteristic of the drug may be present. There is a disagreeable taste in the morning, as though he had eaten eggs. The aversion to meat is found in all chlorotic remedies, such as Ferrum and China. The flatus of **Graphites is rancid or putrid, which will distinguish it from **Lycopodium.
**Graphites is a remedy which should not be neglected in stomach disorders. Dr. Jousset, the celebrated French homoeopathist, recommends the alternation of **Nux and Graphites in most cases of dyspepsia; he gives **Nux 12 hours before meals and **Graphites 12 hours after meals; and claims that this is all-sufficient in most cases of dyspepsia; this is continued for a period of eight days and resumed after an interval of rest; but this routine method of prescribing cannot be recommended.
Arsenicum. [Ars]
A grand medicine is gastric disorders, suiting especially ” irritative ” dyspepsias and acute inflammation. It corresponds to the stomach irritation, the pains, the sickness, inability to digest food and the want of appetite so often met with in persons of a weekly state. Here, then, will be abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The pains are of a burning character, active and sore, patient prostrated.
**Bryonia has pains soon after food; it seems to lie like a stone in the stomach, but the pains are sharp and cutting and extend to shoulders and back; the complexion is yellow, mouth rather dry and a bitter taste is present; constipation and frontal headaches are accompaniments; gastro-hepatic symptoms and the rheumatic diathesis will decide.
The pain of **Arsenicum is immediately after taking food, and the irritation is shown throughout the intestinal tract; the tongue is clean, red and looks irritated, pointed. **Arsenicum is the remedy for so-called ptomaine poisoning from tainted foods.
**Hydrastis causes a decided amount of catarrh of the stomach with mucus, sour risings and loss of appetite; the tongue is clean at sides and tip, with a yellow coating down the center. This is considered by Dr. Dyce Brown as an almost certain indication for the remedy. The liver is involved.
1. Lassitude, malaise, depression of spirits.
2. The special tongue symptom.
3. The gastric uneasiness; a dull epigastric aching.
4. Loss of appetite.
5. The involvement of the liver.
6. Constipation.
These will clearly indicate **Hydrastis, and it is a wonderful remedy in gastric complaints.
**Arnica. Atony of stomach, painful contractions, fullness after eating.
Argentum nitricum. [Arg-n]
**Argentum nitricum must be remembered in stomach affections. (1) Its flatulence; it has lots of it, hence violent belching and great relief therefrom. The patient for a long time may not be able to belch, but when he does succeed in so doing the flatus comes in enormous volume. (2) ***Pain. It is a gnawing, ulcerative pain referred to the pit of the stomach. From this spot pains radiate in every direction. The least plain food makes the pain worse. Gastralgia, especially in delicate and nervous women; it may be indicated when caused by an emotion, loss of sleep or menstrual trouble. Feeling of a lump in the stomach. Intense spasms of the muscles of the chest. Vomiting of glairy mucus, which can be drawn into strings. ***Longing for sugar and aggravation from sweets producing diarrhoea, etc., Gastric ulcer, the characteristic gnawing pain circumscribed to a small spot, worse from pressure and eating, with vomiting of mucus, blood, etc., indicate it. The sixth centesimal potency is recommended by Jousset. It certainly acts better in the higher potencies.
**Dioscorea, besides its influence in colic, may be called for in stomach troubles; it is useful in the pyrosis of pregnant women.
**Ignatia corresponds to sour stomach, nausea and vomiting. Hunger and vomiting may exist at the same time. It is the remedy in the irritable stomachs of hysteria. It is the principal remedy in gastralgia coming on at night or after eating, worse from motion or pressure, excessive flatulence, especially in hysterical subjects. In fact, hysterical symptoms distinguish **Ignatia from Nux vomica.
**Iris versicolor. Here there should be liver involvement, bilious headaches, vomiting of bile, jaundice.