

Diarrhoea as soon as begins to eat or drink.

Stools undigested: offensive.

Restlessness: constant distress.

“Arsenicum has anxiety, restlessness, prostration, burning and cadaveric odours.”.

Hepar [Hep]

      Sour smell ( Calcarea): white ( Calcarea) foetid evacuations: undigested stools.

Seems better after feeding. ( Nat. mur.)

“Does not play: does not laugh.”

Chilly: oversensitive: to cold: to dry cold; to draughts ( Nux., Sulphur); to touch.

Mind also oversensitive: every little thing makes him angry, abusive, impulsive (Nux).

Quarrelsome ( Nux).

Little injuries fester ( Silicea) are fearfully sensitive. Ears discharge: threatening mastoid.

Lax, chilly, sweats all night.

Worse cold: better warm: wrapped up ( Silicea).

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      “Oversensitive: irritable: touchy: never satisfied. Violent temper: uncontrollable.”

“Jerks things about: tears them up.”

Very chilly: cannot uncover (rev. of Sulph.).

“Always selecting his food, and digesting almost none.”

Yellow, sallow, bloated face.

Constipation: Alternating diarrhoea and constipation.

Irregular peristalsis: i.e. contents of intestine driven both ways: i.e. fitful or fruitless urging to stool.

Natrum carb. [Nat-c]

      Nervous withered infants: cannot stand milk: diarrhoea from milk. Aversion to milk.

“A nervous, cold baby, easily startled.”

Better for eating: eats to keep warm.

All-gone feeling and pain in stomach, which drives him to eat; constantly “picking”.

Abdomen hard and bloated: much flatus: loud rumbling.

Worse and esp. hungry at 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Headache from any mental exertion.

Ankles “turn”–weak.

Magnesia carb. [Mag-c]

      Puny and sickly from defective nutrition.

Milk refused: causes pain. Passed undigested.

Griping colic. Limbs drawn up for relief.

Stools sour, green, like frog-spawn on pond: or with lumps like tallow. ( Coloc., but has not the green, slimy stool.).

Petroleum [Petr]

      Emaciation, with diarrhoea by day only.

Hunger immediately after stool.

Aversion to fat, meat and open air.

“Coldness ( Calcarea) and sweating in single parts.”

Offensive feet and axillae ( Silicea)

Dirty, hard, rough and thickened skin.

Skin fragile, crack deeply ( Graphites).

Eruptions worse in winter, better summer.

Hands crack and bleed: worse in winter.

Chilblains, sea and train sickness.

“Constant hunger with diarrhoea, but can’t eat without pain: emaciation: eruptions: unhealthy ragged fingers that never look clean: can’t wash them, as this chaps them.”

“Hands and feet burn: wants palms and soles ( Sulph., Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Medorrhinum) out of bed.”

(“Don’t be too sure of Sulph. because soles burn, or too sure of Silicea because feet sweat.” -Kent.).

Baryta carb [Bar-c]

      “Dwarfishness: mind and body. Mental dwarfishness, and dwarfishness of organs.”

“Suspends development that makes child into man or woman”. ( Baryta mur.)

“Emaciation in those who have been well nourished.” ( Iodium, etc.)

“Enlarged glands: enlarged abdomen: emaciation of tissues, emaciated limbs and dwarfishness of mind. You have there the whole of Baryta carb. marasmus.”

Shy, bashful. Easily frightened.

Other disease products may have to be considered, in cases that make no progress, such as.

Lueticum [Syph]

      Dwarfish ( Baryta carb.). Marasmic.

Worse at night.

Impulse to wash hands.

Where Syphilitic taint is the bar to progress.

Medorrhinum [Med]

      Sycotic taint blocks progress. Poor reaction.

Lies on abdomen: sleeps in knee-elbow position.

Fiery-red, moist, itching anus ( Sulph.).

Worse by day (opp. of Luet.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.