
Are you suffering from Jaundice? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Jaundice….

Aconite [Acon]

      Aconite alone will often remove the whole disease, or Mercurius, provided the patient had not abused it previously, in which case China should be given.”


Agonized tossings. Anxiety. Urine dark and hot.

Attacks sudden and with violence.

Unquenchable thirst for large quantities, but drinking increases the thirst.

Everything but water tastes bitter.

Tenderness pit of stomach.

Mercurius sol. The liver furnishes much trouble. Our forefathers for years too blue mass every spring to regulate the liver. They physicked themselves with it and tapped their liver every spring with it, and as a result they has worse livers than they would have had if the doctors had stayed at home.- Kent.

Skin yellow: great itching, worse at night, worse warm in bed.

Intense thirst with moist tongue and much saliva. Taste bitter: sweet: saltish: putrid.

Tongue large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth ( Chelidonium).

Profuse sweat, which does not relieve: may stain yellow.

“Rarely give Mercurius if tongue is dry.”

Characteristic, Worse lying on right side.

Characteristic, offensive sweat and saliva.

Chelidonium [Chel]

      “Pressive pain liver region. Bitter taste in mouth.

Tongue thickly coated yellow, with red margins showing imprint of teeth.

Yellow whites of eyes, face, hands, skin.

Stools gray, or yellow as gold.

Urine yellow, of dark brown, leaves a yellow colour on vessel.

Loss of appetite, disgust and nausea, or vomiting of bile.

Patient can retain nothing but not drinks.

A usual characteristic symptom, right infrascapular pain.

In acute or chronic cases.” Nash.

Digitalis [Dig]

      Excessive jaundice, with slow weak heart and ashy- white stools. Nash gives an interesting case of Digitalis jaundice. A young man of good habits was taken with nausea and vomiting. He was drowsy, and after a couple of days he began to grow very jaundiced all over. The sclerotica were yellow as gold, as was, indeed, the skin all over the body, even to the nails. The stools were natural as to consistence, but perfectly colourless, while the urine was as brown as lager beer, or even more so. Where you could see through it, one the edge of the receptacle, it was as yellow as fresh bile. The pulse was only thirty beats per minute, and often dropped a beat.

This was a perfect Digitalis case of jaundice, and this remedy cured him perfectly in a few days, improvement in his feelings taking place very shortly after beginning it; the stools and urine gradually taking on their natural colour. The characteristic slow pulse was the leading symptom to the prescription, for all the rest of the symptoms may be found in almost any well-developed case of severe jaundice.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Sullen: surly: scolds and abuses if talked to.

Chilly if he moves or uncovers: can’t turn in bed because if air gets clothes it makes him chilly.

Bitter taste: bread tastes.

Face yellow.

Liver may be swollen, indurated, sensitive, sore.

Hyperaesthesia, mental and physical.

Jaundice after anger ( Chamomilla).

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Jaundice caused by a fit of anger ( Nux).

” Chamomilla has a bad temper, Nux is malicious.”

Inflamed liver from vexation or pain.

Nearly wild: “Cannot bear it” from pain or irritability.

Oversensitive mentally and physically ( Nux).

Natrum sulph. [Nat-s]

      Dirty greenish coating on tongue: bitter coating on tongue.

Constant taste of bile.

Jaundice after anger ( Chamomilla, Nux) with hepatitis.

Cannot digest starchy foods.

Food wells up-regurgitation.

Distention and weight p.c.: almost constant nausea ( Ipecac.).

Vomits slime, sour, bitter.

Liver engorged, worse lying left side.

Cutting pains in engorged liver: soreness, acute cases.

Myrica cerifera [Myric]

      Proving shows “an accurate picture of severe catarrhal jaundice.”

Dull : drowsy: despondent: giddy.

Eyes congested and yellow.

Thick, yellow, dark, dry coating on tongue: renders it almost immovable; also on palate.

Sensation as if pharynx would crack.

Taste bad, foul, bitter, nauseous.

Stools daily paler, till destitute of bile.

Jaundice of infants.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Jaundice, with liver symptoms.

Liver, especially right lobe, lies like a load.

Soreness to pressure: cannot move.

Worse motion, touch, respiration.

A deep breath causes pain through liver: it burns and stitches. When he coughs, it feels as if liver would burst.

Chionanthus vir. [Chion]

      Enormous liver: constipation: stools clay coloured: Skin and urine as in a severe cases of jaundice: great emaciation.

Hypertrophy of liver. Obstruction of liver in malarious districts.

Sore liver: stools undigested showing absence of bile: urine almost black.

Chronic jaundice.

