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Natrum carb. and Natrum sulph.

What are characteristic symptoms of Phosphorus in the stomach troubles?

A craving for cold food and drink, which relieves momentarily, but which are vomited as soon as they become warm in the stomach; the are sour eructations and a white tongue. In chronic dyspepsia where the patient vomits s soon as food strikes the stomach it is the remedy. Perforating ulcer of stomach vomiting of coffee ground-like matter.

What other drug has this symptom of vomiting as soon as food reaches the stomach?


Give symptoms of Natrum carb in Dyspepsia.

There is hypochondriasis, morning nausea and empty retchings; sour eructations and fetid flatulence and weak, hungry feeling in. the epigastrium at eleven o’clock weak, hungry feeling in the epigastrium at eleven ‘o’clock A.M. The patient is low -spirited after a meal and is worse after vegetable or starchy food, and it is especially worse after vegetable or starchy food, and it is especially useful in dyspepsia from eating soda biscuits.

How does Natrum carb. stand in relation to Nux vomica and Sepia?

It stands between them.

What are the symptoms of Kali carb. in dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia of weak, anaemic and easily exhausted pains who have a tired feeling and backache. There is a faint, sickening feeling in. the epigastrium before eating, sour eructations, heartburn and a weak, nervous sensation. the patient is sleepy while dating, nervous sensation. the patient is sleepy while eating, and after eating there is an undue flatulence; everything he eats seems to turn to gas. All the symptoms of Kali carb. are aggravated by soup or by coffee.

What other remedies have the symptoms that everything eaten turns to gas?

Argentum nitricum and Iodine.

What drugs also have Dyspepsia from loss of fluids, or from protracted illness?

China and carbo veg.

What are the indications for Graphites in Dyspepsia?

Tympanitic distention of the stomach; the patient is obliged to loosen his clothing; burning pains and cramps and putrid eructations; there is burning, crampy pains, which is relieved by eating; there is disagree and taste in the morning, and aversion to meat.

Compare Lycopodium here.

Lycopodium has distention with great accumulation of flatus; but this flatus is not rancid or putrid as under Graphites.

What drugs have the symptom that the patient has to loosen the clothing after eating?

Lycopodium, Carbo veg., Nux vomica and China.

What drugs have aversion to meat?

All chlorotic remedies, such as Ferrum and China.

What drug has an intense desire fro coffee?


Give the stomach symptoms of Ipecac.

Intense nausea and vomiting, which is followed by exhaustion and sleepiness. Troubles arising from fat food, pork, pastry, candy, etc. The stomach has a hanging down, relaxed feeling.

What distinguishes it from Antimonium crud. in stomach troubles?

The tongue is clean, whereas in Antimonium crud. it is thickly coated white.

What other drugs have relaxed hanging down feeling at the stomach.?

Staphisagria, Tabacum and Sepia.

How is Pulsatilla distinguished in gastric troubles?

The distress Pulsatilla comes on while the food is still in the stomach; with Ipecac it is while the stomach is empty; the tongue, too, with Ipecac us clean, in Pulsatilla coated.

What are the stomach symptoms of Hydrastis?

there is a sinking, gone feeling at the pit of the stomach; an empty, gone feeling, as if the patient head suffered from a Diarrhoea for a long time; there are also eructations and some nausea. Atomic dyspepsia; tongue large, flabby, slimy.

Give the indications for Arsenicum nitricum in gastric troubles.

The patient craves candies or sweets, which disagree; thee is flatulence, which presses up and causes dyspnoea; there is violent efforts to belch, and the gas rises to a certain point, when a sudden spasmodic contraction prevents its escaping, but it is finally expelled in loud prevents its escaping, but it is finally expelled in loud report. There is severe gastralgia, the pains radiate from the stomach in all directions; they are relieved by hard t pressure and by bending double;t he pin often increase gradually, and decrease gradually as under Stannum; vomiting of glairy mucus relieves.

How does Bismuth compare in the Gastralgia?

In Bismuth it is purely nervous gastralgia, and as soon as the least food touches in the stomach the patient vomits.. Cold drinks relieve.

What are the stomach symptoms of Staphisagria?

A sensation as if the stomach as hanging down, relaxed; it seems to bed flabby and weak; a great desire for wine, brandy or tobacco. Pain in abdomen after every morsel of food or drink.

