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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Gastric Derangements in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the grand characteristics of Nux vomica in Dyspepsia?

When it is caused by mental overwork where there is distress in. the stomach, coming on an hour or so after meals, and where the patient is cranky and irascible and where he has a dull frontal headache in the morning. There is often nausea, empty retching and sour eructations.

What drugs have distress which commences immediately after eating


Lycopodium, Nux moschata and Abies nigra.

What drugs beside Nux are often indicated in the flatulent dyspepsia of drunkards and those who use alcoholic stimulants?

Carbo veg. and Sulphur.

What is the characteristic drug for Dyspepsia of beer drinkers?

Kali bichromicum.

What is an indicating symptom for Nux vomica in an attack of Dyspepsia?

Abnormal hunger, which precedes the attack for several days.

What drug has the symptom that vomiting occurs three or four hours after the patient eats?


What drugs have pain and tenderness in the pit of the stomach, with aggravation at eleven o’clock in the morning?

Sepia is the characteristic tongue of Nux in dyspeptic troubles It is usually coated white, especially on the posterior part.

What are the special desires nd aversions of Nux?

There is strong desire for beer and bitters and as aversion to coffee.

What are the characteristic symptoms of Carbo veg. in dyspepsia?

There is a slow and imperfect digestion. a weight in the stomach and a faint, gone feeling, which is not relieved bye eating; after eating a few mouthfuls there is a sense of repletion. There is a great deal of burning on the stomach which extends to the neck. Thee is a distention of he stomach nd bowels, which is temporarily relieved by belching. There is heaviness, fullness and sleepiness after eating, and the flatulence causes asthmatic breathing and dyspnoea. the patient may even desire to be fanned.

What are some of the causes of Dyspepsia that would especially indicate Carbo vegetabilis?

Dyspepsias from overeating or high living; useful in the chronic dyspepsias of the aged. or in stomach troubles from abuSE of Alcohol.

How does the flatulence of carbo veg. differ from that of Lycopodium?

Carbo veg. flatulence is more of the stomach, while that of Lycopodium is more of the intestines.

What other drugs have heaviness, fullness and sleepiness after eating?

Nux moschata and Lycopodium.

How does Carbo veg. differ in general from Sulphuric acid?

Carbo veg. is a putrid remedy and indicated in puriec dyspepsia. Sulphuric acid is a sour remedy and indicated in acid conditions.

In the pressure caused by flatulence, how does Carbo veg. compare with China and Nux vom?

It has more upward pressure on the diaphragm, causing oppression of breathing, while China has not so much downward pressure as Nux vomica

Give another distinguishing feature between Carbo veg. and Lycopodium

Under Carbo veg. there is a tendency to Diarrhoea, Under Lycopodium the tendency is to constipation.

What are he symptoms China in Dyspepsia?

Thee is distention of the stomach, momentarily relieved by belching. Thee are sour or bitter eructations. There is slow digestion, and the patient faints easily. there is a sensation s if the food had lodged in the oesophagus behind the sternum. The food seems to lie a long time in the stomach and causes eructations, and is a long time in the stomach and causes eructations, and is finally vomited undigested. The distention after tearing a little characteristic.

What other drug has the sensational s if the food had lodged in the oesophagus behind the sternum?


What drug has a sensation as if a hard boiled egg lay in the stomach?

Abies nigra.

How is China distinguished from Carbo veg.?

Although useful in cases where there is depression of the vital powers, it does not have the belching nor the burning which Carbo veg. has.

What are the symptoms of Lycopodium in Dyspepsia?

The patient has a vigorous appetite. After eating a small quantity of food,. he feels so full and bloated that he has to force himself to take another mouthful.?the distress is felt immediately upon tearing. the patient is very sleepy after eating. There is a great deal of flatulence in the stomach and intestines, which presses upward and causes difficulty of breathing. Ravenous hunger, which if not satiated causes headache, sour taste, sour belching and sometimes sour vomiting.

What drugs have a distress which comes on about two hours after eating

Pulsatilla, Nux vomica and Anacardium.

Under what drugs is this sensation of satiety after eating good?

Arsenic, Carbo veg., China, Sepia and Sulphur.