Jaundice of years standing, recurring every summer.

Sensation of something alive and moving in stomach ( Croc.,. Thuja).

“Jaundice with arrest of menses.” Clarke.

Aurum muriaticum natrum [Aur-m-n]

      “Obstinate cases of jaundice, with alternating white and black stools.” Nash.

Leptandra [Lept]

      Has a reputation for jaundice: its typical stools are “black, tarry, bilious, with a jaundiced skin.”

Burnings, hepatic region.

Sore bursting ache over gall-bladder or liver, extending to navel, or left scapula.

(<) Cold drinks-motion.

(>) lying on stomach or side.

Dolichos [Dol]

      Jaundice, white stools.

Violent itching over the body, without visible eruption.

Sepia [Sep]

      Inflammation of liver: enlargement with jaundice, pain, fullness, distension. Distress in region of liver.

Typical Sepia has loss of affection: indifference.

All-gone, empty, hungry feeling, not relieved, or not long relieved by food.

“When these symptoms group themselves, gnawing hunger, constipation, dragging down sensations with the mental condition, it is Sepia and Sepia only.” Kent.

Bitter eructations: bitter vomiting. Nausea especially in the morning.

Relief from sleep, from a short sleep ( Phosphorus).

China (Cinchona off.) [Chin]

      Swollen, hard liver: with pan, worse touch.

Obstruction gall bladder with colic and jaundice.

Taste bitter warm food, to coffee.

Canine hunger at night: or loss of appetite, especially in foggy weather.

Abdomen distended, tympanitic: must loosen garters and waistbands.

Worse fish, fruit, wine.

Flatulence almost to bursting: loud eructations with no relief.

Weakness and debility: worse draught of cold air.

Nitric acid [Nit-ac]

      Jaundice: pain in region of liver: urine scanty and strong- smelling: very restless after midnight.

Chronic affection of liver: jaundice.

Liver enormously enlarged: clay-coloured stools. “Liver-cake” of ague.

Stitches in liver region.

Typical Nitric a. craves salt and fats.

Its pains are stitching, “splinter-like” pains: sharp on touch.

Depressed, irritable: anxiety about his disease.

Berberis [Berb]

      Bilious colic followed by jaundice.

Sticking, stabbing pains in liver: has to bend over.

Years ago a villager used to come from time to time to beg a few twigs from our Barberry tree. He used the yellow fibers just below the bark, steeping them in beer, and drinking a wine- glassful every day, to cure his “yaller jaunders”.

Carduus mar [Card-m]

      Bitter taste.

Tongue white, with tip and edges red.

Nausea: vomits acid, green fluid.

Fullness liver: tension and pressure, worse lying left side.

“Liver complaints with jaundice.”

The usual clay-coloured stools and dark urine.

Plumbum [Plb]

      ” H.N. Guernsey claimed great powers for it in jaundice; whites of eyes, skin, stool and urine all very yellow, and I have prescribed it with success.” Nash.

Nash’s great indication for Plumb. is, Great hyperaesthesia with loss of power.

Iodum [Iod]

      “Chronic: not due to obstruction.” Clarke.

Typical Iodum: emaciates while eating well.

“The same restlessness and anxiety of body and mind as Arsenicum but if the patient is hot-blooded we would never think of Arsenicum, if a cold-blooded and shivering patient, we would never think of Iodine.” Kent.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Jaundice: after intermittent fevers; especially after abuse of quinine: after Mercury.

Induration of liver.

Painful bloatedness right hypochondrium.

Typical Arsenicum has extreme restlessness and anxiety (see Iodum). Chilly, with burnings relieved by heat. Prostration out of proportion, as it seems.

Arsenic causes jaundice. One remembers a case of acute arsenical poisoning. Face deepest yellow, almost black: bringing up mouthfuls of dark bloody material: unconscious: convulsed from time to time. It was a question of Phosphorus, or Arsenicum But turned out to be Arsenic.

Conium [Con]

      Jaundice with intense vertigo: when lying: on turning or moving head, or eyes.

Must keep head perfectly still.

Liver may be hard, swollen, tender.

Objects may look red, rainbow-coloured.

Weakness and dazzling of eyes, with vertigo.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Jaundice with liver symptoms. Phosphorus causes and may cure, congestion, fullness, pain, tenderness, induration of liver.

Phosphorus craves cold food and drink : ices.

Is worse lying on the left side.

Is better after sleep, even a short sleep ( Sepia).

Usually loves salt: fears thunder-the dark-being alone.

Crot. hor [Crot-h]

      “Jaundice, (?) more of haematic than hepatic origin.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.