Stomach Digestive

Gastric catarrh: nausea and vomiting.

Loathing; for food and drink.

Desire for acids, pickles. Worse for vinegar.

The typical Antim crud. patient is Sentimental: peevish: dislikes to be touched or looked at.

Colocynth [Coloc]

Frequent vomiting. vomiting caused by Pain.

Annoyance or distress may result in extreme pain in any part of body, causing vomiting.

Agonizing pain in abdomen, only relieved by bending double and pressing hard into abdomen.

Colics, better heat and pressure. (Mag. phos.).

Robinia [Rob]

A great remedy for Heartburn and acidity. Everything turns into acid. “The chief keynote of Robinia is acidity, especially if the time of aggravation is night.”.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Fullness, flatulence, distension and bloating of stomach and abdomen (Argentum nit., China).

Discomfort, pressure, tenderness, heaviness in stomach after eating a little. Must loosen clothing.

Very Sensitive to pressure there.

Sudden, easy repletion. Loses appetite after first mouthful: – or, eating increases appetite.


Typical nervous dyspepsia of the brain-worker coming on in afternoon and better in evening after getting home and being at peace-often felt only on leaving office in evening. Hunger headache.

The typical Lycopodium patient:-

Craves sweets (Argentum nit.), hot drinks.

Is worse from cold food, flatulent food, cabbage, onions, oysters.

Is generally better in the morning.

Worse 4-8 p.m. is very typical of Lycopodium In fevers, and pneumonias, also.

Worse afternoons and evenings, better later.

Likes, and fears to be alone. “Want to be alone with someone in the next room.”

One of the “anticipation drugs”. Dreads ordeals- speaking in public-singing.

In Lycopodium the intellectual predominates over the physical: and it is the intellectual that is apt to suffer-memory, etc.

Argentum nitricum. [Arg-n]

Flatulent dyspepsia (Lycopodium, Carbo veg., etc.)

Gastric derangements accompanied by belching.

“Belching after every meal, as if stomach would burst; belching difficult, finally air rushes out with great noise and violence.”

Irresistible craving for sugar, and sweets.

Fluids “go right through him.”

Red painful tip to tongue, papillae prominent.

Characteristic symptoms:-

Apprehension. anticipation, even to diarrhoea (Gelsemium). Examination funk (Aethusa).

Queer fears: of high places: of corners: of walls closing in.

Worse shut in anywhere.

Hurried feeling. Must walk fast (Lilium tigr.).

Carbo veg [Carb-v]

Great distension of the abdomen with gas.

Constricting and cramping pains from distension.

Belching, and sour disordered stomach.

Burning in stomach: anxiety: distension.

Constant eructations, flatulence, heartburn, waterbrash.

If he eats or drinks, abdomen feels as if it would burst. (China, etc.)

Worse lying down.

Aversion to fats and to milk.

Longs for coffee (Bryonia), acids, sweet and salt things. (Argentum nit.).

“Aversion to the most digestible things and the best kinds of food.”

“Mince pie fiends.”

Relief From Belching: headaches better from belching; rheumatism and other Sufferings better from belching. Always belching.

In Carbo veg. the face flushes to the roots of the hair after a little wine.

A chilly patient-with air-hunger. Coldness.

Burnings. Internal burnings with external coldness.

“Sluggish, lazy, turgid, full, distended, swollen, puffed.”

“Veins large, relaxed, paralysed.”.

Carbo animalis [Carb-a]

The rapid and magical relief of abdominal distension after abdominal operations that follows a dose of Carbo animalis 200 must be seen to be believed.

Colchicum [Colch]

Colchicum has great meteoric distension of the abdomen. (Lycopodium, Carbo veg., Carbo animalis, China.)

Aversion to food: loathing the sight, and still more the smell of it (Sepia, Arsenicum).

The smell of fish, eggs, fat, meats and broth causes nausea even to faintness. smell of cooking gives extreme nausea.

Great distension of abdomen with gas.

Violent burning in epigastrium.

His suffering seems intolerable to him: external impressions, light, noise, strong smells, contact disturb his temper (Nux).

Gouty patients Worse extremes of heat or cold.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

In dyspepsia, “If you have seen a typical case of Asafoetida you will wonder where all the air comes from: it comes up in volumes.

“Expulsion of wind like the sound of a small pop- gun going off almost every second.”

Loud belching: flatus is not passed down, but all upwards.

Offensive: Asafoetida is offensive everywhere: “Horribly offensive”. liquid stools of most disgusting smell.

Puffed, venous, purple faces. Asafoetida is “fat, flabby and purple.”

Hysterical spasm of oesophagus and trachea.

Graphites [Graph]

Aversion to animal food and sweet food.

Constrictive or gnawing pain in stomach: in empty stomach: with relief from eating.

Pain in upper abdomen. Great distension in abdomen.

The three characteristic symptoms of Graphites in stomach complaints are:-

Relief from eating.

Relief from hot food, and drink. (Chelidonium)

Relief from lying down.

Ornithogalum [Orni]

Dr. Robert Cooper’s little proved, but valuable remedy in gastric ulcer, even malignant.

Distension of stomach and abdomen.

Belchings of mouthfuls of offensive flatus.

Must loosen clothes.

Writhing in agony. Pains worse at night, spread to heart and shoulders.

As if an iron brick were being forced through the stomach and chest.

Cooper says, “Ornithogalum, in those sensitive to it, goes at once to the pylorus, causes painful spasmodic contraction of it, and distends the duodenum with flatus, its pains being invariably increased when food attempts to pass the pyloric outlet of the stomach.” Cooper gave a single drop of the O (allowed to act for several weeks.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.