Does belching of gas in Lycopodium relieve?

It does not.

How does Lycopodium differ from Nux vomica?

The distress immediately after eating belongs to Lycopodium, while in Nux vomica The flatus press downward rather than upward. Nux vomica has constipation from fitful intestinal action. Lycopodium from contraction of the sphincter.

What is the difference between Sepia and Lycopodium?

Sepia has a sensation of emptiness in the epigastrium, while Lycopodium, has a sensation of fullness. Both have red sand in. the urine. That of Sepia, however, r is very offensive.

What symptom has Lycopodium that is similar to one found under Argentum nitricum?

A great desire for sweets.

What drug desires especially oysters?


What characteristics has Pulsatilla in Dyspepsia?

Dryness of the mouth and putrid taste, and a sensation as if the food had lodged under the sternum. There is a feeling of fullness and weight in. the stomach, which comes on an hour or two after eating. There is a great deal of flatulence, which characterizingly move about, the chest, which is relieved by eructations. It is especially useful for dyspepsia arising from fatty foods, port or pastry, or from chilling the stomach with ice cream or ice watery. The eructations taste of the food. Tongue thickly white coated.

What other drugs have dyspepsia arising from rich and fatty good?

Ipecac., Thuja and Carbo veg.

What other drugs have stomach symptoms caused from chilling the stomach?

Arsenic and Carbo veg.

How is Pulsatilla distinguished from Nux vom?

Firstly, by the mental condition. Then pulsatilla is worse in. the evening and Nux vomica is worse in the morning. Pulsatilla has more heartburn and Nux vomica more water brash.

Give the stomach symptoms of Antimonium crudum.

Nausea and persistent vomiting occurring as soon as to the child eats or drinks. Digestive troubles from over loading the stomach a useful remedy for the ill effects of Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners; thee is the white tongue and the vomited matter containing food, and thee is a great deal of dullness, distress and distention about the abdomen; eructations tasting of food.

Give the symptoms for Anacardium.

There is a sickening feeling, which comes on about two hours after eating, a nd a dull pain in. the stomach, which extends to the spine. The great characteristics of the drug is the great relief of the the symptoms after eating. The patient is forced to eat to relieve these symptoms. Tasteless or sour eructations.

What other three drugs have relief from eating?

Petroleum, Chelidonium and Graphites.

Under what condition is Petroleum indicated?

There is ravenous hunger and gastralgia relieved by eating; it being especially useful in long, lingering gastric troubles with a great deal of nausea. Aversion to fat food and meat. Indigestion from saucer kraut. the nausea is worse from riding and motion.

How does Anacardium differ from Nux vomica? Both have urging to stool, but unlike Nux vom. in going to stool the desire passes away and there is a characteristic symptoms of a plug in the rectum.

What would indicate Chelidonium in Dyspepsia?

For this drugs to be effective, liver symptoms must be prominent.

What drug has Gastralgia which is worse from eating?

Argentum nitricum.

What are the symptoms of Sepia in dyspepsia?

There is a feeling of goneness it the stomach; not relieved by eating. There is a white coated to tongue and sour or putrid taste in. the mouth. There is an nausea are the slight of smell of god. the sepia patient is worse in the morning an evening. There is a great longing for acid and pickles, and it is useful remedy for dyspepsia from the overuse of tonics. Sensation of a lump in the stomach.

Give another drug having a sensation of goneness in. the pit of the stomach which is not relieved by eating.

Carbo animals.

What drug has nausea at the thought of food; even mention food and he vomits?


What are some symptoms of Sulphur in Dyspepsia?

There is a bitter, sour taste and putrid eructation and sour vomiting. It is useful in flatulent dyspepsia, and it has a feeling of satiety after eating a small quantity of food and it has an empty gone feeling in. the epigastrium about eleven o’clock. there is is a great desire for sweets, which make him sick, causing a sour stomach and heartburn. There is canine hunger. the patient can hardly wait for meals and is forced t get up at night to ear.

What other drug has canine hunger, causing patient to get up at night and eat?


What drugs have a hungry, gnawing feeling in the epigastrium at about eleven o’clock in the morning?

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.