What other drug has similar symptoms?


What is the chief characteristic symptoms of Robinia?

Acid dyspepsia with weight in. the stomach and eructations of a sour fluid; intensely acid vomiting, it sets the teeth on edge.

What are he stomach characteristic of Sulphuric acid?

Extreme sourness of all vomited matters the stomach feels cold and relaxed, and the patient desires a stimulating drink such as brandy; the stomach is so walk that all food is vomited Stomach troubles of inebriates with these symptoms are greatly benefited by the remedy.

What are the stomach symptoms of ARsenicum?

Burning, grasping pains in. the stomach followed by great prostration and vomiting; the vomiting is severe; the patient vomits water as soon as it becomes warm in. the stomach the stomach is very irritable, and it is a remedy for irritable stomachs of drunkards; there is heartburn and gulping up of watery substance.

What are the digestive symptoms of Bryonia?

Food distress the patient as soon as he takes it lies in the stomach like a hard load; there is a white or yellowish-white coating on the tongue.; there is a faint, weak feeling in witting


What is the sphere of action of Cadmium sulphate

It is a cross between Arsenic and Bryonia and comes in between those two drugs in certain stomach conditions where we have the characteristic Arsenic symptoms and a desire to keep perfectly quiet, as under Bryonia.

Give the stomach symptoms of Calcarea.

Pressure in the stomach, the pit of swollen like a saucer turned bottom side up; sour vomiting an ravenous hunger in the morning; the patient cannot bear anything tight about the waist.

What are the stomach symptoms Hepar?

Craving for acid, alcoholics and strong tasting substances;l hunger and gnawing in the stomach cannot bear anything tight about the waist.

What are the indications for the use of Abies Canadensis?

There is a gnawing or burning in the stomach, a hungry, faint, walk feeling with craving for indigestible or unsuitable articles of food.

What is the great characteristic of Abies nigra.?

A sensation s if the patient had swallowed some in digestible substances which had stuck in the cardiac extremity of the stomach; a hard boiled egg sensation;; dyspepsia from abuse of tobacco.

Give the stomach symptoms and cravings of Alumina.

Constriction on swallowing nod, and the patient is always worse after eating potatoes,; there is craving for chalk, charcoal, slate pencil and other indigestible substances.

What are the dyspeptic symptoms of Arnica?

Throbbing headache ad drowsiness after a meal; tendency to putrescence, foul breath, shiny tongue, belching of gas which tastes like rotten eggs; tympanitic distention of the abdomen, foul-smelling stool and a great deal of weakness.

What are the stomach symptoms of ferrum met.

There seems to be no secretion in the stomach capable of changing the food, and it is vomited as taken. The appetite is ravenous.

What are the digestive and bilious symptoms of Iris versicolor?

Severe burning distress in. the stomach, vomiting of food, vomiting of excessively acid substance, s with distress over the liver.

What are the digestive symptoms of Ignatia?

Bitter taste in. the smooth and regurgitation of a bitter fluid; gastralgia and hiccough, relieved bye eating and smoking. Empty, gone feeling and great nervous depression. empty retching, r relieved by eating; the patient vomits simple good, but retains such things as cabbage.

Give the stomach symptoms of Kali muriaticum.

Dyspepsia, with white tongue; pain after eating liver sluttish. fatty food disagrees indigestion, with vomiting of a whitish mucus, with gathering of water in the mouth.

What are the gastric symptoms of Kali bichromicum?

Bitter vomiting, mixed with mucus, renewed by every attempt to eat or drink; fullness even after eating a small quantity, worse from meat; dyspepsia from beer.

Give the gastric symptoms of Calcarea phosphorica.

Excessive flatulence; the patient craves ham, bacon, salted 9r smoked meats. Enlarged mesenteric glands; pain after a small quantity of food.

What are the digestive characteristics of Colchicum?

Extreme aversion to good, nausea and loathing at the thought of food; he gags at the mere mention of food; loss of appetite, great debility and brown tongue.

What are the digestive symptoms of Belladonna?

Pain in the stomach, worse during a meal. Gastralgia, pains go to spine, not much thirst.

What are the stomach symptoms of Natrum muriaticum?

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.